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Arrow - Episode 2.21 - City of Blood - Sneak Peek 2

30 Apr 2014

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'Arrow' sneak peek: Felicity makes an emotional plea to Oliver -- EXCLUSIVE VIDEO
Watch Sneak Peek @ EW


  1. Just when I thought I couldn't be more excited for tonights episode!

    This strikes me as being a bit of the calm before the storm. Can't wait!

  2. Poor Oliver. God how i love team Arrow moments. So the info Felicity told about her mother makes me think i can exclude Ivo as Felicity's father.

  3. Team Arrow for the win! That's a great scene, really powerful and well acted.

  4. Good scene. It has been too long since the core three have had any quality alone time. That seems kinkier than I mean it to but you get my drift.

  5. got to fight back against Slade.......can't let him win

  6. "Omg Diggle do something!!"

  7. Well this certainly explains the Laurel stuff I heard about. she will be the one that gets him to fight back. she gets that info on Blood

  8. Now now. You already got yourself a Haylijah kiss last night so don't get greedy.

  9. Pretty sure it's Thea who will be the one to get Oliver to fight back... Laurel will probably be too busy doing her thing and taking down Blood with her father!

  10. Oh i'm not asking for a kiss. But a confession would've killed me. I want her to keep her secret of feelings to herself. I love Olicity, but i also live my TEAM ARROW! I hope both Felicity and Diggle can help him through all this.

  11. LOL When i meant Diggle do something. I meant DIGGLE HELP OLIVER! Not Diggle force Felicity and Oliver to kiss. lmao....good to see where you're at though. haha

  12. I did not know it was possible to be mor excited for this show or more addicted to OLICITY!!!!

    I have been proven wrong once again.

  13. The whole Oliver / Felicity dynamic is still way too one sided for me. I wouldn't want anything happening there until Oliver finally shows an interest in her similar to the interest she has in him.

  14. Same here, He cares for her a lot. But he doesn't see her in a romantic light yet. (I may be a shipper but i'm not blind). They've developed a lot in my eyes, and i like their build. I can wait another season or two for them to have a kiss. I like what they have now. Besides, Ollie just got dumped by Sara, just lost his mother, his student is far too gone and in some semi comatose state. He's not ready for any type of relationship-esque situations right now.

    I just want him to get through this. HOWEVER, if Slade touches one hair on Felicity's head, i want Ollie to kiss EVERYBODY!! Lol

  15. It might happen in the finale. I mean the EPs did say they will evolve their relationship by the end of the season... I just hope that if they do, they won't make Felicity solely the object of Oliver's affections. And like Emily Bett said in an interview before, I want them to earn it before they start a relationship. I also hope that before they do start a relationship, Oliver will truly get over Laurel (because I'm not in it if Oliver isn't in it 100%). Alas, this is the CW and that might not happen :/

  16. "I just want him to get through this. HOWEVER, if Slade touches one hair on Felicity's head, i want Ollie to kill EVERYBODY!! Lol"

    I second that.

  17. So since we know Felicity is from Vegas, do you think her father is Kent V. Nelson (AKA Doctor Fate)? In the comics he has a daughter, is divorced, and his base operations is in Las Vegas. I kind of like the idea of Felicity being tied into the DC universe even though it’s not directly tied to Oliver’s backstory…

    Also it could possibly mean we get to see doctor fate next season#he may not have magical powers but maybe he's really intuitive and a genius as well as a psychiatrist#sort of like the mentalist 2.0... It would be pretty interesting to see!

  18. I'm honestly not that invested in any of the romantic entanglements on this show. I just stated what I did because I don't want to see Arrow force through a lopsided, hastily evolved relationship because viewers are clamoring for it. I just want whatever happens to be well written and well thought out in advance.

  19. To each their own to be honest! Regardless I completely agree with you. The romance on Arrow has been half baked at best the past 2 seasons so I hope they up their game in season 3.

  20. not so sure it seems Ollie and Laurel are the ones that are in some industrial looking building filled with Slade's army so I'm thinking she must tell him at some point what she finds out courtesy of her snooping w/daddy.

  21. I think he tells her he is Arrow, early on, in this episode.

  22. I wouldn't want to see full on Dr Fate but a Realistic take on the character could be interesting

  23. What? Diggle was Hydra all along?! ;)

  24. yeah, I guess he could but she already knows that. although it could be like Smallville where Lois already knew but they still had Clark tell her.

  25. Yes, she knows, but he doesn't know she knows. We have seen the start of him telling her -- but it will open up their relationship and working together, which I think will motivate him to fight back

  26. Agree and you're right. it would do wonders for their future working together relationship. And even if they don't have him tell her just yet it would be something to look forward to. I'm just glad that she finally knows.


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