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The Walking Dead – 4.16- A – Review : Welcome to Terminus

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    Last night, The Walking Dead concluded its fourth season with “A”. I must say I have mixed feelings about this season finale. I absolutely loved the first part of the episode, with the flashbacks and Daryl and his new friends finding Rick, Michonne and Carl. The part when they arrived at Terminus was a bit disappointing for me. It’s funny because I really wanted them to arrive there so they could be all reunited, I thought it'd be the most interesting part. But when Rick and when they actually arrived there, I told myself it was actually  more interesting when they were on the road.
   The Walking Dead used to have explosive season finales. I loved “TS-19” from season 1 and “Beside the Dying Fire” from season two is a classic. Last year, "Welcome to the Tombs” was great but this year, it kinda felt like “A” wasn’t the season finale but the episode right before it. I miss a huge tension (sorry but Gareth wasn’t it for me) and I expected at least one major death, there was none.

   Still, “A” was a great episode. It explored Rick and Carl’s relationship once more, deeper than in “After”. Rick and Carl’s relationship, their father and son bond is one the major element of the show. Now that Carl is getting older, his relationship with his father has become really more interesting.
   We explored their relationship through flashback, during those 30 days without an accident. I was glad to see Hershel again. I miss him so much. (BTW, it was nice also to see Carol and Tyreese back at the prison). The flashbacks were really informative and I enjoyed them. We finally got to know how Rick become Rick the farmer with no gun back in the beginning of the show. It was thanks to Hershel, who helped him to catch some rest and to parent his son. Hershel made Rick understand his action, his behavior has direct consequences on Carl. He is still a influenced boy. It explained Rick’s new attitude this season.

   Also, those flashbacks felt quite tragic because they showed how much Rick had lost because of The Governor’s attack on the prison. They had a little Paradise back then. They were safe, they had food, they could even plant and have pigs. Now, they’re surviving in the forest, with no shelter and eating cans. The peace at the prison helped Rick coping with everything that happened before, but now he is back to square one.
   Rick was still in the woods, with Michonne and Carl. He taught Carl how to trap animals, and they all watched some stupid guy eating eaten by a group of walkers. There was a huge place for you to run into the woods, man, why did you scream ? How did you manage to survive this long with so low surviving abilities ?
   Anyways, at the night, while Rick and Michonne were talking and Carl was trying to catch some sleep in an abandoned car, Joe and his friends came at them. That scene was my favorite of the episode. I was so scared for them. Joe had his gun on Rick, Michonne had a gun on her too and a creepy disgusting man had his eyes on Carl. I had no idea how they could get out of it. Daryl appeared and I thought they were saved… He asked Joe to let Rick go and kill him instead but Joe decided to kill all of them, starting with Daryl, because he broke his rule about lying. But Rick had to do something and so he fought off Joe. It was crazy but the craziest part happened when Rick ripped out Joe’s throat with his teeth !

   That was so awesome. I’ve never expected Rick to do that. But, he had no choice. If he wanted to live, he had to kill Joe and with no weapons, teeth are a good option. So, after that, Michonne and Daryl shot Joe’s men. They were just redhsirts after all. They had no other purpose. Joe could have lived but he would have been too much of Merle. The last one of the men was with Carl and he actually tried to rape him. This season, they are really pushing the line. It was shocking, like Lizzie killing her sister was, but I understand they’re showing there are still sick people who do wrong things in the world… Rick decided to take care himself of the man and it was disgusting. He stabbed him, again and again, right in front of Carl. Apparently, Rick didn’t remember what Hershel told him.

    After that horrible night, they finally arrived at Terminus, but before going in, they decided to check it out and split. Of course, Carl chose to go with Michonne, rather than his father. Then came my second favorite moment of the episode : Michonne’s talk. She explained to Carl what explained to her son. She was at a refugee camp with Mike and Terry. But one day she came back, and Mike and Terry got bitten because they were high… André died too. So, she made them her walker pets. I was satisfied to finally got the answer to that.
   But what was important, is that Michonne told Carl she lost herself after that, but thanks to Andrea, and Rick and himself, she came back. So, his dad and him can come back too. It was very hopeful and what Carl needed to hear after what happened. I love their relationship. They’re good to each other.
   Rick was being quite smart before going in Terminus. They entered by the back door and surprised the people there with their arrival. First, they seemed weird. I wasn’t getting a good vibe from Gareth. But, everything went fine and they were invited to stay and to have lunch outside.
   I felt weird not seeing Glenn and Maggie there. Quickly, Rick, being an ex sheriff, noticed something was off with that place : one of people had Hershel’s watch, a girl was wearing Maggie’s poncho and some tall guy had Glenn’s uniform from the prison… Okay, I was worried for a second Glenn, Maggie, Bob, Sasha, Abraham, Rosita, Eugene and Tara were really dead (and eaten).

   But no, there were all in a train. Rick, Michonne, Daryl and Carl got there after a quick run in Terminus. The weirdest part of it was the white room with candles and writing on the walls such as “We First, Always” “Never Trust” “Never Again”…. I want to know more about that place… And about Terminus and its people. For me, it felt like a letdown. I wish they would have explained a bit more about them. Okay, from the comics, everybody knows they probably are cannibals. There were several hints (they grow stronger every time someone comes in, “the more people become a part of us,” said Alex and finally “That’s why we put up the signs, invite people in… it’s how we survive”) but I wish they would actually shown something like Beth being chopped up and cooked. I’m not liking this pseudo suspense about Terminus.
   The episode ended on Rick saying “They’re gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out,” . “Find out what?” Abraham asked. “They’re screwing with the wrong people”, Rick concluded. We know what they all capable of, specially now it's clear Rick is capable of anything to protect himself and his kid so I can’t wait for him to kill Gareth and his crazy friends. Too bad we didn’t learn more this season about Terminus, but I’m guessing they will be a great part of the first half of season 5.

   “A” wasn’t the episode I’ve expected, and maybe that’s why I felt a bit of disappointment at the end. But, it was an excellent episode, a nice conclusion to the fourth season. This season really felt like one story, specially with the flashback sending us at its beginning. The second half of the season was definitely stronger and I really enjoyed it. I could feel the turn in the show’s direction. They focused on their characters and it felt right and it was so beautifully written. We watched Rick’s evolution, to farmer in a prison to throat ripper. I’m not sure which one I like best yet. Guess I have to wait till October. I also enjoyed everyone else evolution, specially for Carol this season.

Walker notes : 
• What does “A” stand for ?
• Did you miss Carol and Tyreese ? Do you think they are being cooked or are they just on their way to Terminus ?
• Some zombies action thanks to Michonne. She is always perfect with her Katana.
• First, I thought the Terminus’ snipers were the worst of the world…. Until I understood they didn’t want to damage the meat…
• Rick’s brother… It was a great scene between those two tough guys. I never doubted Rick would forgive Daryl for being with Joe’s group. It was nice to watch Rick calling Daryl his brother. Daryl has always been trustworthy and loyal to Rick. Rick, Daryl, Michonne and Carl makes one hell of a team. They’re the four ones the writers can’t kill off yet. It’s funny they were the last one to arrive at Terminus.

   It has been a great pleasure to review The Walking Dead this season, thanks to everyone for your comments and discussions, you made reviewing this show way more interesting than I thought it’d be. See you next October !

About the Author - Romain Ossust
I'm 27 from France, living near Paris. I love a lot of TV shows, (this is a non exhaustive list) : Orphan Black, True Blood, Dexter, Weeds, Person of Interest, Criminal Minds, 24, Ab Fab, Carnivale, Lost, The Americans, American Horror Story, Once Upon A Time, Desperate Housewives, Glee, Ugly Betty, Scandal, Looking, Sleepy Hollow, The Walking Dead, Raising Hope, Orange is the New Black, Grey’s Anatomy, HIMYM, Girls, ...
For SpoilerTV, I'm reviewing The Walking Dead, American Horror Story, Looking, Continuum, Sleepy Hollow, The Americans, True Blood & Orphan Black

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