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Once Upon a Time - Season 3 - Wicked vs Evil Promo

30 Apr 2014

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  1. Glad there's new footage :) ( even if it's 2 sec )
    Who are you rooting for? Evil or Wicked?
    Evil for me of course!

  2. I am afraid to press play and be submitted to too many Wicked puns, but I am curious.....I'm just soo fed up with the whole "this is wicked", "that is wicked", "it's not quite's wicked" blah blah.....*eyeroll*

  3. No Wicked puns in there:)

  4. "No, this is the wicked West" :(
    Love the show and Rebecca Mader but the wicked overdose is killing me

  5. Evil of course! ;)

  6. I cringed when she said that,so tired of hearing that word! Makes me want to smack her,lol...

  7. Oh, you're right, didn't hear it the first time!

  8. I love the way Rebeca plays Zelena, love to hate her. Seems like White magic is rising in Regina, maybe cause there is a true love bun in the oven.

  9. White magic from Regina? (0.49-ish) Or did they figure out how to channel Emma's powers or something?

  10. It seems to be coming out of Regina's hand so maybe she's found a way to channel it as you said. Or maybe with Regina making good actions and everything, she might have "won" some light magic.

  11. Gabby Pastén Zúñiga30 April 2014 at 19:45

    I really hope in the end it comes down to evil vs wicked, instead of savior vs wicked. The light vs dark it's been done so many times that the plot is beyond boring and cliche! Dark vs darker is so much more interesting imo

  12. They promoted this half of the season that way so I was thinking the same thing but right now it seems as if Regina's getting less and less powerful and she's doubting herself even more. I think that ultimately Emma will defeat Zelena, although I'd love for Regina to discover magic in herself in a different way, not just through vengence and anger, sth that's not as pure as Emma but also not as dark as she used to be.

  13. maybe they somehow used Zelena's curse on Hook to transfer Emma's magic to Regina because even if she's less powerful, she knows how to use it. Although I prefer you first option;)

  14. Evil of coursem but i like Rebecca Mader, her Wicked Witch and whole wicked things.

  15. I do like both Rebecca Mader and the Wicked Witch but if I had to choose, I'd go with Regina without a doubt.

  16. Finally, Regina. Finally!

  17. everyoneissleeping1 May 2014 at 12:38

    It’s amazing how fast that pun got old, isn’t it?...

  18. Omg that was too good I cannot wait for Regina to kick some a**e!!! She just needs to realise how strong and powerful she is, she seems to have forgotten how amazing she is.

  19. Promos like this one has made me want a true "Evil vs Wicked" ultimate showdown, that's more evenly matched, with Regina able to hold off Zelena. Although I think the Light Magic vs Dark Magic storyline sounds interesting, I can't help but feel a little let down that this 'battle' seems to be becoming more about Emma, the Savior, against Zelena, as opposed to sister against sister, the latter of which would be much more interesting, in my opinion.

  20. Yeah, I too wanted the 'battle' to stay being between Regina vs. Zelena. The way they've been promoting it, you'd think it's all about Evil vs Wicked, sister against sister. But, from the most recent episode, and this storyline of dark vs light magic, it seems like the battle is becoming more about Emma, the Savior, against the latest villain, again.


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