Tessa Ferrer (Grey’s Anatomy) has landed a recurring role in CBS‘ upcoming summer drama series Extant, from Steven Spielberg’s Amblin TV and CBS Television Studios. The serialized mystery thriller centers on Molly (Halle Berry), an astronaut trying to reconnect with her family when she returns after a year in outer space. Her experiences lead to events that ultimately will change the course of human history. Goran Visnjic, Michael O’Neill and Grace Gummer co-star.
Ferrer will play Katie Sparks, the athletic, intelligent astronaut who is the daughter of ISEA Director Alvin Sparks (O’Neill). Known for being a problem-solver and over-achiever, she is forced to make a terrifying decision when faced with unimaginable terror.
Ferrer will play Katie Sparks, the athletic, intelligent astronaut who is the daughter of ISEA Director Alvin Sparks (O’Neill). Known for being a problem-solver and over-achiever, she is forced to make a terrifying decision when faced with unimaginable terror.
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