Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Star-Crossed - Episode 1.04/1.05 - And Left No Friendly Drop/Dreamers Often Lie - Review

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Star-Crossed - Episode 1.04/1.05 - And Left No Friendly Drop/Dreamers Often Lie - Review

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Oh man, let's talk about a great episode and then a not so great episode. At least one these episodes were a great example of how this show can get things right. In 1.04 the tension between the two races was put on display all while revolving around an emotional center. While I'm afraid we will never learn anything about the other three members of the Atrian Seven, we did learn more about Sophia. It seemed like here is where the show will start embracing it's potential and well, count me in. In episode 1.04 the show fell below a million viewers and a tenth in the demo, and episode 1.05 gaining one eyeball and retaining it's 18-49 average. Star-Crossed firmly sits on cancellation predicted on SpoilerTV's own cancellation Table, and I have to agree. Within the 3 years of following ratings, I've only been shocked by the CW twice, when they renewed Hart of Dixie and The Carie Diaries within their respective freshman runs.

Normally this would worry me, but the way this show is powering through loose threads I don't see it ending on too much of a cliffhanger. Episode 1.04 didn't mention Black Cyper or have an appearance by Vega, but it did bring a new mystery, which brought together Roman and another of EM's friends. At the end of the hour we had the answer to the mystery, we also got some more insight into my favorite shady lady as well.

Because this is Last-minute thing and I had a crazy two weeks, I'm going to get through it pretty quick this week, and fingers crossed get this week's up sooner.

What Happened:
Roman and the phone of Mysteries: Things are not going so great for Roman and Co. in the wake of Nox's death. It appears someone has told the Sector guards that they have restricted tech hidden within their home, and they take to ransacking the place to find it. Roman refuses to believe his father would have unauthorized equipment like that, but their mother proves them wrong by pulling out a phone, something only Trags would have access to. Their mother reveals it was theory fathers and Roman is in disbelief that his father would be a Trag, but if the guards found it, he would be painted as one, so he agrees to dispose of it.

Before it's destroyed Roman wants to figure who exactly his father was contacting with the phone. So he takes it to school and sees Julia(Who is eternally grateful in case you didn't catch that)and asks her for help. She tells him she can't help him, but she knows someone who can. Their conversation is ended when Emery appears. Julia quickly makes up a story to tell Emery but you can see Emery is not buying it. In class, we get the first appearance of Stephanie Jacobsen in her recurring role as Ms. Benson. This scene provided us with more insight into what makes the Atrians such a different species. Atrians have two hearts and two sets of lungs, and can absorb oxygen from air and water. They age faster and are sensitive to salt and dry air and are allergic to a lot of human food, such as cilantro(Random?) and Caffeine(The horror). The most important thing we learned? Atrians and Humans can have sex, and Drake has great endurance that Taylor wouldn't be able to handle. (How long till these two have hot, passionate hate-sex? Writers you better fulfill that before this series is over)

Lukas gets pulled into the #Whatsonthephone(I'm gonna make a hastag happen dammit!) fray by Julia much to Roman's dismay. Lukas assures Roman he can trust him and then tells him the phone had been set to auto erase if left idle too long but all was not lost, and Lukas starts to got to work to recover the lost data. Lukas informs Roman that all the phone ever did was text back date and times to one other phone up until a few weeks ago, but that there was one video attached to a text that he could decrypt given some time. Roman tells him to keep the phone overnight where it's safer.

At home, Roman's mother is in a panic because the Sector guards returned for the phone, somehow they know Nox had it. Castor is there as well and he tells Roman he has no idea why his father had the phone, and before he can finish his sentence about the Trags, Roman cuts him off. Castor then tells Roman his father was hiding the phone for a reason. Roman, suspicious after being frisked by the guards confronts Julia and asked if her or Lukas told anyone. Julia tells him of course not. Roman wants to destroy the phone, right away, but Julia tells him last she saw, Lukas almost had that video decrypted. Roman runs off and of course Em is right there and saw them talking, Julia tries to lie to Em, and Em tells her not to, if she's gonna keep secrets at least don't lie to her about it. (You go girl!)Lukas reveals to Roman the video but before they can see whats going on, they are interrupted by Gloria and the sector guards who tells the guards to take Roman into her office.

Gloria tells him having the terrorist phone could have gotten him sent to the CRATE, ruined the integration program and his family's lives. Roman tells her it wasn't his and she tells him she knows, and says that it was his fathers. She tells him the techs were able to determine that much but nothing else, and that this was over. Roman still has questions, but Gloria tells him that his father was not a terrorist and to forget the phone and then destroys the memory card. (What does that paperweight weigh that it was able to turn that card into powder?)

Roman can't leave well enough alone and asks Lukas to trace the number of the person his dad was texting and see if they can find that phone. Lukas knows this is a bad idea but agrees and sets up a pinging system to locate and find the phone. They turn it on and find out that the phone was within a hundred yards, at the school. (It was here I started putting everything to together? )

Lukas walks over to Roman after the swim meet debacle as he is gazing at #GrayEm (sounds like Graham) and tells him that he lost the phone signal somewhere in the burbs. Later, Gloria is talking to Castor and reveals she was the one who ordered the guards to find the phone and that Roman remains clueless. She then watches the video crying, and it reveals to be her son, "Showing daddy how he swims". Who is daddy? Well that would be NOX.

On my radar-
Could Grayson be telling the truth about his not Red-Hawk ways? That seems to be the question Em is grapling with this week. Sure, Grayson is leaving her flowers and apologizing, but Roman is ignoring her and running around with her friends. (How does a girl decide? Grayson left Stargazer Lillie's on Em's locker in an attempt to apologize for what went down on Memorial day. Emery wants to believe that he is sorry and not a liar, but she just can't right now and hands him back his precious flowers.

Grayson's display of support for Sophia to join the swim team, won him some brownie points with EM. She may not trust his parents, but she should trust him(Yeah, OKAY.)So after bonding over wanting a normal existence, he asks her to come out to the swim team's, Carb load dinner. After seeing Roman duck off with Lukas, she agrees. At the dinner they quiper-sate and mutually agree this is a date, while BDH Eric gags internally(As do we Eric, as do we).

After the meet, Julia and Em reconcile after she reveals she knows about Cyper. Em understands why Julia kept Roman's secret but not why Roman is avoiding her, to which Julia reveals that he does care about her and he'd be with her if he could. But Em, doesn't want a relationship where she needs to be protected all the time, so she's glad Roman has Julia and Lukas to talk to. Grayson hunkers over and he and Em banter about being normal and about his wound before he ends up planting a kiss on her, and then she kisses him back, as Roman looks on. (Sorry Ro-Bro but I'm all for this ship. I like Em's chemistry with Grayson, and he may be an evil bastard but #IWILLGODOWNWITHTHISSHIP)

I'll carry you even in death

Sophia really just wants to swim and be apart of a team. She thought she'd make friends outside of the sector, but that just doesn't seem to be happening. She tells Emery, who walked up on her admiring the swim team trophies, that Nox teaching her to swim was one of her earliest memories and she hasn't been able to swim since they arrived here. Em who noted earlier in the conversation they must be excellent swimmers had an idea. She takes Sophia to the school pool where Sophia proceeds to do laps as BDH, Grayson (Both swim team members look on) Taylor, Emery and others look on as she beats BDH's record. BDH is displeased and says she wasn't even in form, but guffaws at the idea of going head to head with her, he can't risk get anymore diseases that I'm sure he already has plenty of.

Somehow, within minutes Gloria is involved in what appears to be a pro/con debate about Sophia joining the swim team. BDH would rather they have a dolphin join the team, but surprisingly it's Grayson who advocates on Sophia's behalf along with Em and gets Gloria to agree to take the matter before the board, if they can be on their best behavior. Roman, of course feels Sophia is being stupid and making herself a target, Sophia feels this is what Nox wanted and that's why she's doing this, he may want to figure out what he was up to with the phone, but this how she wants to honor him.

The day of the meet, the Atrian Seven are met with protestors as they get off their bus, and one of them pours water on Sophia(Oooh Water!) and Roman goes to help her but his whisked off by the guards and frisked, presumably for the phone and determined clean and he goes to her side. (HOW DID NO SCHOOL OFFICIAL OR GUARD SEE THAT CAMERA COME IN?)Gloria then lectures the Atrian Seven about Jackie Robinson and how sports were used to overcome differences in race before, but to do that, they needed to be model citizens, and that Teri, needs to use her words. Teri, doesn't want to be paraded around for Gloria, but Sophia helps them realize it's not for Gloria, but for her and her father.

Em brings Sophia a new bathing suit and as Sophia goes to put it in her locker, they find a doll that looks like Sophia with a knife in it. Roman shows up and tells Sophia this is over but Sophia still wants to swim. Roman starts to run off after Sophia but Em intercepts and tells him she knows he wants to protect her, just like he's been interfering in her decisions to protect her, but she is her and safe. Roman tells her it's because of him she is, because he protected her. She looks at him confused, but he won't tell her what he means.

A rival swimmer from Collier approaches Sophia and offers her a drink as a peace offering, she has no qualms about racing against an Alien you see, and sweet, naive Sophia just takes the drink from her and has a sip. The girl then reveals there was caffeine in the drink as Sophia starts choking and gagging. BDH and the Collier swimmers stand around as she falls to the floor and Julia comes running from somewhere and rushes to Sophia's aid. Julia runs to get help and Grayson and Em come around the corner and rush to her aid as well. Roman appears after Julia gets him and with Em's help they get her into the locker room. Teri, confronts the Collier swimmer who gave Sophia the drink, she tells Teri, it's not her fault E.T. drank it. Then Teri delivered my line of the night. "What you are saying makes me feel unwelcome and and filled with rage. There I used my words." And then she headbutts the girl. And then a fight starts. Which makes it's way to the pool, and even BDH Eric gets in on the fight, fighting alongside Drake against those goons. At one point, after knocking out a swimmer, Drake winks at Taylor, who smiles back and tells her friend to deal with it. The fight rages on until Gloria and Guards come and break it up.

Meanwhile in the locker room, Roman pulls out some Cyper(How is he just carrying some around?) and wants to heal Sophia but Ms. Benson comes in and won't leave until the paramedics arrive. Roman rushes off to a corner and Em follows and ask why won't he heal her? Roman says he can't while Benson is around. Em deduces this is an allergic reaction and goes for the Epi-pen and stabs Sophia with it, who goes lifeless for a minute before recovering. Gloria, having called the Marshall team into the auditorium informs them that they have forfeited all further matches. Sophia tries to take the blame, but Gloria takes fault for trusting them, but then applauds them for fighting together, something she and Nox wanted when they envisioned this program. Sophia then asks can they at least swim since that's they came here for, and Gloria gives them one hour with the pool.As the team swims, we get treated to Roman and emery sharing a moment where, he thanks her and she smiles in return, and for the first time I saw something between them. Maybe not speaking is the key to their chemistry.

Later that night, Roman apologizes to Sophia for being overprotective, it's just that with their dad gone, he feels responsible for her, but he knows their dad would have been proud of her. She asks him about the phone and he tells her, he didn't figure out who their dad was talking to but he will.

This was a great episode. It never really felt like a filler ep, even though it had no real linkage to what happened last episode. I enjoyed the social issue at the center with Sophia joining the swim team, it didn't wipe away the adversity but it did untie them for the moment. I do wonder if that girl will get charged with attempted murder, because that is what that was. I do love Grayson and Emery together, I feel like I've got to see them develop a connection, the one she supposedly has with Roman. I especially liked the reveal of Gloria's baby daddy, I theorized that it was Castor, but it was Nox. I can't wait to see how that skeleton effects Roman. I thought that Em was a real Mary Sue, but Sophia puts her to shame, who just takes a drink from an enemy and doesn't get suspicious. Has she never heard keep your enemies closer? Most Atrians fear humans for a reason, I know it's good to be positive, but you should also be careful. Other than that I have no real complaints with this episode. (ALSO DRAYLOR NEEDS TO HAPPEN)

Episode LVP: Julia. Poor Julia was merely an after thought this episode. She got the Bonnie treatment, as she was merely used to move the story along and direct Roman from one room to another. I was hoping we'd see how vyre impacted her, but we did not. Let's not waste Malese Jow any more, okay?

Episode MVP: Sophia. Maybe it's the actress (Brina Palencia), maybe it was the writing, but I was pleased with her this episode. Her ambition to honor her father felt organic to me and definitely moved this episode along. We may never learn anything about the other three Atrians in the program, but focusing on Sophia this episode was great.

Final Grade: A. I honestly can't complain, the writers did a fine job with adding some meat to the bones with this episode. I actually yelled with joy at several parts. Hopefully the momentum continues.

So, did it? read on for the quick recap and review of 1.05, Dreamers often Lie.

What Happened:
A whole new world
So this episode our obligatory force the humans and Atrians together plot was the start of a new part of the integration program. The Atrians would be allowed to explore Edendale further, as long as they are back within their curfew. (This means trouble ya'll) Of course this is met with a mixed reaction, Sophia seems excited, Em deosn't know if it's safe, Teri wants to stay in the sector, and Taylor's lackey and BDH Eric are in opposition. Gloria tells them there will be rules and guards and that if they abide by them, it could lead to more freedom for all Atrians.

Following their dismissal, Em congratulates Roman on their new found freedom and banter about those mean streets. She wishes him luck on their new beginning, and he thanks her and wishes her luck on hers too, as he looks off at Grayson coming their way.(Ouch)Grayson is excited because he's gotten them two tickets for a midnight screening of The Omen where they can cuddle and what not. (He appears way more into this than she does, where is her mind? Perhaps on Roman?)

Roman asks Lukas about the phone they were trying to ping from the last episode, if he had any luck finding it, because he hoped to find out who it was while they were in town. Lukas tells him whoever had the phone turned it off after the swim meet and it hasn't been on since.

So I was really excited because we got the return of Vega and the Cyper box this week. Vega is holding a Trag meeting and is telling them the new phase of the Atrian integration program will allow them to take the next step in their plan. She then decides to use Drake and not her eager looking daughter Teri, to deliver the box to their undercover Atrian on the outside. Drake will slip her a note and meet her and deliver the box to her, she will take it from there. (#Whoisthemole?....No, wrong show?...)

Over in the burb's, the most ridiculous thing was happening, My favorite Shady Lady Gloria, was watching as her house was being vandalized by some Red-Hawk's(Because alarm systems are so passe. It's not like she lives in a town with two feuding factions or anything like that)What I assume is her mother is not happy as she watches on from the safe room, she feels this is Gloria's fault with her new phase of integration program, but Gloria insists she did this for her son, so he could have a future. She tells her if they'll beat a human supporting an Atrian, what do you think they would do to her son? Gloria decides she'll take her son to Eljida, the Atrian Safe Haven, except there's one problem her mother points out. Nox said only an Atrian can find it.(Wah, Wah, Wah)

Over in Datesville, Em is chatting up how incredible it is that Atrians will be able to walk the streets tomorrow, she then asks him if his parents are going to plan any attacks on the Atrians. Grayson assures her that they just hate the Atrians, they don't want to hurt them.(Um, sure, it's not like the Atrians killed their child or anything...oh, wait). Em apologizes for asking and Grayson forgives her and goes for a kiss but his phone rings and he says it's Eric, and that he needs a ride. Em starts to go with him, but Grayson asks her to just save him a seat.(What did she expect, she 's going on about her crush's race and then talking up his psycho parents, that's not setting the mood. I'd bail too)

Turns out Grayson was going to pick up Eric, oh, and also the same Red-hawks from inside of Gloria's home. They are trying to make a get away as sirens of a cop car blare in the background, Eric and the Redhawks ditch the truck as Grayson sits in the car, the officer emerges from his vehicle and notices the red spray paint in the back seat. (#CAUGHTREDCANDED)

The next day Em approaches BDH Eric because Grayson never returned to the movie, not was he in school today. After trying to shake her, he admits that Grayson was arrested but to know more she had to ask Grayson(You guys know how I feel about #GrayEM, so I'm upset knowing this will not help Em's trust issues with Grayson. She won't believe his story.) Meanwhile, Lukas tells Roman the phone has pinged back and it's in the school. They locate it on the third floor in a a storage room. It's inside of a bag with a note from his father wriiten in a color spectrum only Atrians can see, explaining how to get to Eljida. Before I could scream setup, Lukas is telling Roman how dangerous this is and how this could be a set up. I'm pretty sure Roman heard none of it though.

After school the Atrian Seven arrive in town square as planned, before exiting the bus, Teri, tells Drake to give her the cube. The guard frisking them likes brunettes and never checks her bag. Drake reluctantly hands it over. After exiting the bus Drake asks Teri for the cube back. Teri, has other plans, she's going to keep the cube safe, while he signals his meeting. Drake is skeptical, but Teri tells him that Vega ordered her to help him after he left.(YEAH, RIGHT) As he heads off we see that Taylor is eying Drake, she wants to figure him out, he's not like other boys, so she sees Sophia talking to Lukas and snatches her up for "Shopping"(Draylor lives!!!). At the store she starts with flattery and then asks Sophia about Drake. Sophia reveals, well, she reveals nothing.(He's a man of mystery)

Someone should listen to Adele Dazim
Lukas, left alone is approached by Roman, clearly not listing to anything Lukas said earlier, wanting to know about nearby rivers so he can start his search for Eljida. Roman is just going to search the entire bayou, but luckily Lukas helps him decipher a clue about Ebbingson Road and off Roman goes. Right as Drake puts his letter in place to signal a meeting with the undercover Trag, Roman comes up and has a seat, asking Drake about Eljida. He and Drake then discuss that the only way to get there is through Jeystur the gatekeeper/boatman but to summon him you must light three fires. Roman then asks Drake if he wants to help him find Eljida, tonight. Drake blows him off with the excuse he wants to lay low. Looks like you're riding solo Ro-Bro.Roman heads off into the woods, and because he is an Atrian he can see the path to Eljida that Gloria, who is following him can't. (I'm having a hard time as to why exactly Roman wants to find Eljida. His dad isn't there, so does he think the person who left the phone is there? Even then why would a free Atrian risk leading a teen Atrian being heavily watched, to a safe haven?)

Back at Red-Hawk manor, Grayson's parents tell Grayson that even though he wanted to take the fall, they won't let him and have already arranged for Eric to confess. They'll have a job lined up when he gets out and his family taken care of; it's a sweet deal. (I may dislike Blonde Douche bag human, but I do feel sorry for him here)They are interrupted by Em coming by to see Grayson. I thought Em would be pretty upset with him, but she's not, she even offers to help Grayson clear Eric's name, because she trust him. NEWSFLASH:I love #GrayEm. It's worth noting that Eric doesn't seem to want to be saved, because when Em and Grayson probe him for details, and he gives them a few, but he doesn't believe they'll be usable. (I'm sorry but why do we care at this point if he doesn't?)

At the Bug, Drake and Teri arrive and wait for the informant to appear. Taylor and Sophia return from shopping and Taylor gives Sophia a dress while eying Drake sitting alone. Sophia, elated, is approached by Lukas who asks if she wants to look over a menu together, Taylor seizes the opportunity to get rid of her and tells Lukas that Sophia would love to and then she makes her way over to Drake, who doesn't want her to have a seat, because he's waiting for his fellow Trag. But she sits anyway leading to the sexiest case of mistaken identity, ever. She thinks he knows she's talking about hooking up, he thinks she the Trag looking for the cube. She leads him into the restroom and starts undressing much to his confusion. Though, when she starts undressing him, he gets into it, and then they..get into it. After they get into it, Drake is still in dark as to the fact that Taylor is not the Trag. A few minutes of confusion and water splashing later, Drake realizes she is a human and not his contact.

So who is the contact? Taylor's lackey, who now has had more screen time than the other three members of the Atrian Seven. She is not pleased Teri has come to the meet in Drake's place and refuses to talk to her.(I wonder how old she is, seeing as she called Teri, Little Girl)Drake emerges from the bathroom and sees Teri and the lackey, and she calls them both idiots (Also I'm going to start calling people I don't like Iwaps). She makes it seem as if the Trags will be upset to learn Drake slept with Taylor, and to save his excuses, they are behind schedule and have work to do.

They take the cube and leave but not before Taylor sees them leave together. She consoles herself by drinking and playing darts, she's interrupted by Teri, and offers her a drink. Two scorned women, this can't be good. They bond over their hatred for Drake and it seems like the bonds of friendship were sort of forming.

Meanwhile, Roman has found a dock that says Jessy's Tours, but some of the lights have blown so it says Jeystur. Coincidence? I think not. He then starts working to set three fires to summon the boatman. After a while Gloria comes upon the fires, looking for Roman. Roman emerges from the shadows and reveals he knew it was a setup he just didn't know it was her. He asked her why and she gives lies. He refuses to help her unless she tells him the truth, which she sort of does. She tells him she loved his father and that he loved her and wanted there to be a safe place for them if integration failed. She then asks him to show her Eljida since she told him the truth. He tells her she's standing in it. He had been there for hours and no one came, it was just a myth, like his father he says before walking away. (#HOPEFORELJIDA)

Grayson and Emery ended up heading to the biker bar where they presume that the Red-Hawks Eric is taking the fall for are. They spot their target's bike and find out his name is K.P. Grayson wants to go in alone and get a look at his face, then call the cops, but Emery believes in the buddy system They make their way in only to be met by their target with a gun to the head. Grayson thought he would be able to use his parents clout as leaders of the Red-Hawks as leverage to get them to ease up. Except this just made them want to kill him more, so it wouldn't get back to them. Emery smartly took control and told them she had already sent their faces and names to their friend Eric who would notify all the Red-hawks in America if they didn't walk of the bar alive.(Well played Em)

So what did Drake and the Trag get up to? Well, after telling him she was going to tell Vega that he slept with Taylor, she told him so start digging. She reveals that getting her marks removed hurt, just as he strikes something. That something was Beaumont's body, which apparently will be useful to them. They plan on planting the cube with the Black Cyper inside of Beaumont, which will grow and spread it's spores in the air killing the humans. She hands it to Drake to bury and he hesitates. She then tells Drake how the humans in the Sector sent her father into the crate and left her with no one. Drake then reveals his mother is also in the crate, she's been there for eight years. After some coaxing, he ends up planting the cube in Beaumont's skull and covers the body.

Like magic, Roman made it back in time before curfew, and Em had made it to the Bug unscathed. The two of them exchange pleasantries before she heads inside to Grayson and Teri, comes stumbling out drunk. I have to admit, I'm liking Roman and Emery's slow-burn for now ("it's your town, too", that was adorable). Specifically because I like Grayson and Emery together. Teri, in her drunkenness, reveals that Drake was tasked with a mission from the Trags, to a very confused Roman.

How cute were Grayson and Emery post-adventure? Sure their whole plot was kinda pointless while it was happening, but when Emery mentioned that she got know him more in the past 24 hours than she would have had they seen a movie, I understood why it had happened. Was it pointless? Sure, a little bit, but it served a greater purpose which was to deepen their relationship. Oh yeah, Sophia has a crush on Taylor, much to poor Lukas' dismay.

Where do we go from here?
Back at the dock, I had to hold back tears, as Jeystur (#ELJIDAISREAL) did arrive and Gloria handed over her and Nox's child to him. I lost it as she tried to hold back the tears and hand over the most important thing in her world over to a complete stranger, especially when he was calling out for her as they drove off. Back at the Sector, Roman confronts Drake at the Wall of Missing. he tries to convince Drake that integration is the key to their freedom, but Drake isn't so sure. He tells Roman to give it a shot but if he can't free them, Drake won't just join the war, he'll lead it. (Shot's fired!!!)

Afterthoughts: I was not as enthused with this episode as I was with the prior one. Sure it got things moving a bit with the Black Cyper, learning Eljida is real, and Draylor, but it still felt like it was missing something to me. They whole Grayson, Eric, Emery subplot seemed out of place and time filler. I feel like we got some answers but their are still bigger questions. If the Red-Hawks aren't interested in extremes then what are they? The future's answer to Anonymous? I like that Gloria admitted to Roman some of the truth, and I'm interested to see how much harder she'll push for the integration to work since she'll get back her son. I really like how Drake has surprised me as being much more than a meat head, he's got layers to him. In the end, I just wasn't moved very much, intrigued very much or wowed very much. It felt mediocre at best. Which isn't bad, it was still watchable.

Episode LVP: Eric, Emery, Grayson, Sophia and Lukas. They all got stuck playing side line in throwaway stories I wished were better.Hopefully writers course correct this and get them something interesting to do. Though it could be worse, they could be like poor Julia wasn't even around this episode.

Episode MVP: Drake. I really like they way they have developed his character. From his mistaken identity sex, to his determination for vengeance, he's not one-sided and I'm hoping he ends up on the side of integration in the end.
Honorable mention: Gloria, because besides being my favorite shady lady, my heart broke for her tonight.

Final grade:C+
it could be better it could be worse. It wasn't the best hour of the show thus far but it wasn't the worse.

So what did you think? I'm sorry it took me so long, life gets crazy. How did the episodes stack up to you? Do you like how they keep sprinkling us with knowledge of the Atrian species and language? Are you more Team Grayson or Team Roman? Do you think Drake wants to be with Taylor? Are you surprised Sophia has the hots for Taylor? Do you think Roman will find out he has a brother soon? Is Grayson really this good or is it a fake out? Do you think integration is the answer, or do you think only war will solve this issue? Will I ever make a hashtag happen? Sound off below.

As always the cast will be tweeting live tonight when the new episode airs at 8/7c on the CW. The hashtags are #StarCrossed, #StarGazers. Follow me on Twitter as well.

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