Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon The Blacklist - Episode 1.21 - Berlin - Promo

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The Blacklist - Episode 1.21 - Berlin - Promo

29 Apr 2014

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Thanks to TvPromos.Eu for the better version.


  1. I can't believe we've come to the 2-part season finale already. I hope Red can make up a little ground with Liz before the end of the season. I'm guessing all hell is about to break loose so there may not be time for that. Either way, it's going to be an agonizingly long hiatus.

  2. who is Berlin? why is he going after Red? I guess we know next week

  3. Berlin is Liz real father! and Red is his little brother ! xD

  4. That was my first thought as well! XD

    Or.. The promo using the word "man" is misdirection and Berlin is Red's assumed dead wife trying to ruin Red's life since he is responsible (at least indirectly) for their daughter's death..

    Or...Any number of people we have not even heard of! XD

    Bring on the final episodes!

  5. Oooh, tha'd be awesome (the dead wife angle). I would love that!

  6. Oh, ok. Maybe Berlin is the guy who killed Red's family.
    Red took revenge on him but felt sorry for Lizzie (or couldn't bring himself to kill a little girl who reminded him of his own daughter) and took her away from (the fire and) him. He took Lizzie away from him just as he had taken his daughter away (by killing her) and placed Lizzie hidden with his friend and the person that raised Liz.
    Berlin searched for Lizzie for a long time while gaining power (and getting more evil, of course), and that is the real reason behind Berin's obsession with Red's business. Berlin needed to know a lot about it to be able to identify where Lizzie was.
    Berlin found out about Lizzie but couldn't just come up to her and say: I'm your real father and international evil-mastermind, so he started to keep tabs on her and on Red in order to get his revenge on Red.

  7. I like it!

    I've thought Lizzie was in a tug-of-war between Red and his nemesis from the beginning, but never really had an idea why. Your theory would cover the motive nicely.

  8. My theory still is Red is Liz father and he saved her from the fire gave her to her adopted father to keep her safe because obviously Liz is his weakness because in a early episode when his lady friend got shot he didn't open the pain room but when Liz was held a gun point he demand Ressler give him the code even though he does his on thing he stop to always help her I think Berlin is Liz mother because she have said that she doesn't know if her mother is alive or dead and she planted Tom in Liz life to get to Red

  9. Hhaha! XD

    I like to think outside the box and form at least one wild theory for every show. Rare they are accurate. but when they are... WOW! XD

  10. Certainly possible!

    I go back and forth about Red being Liz's dad. Right now I'm in a "not" phase, but that can change at any time! XD

    I like the Liz's mother angle!

  11. That's an interesting theory, but I don't think it accounts for Red's intense paternal feelings for Liz. If your theory is right then I get why he wouldn't kill her when she was young but why would he insinuate himself into her life now. I think their connection must be more tangible than she reminds him of his little girl.

  12. Can't wait for the two-part finale! It looks like it's gonna be quite a ride!

  13. You know I never considered Berlin being a woman, it would be a good twist tho, very Alias 'The Man' lol

  14. I think he projects his daughter on Liz because Liz was also the victim of some power struggle between bad guys. She was unjustly caught up in the midst of it and he had probably just lost his daughter back then.
    Maybe saving and supporting her is the only good thing that he did after he turned purely evil (after his family was killed). She might be the last thing connecting him with his humanity and the past in which he had love for others and cared.
    This could be much more about what SHE MEANS to him, what he projects in her and what saving her meant for him than a mere biological connection.

  15. Guys, wrong show, this is Blacklist, not OUAT :P

  16. This looks so amazing, I can't wait!

  17. My theory is that Liz is the heir to some shadowy organization (I'll just call them 'scar logo') founded by her now deceased father. Red was a close friend or relative of her father who promised to protect her and to make sure she got what was rightfully hers. Berlin is the person in charge of the organization now and has no intention of relinquishing his/her power to anyone. To me, this would explain why on multiple occasions that Red has specifically mentioned to Lizzie that the various people he tasks with doing random stuff 'work for' Elizabeth.

  18. I like your theory, Cathy. That would explain Red's connection with her without her needing to be his biological daughter (a theory which I personally don't like). Either way, looking forward to finding out!

  19. It might just be me, but in the promo one of the only things I noticed about the mysterious figure in the plane that I assume to be "Berlin" is that his hands look very hairy & manly. Not to say a woman couldn't have hairy hands, but hmmm... :D

  20. Ok promo shows hairy hands on the plane, so I'm leaning toward Berlin being a "he" lol.
    I do not belive Red is Liz's father because it's already been adreesed and answeed when she asked him outright and he said no. He's never lied to her.

  21. LOL, I noticed the very manly hands, as well!!

  22. Agreed. I feel like This last episode back up the theory of Red NOT being her father because he says he never lied to Liz and then in The Kingmaker he tells the truth that Yes, he did murder her adoptive father. he could have easily said no.

  23. That's my theory too!


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