Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Grimm - Episode 3.19 - Nobody Knows the Trubel I've Seen - Sneak Peek 3

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Grimm - Episode 3.19 - Nobody Knows the Trubel I've Seen - Sneak Peek 3

24 Apr 2014

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  1. Nick has always been very casual about that trailer.

  2. I wouldn't say that. Who has he brought to the trailer whom he hasn't implicitly trusted... besides maybe his mom?

  3. I mean he hasn't thought to hide or move it, or to safeguard its contents, even when he's been persecuted.

  4. Episode looks good. Can't wait to see it. Hopefully the ratings pick up as it reached a series low last episode. Presumably because of all these damn hiatuses seemingly every other episode or two.

  5. I like the possibilities of where having another Grimm around (albeit untrained and ignorant of improtant things) can go as long as she is an ally....

  6. The live ratings for most network shows tend to take a dip in the spring when the weather gets better. It's no big deal.

  7. Yeah if she becomes a villain then my eyes will roll. Not sure what to make of her character yet. Guess I'll have to wait and see.

  8. Maybe hes just eager and excited with the prospect of an Grimm out there.

  9. I am of the opinion that Nick should train her but not take her to the trailer until she is ready.

  10. Agreed. It was a nice scene but he shouldn't have taken her there so soon.

  11. I agree. He could have taken a few of the books home to explain Wesen to her. No need to let her see the weapons, potions and all the stuff in the trailer before she even knows what a Grimm is.

  12. Christian Nicolai Neumann26 April 2014 at 00:24

    WEE! a padawan!


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