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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

The 100 - Pilot - New Promo

7 Mar 2014

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  1. So looking forward to this. Really like some of the cast, especially Paige Turco, Henry Ian Cusick and Marie Avgeropoulos

  2. Yep, the show I look most forward to!

  3. This is one of the shows we will be covering pretty extensively here at SpoilerTV, We've seen a few episodes and really like what we see! Stay tuned over the next few weeks!

  4. Looks amazing! Hope it does a lot better than TTP in the 9pm slot.

  5. So sad I wasn't there where the episodes were able to be watched... next time maybe:)

  6. It has to! I have this strong feeling that it's going to be a hit!
    If it does a 0.4 like Star-Crossed, I'm going to cry really hard

  7. I'm so looking forward for this show, i only hope it does great i will be sad if it pulled 0,4 or 0,5

  8. I'm hoping for at least a 0.8-0.9
    What do you expect it'll do?

  9. I don't know. Since Arrow has been weak this last few weeks, I'm not really sure.

  10. I really hope this show will be successful....looks promising

  11. YES !
    I'm so stocked for this !

    No romatic focus in any of the promos and more of a sci-fi/Lost mix...I'm SO in


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