Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Reign - Episode 1.14 - Dirty Laundry - Extended Promo

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Reign - Episode 1.14 - Dirty Laundry - Extended Promo

7 Mar 2014

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  1. Jenna Crothers7 March 2014 at 06:54

    "he still values you" god Mary after all the things you've been thought HOW how can she still be so naïve.

    after completely disregarding Mary's word's to want to extended the same support to Bash that Francis had giving Olivia, help with their reputations he says this golden line

    " I can promise you he's not safe from me"

    Ah there he is the dink we know he can be, That's the boy you married Mary, hope he continues to be his charming self, maybe she thought marring him would change his attitude or something, I don't know

  2. Right...because Francis has absolutely no reason to be angry with his brother. I mean, Bash only ran away with his fiancee, then usurped his throne, then stole his fiancee, then nearly married her himself, all because of some magical prophecy that Mary being with him will result in his death from a man he doesn't trust or like in the least. All of which resulted in Francis being so hurt over it that he needed to leave so he wouldn't have to feel the pain of seeing those two together. Let's also completely forget that he has no idea exactly what Bash and Mary were up to during his absence.

    I mean seriously, WHY would Francis be angry? That guy needs to learn how to let things go. OR, and this is a crazy idea, like completely out there, those two haven't had a chance to work things out and Francis is feeling completely rational in his anger. If those two took the time to actually sit down and have a real conversation it would fix a lot of problems.

    Or I suppose we can go the illogical route and say he's being irrational after his brother stole his entire life from him. I guess that makes someone.

  3. Let the war between the Frary shippers and Mash shippers begin.........

  4. Gosh Francis is awful. My brother loves my woman so obviously I have to kill him… Ugh so arrogant.

  5. Jenna Crothers7 March 2014 at 12:04

    Clam down Francis lover all I'm saying is, first of all it was Mary's idea to change the like line of session of France, we knew that Bash wanted Mary which is why he went along with HER plan.
    I wonder what Francis was doing in his time away from the castle, whores? he wasn't exploring the world, he was still in France, didn't do much with his new freedom.
    Having a conversation really haha, your so much more rational then Francis, tried to kick Bash out of France, that is not a bother who wants to talk, even after he and Mary get back from their honeymoon, 2 months later, he's still "I can promise he's not safe from me" oh Francis Bash is safe from you, you cant beat him up, threating him didn't work and I'm sure the fact Bash wand spoken to Mary about almost getting murdered bothers him to
    An Francis has a right to be angry, the fiancée he decided to love, because really love is just a bonus for royals took "off" with is brother, wanted to change the line of session because of a vision he doesn't think I true to we've seen proof of it But he's being starting to be the complete ass he was in start of the show.

  6. Dayane Araujo Guanabara7 March 2014 at 13:27

    Like in the "girl code". It must exist a "brother code" where you don't try to marry or love or kiss your brothers fiance, and Francis and Mary liked each other and Bash knew it. Everyone knows why Mary decided to marry Bash, to protected Francis, but Bash just want to be with the GIRL his brother and king loves!

  7. Yeah, I don't think it was Francis who tried to have Bash killed.

  8. I don't understand the Francis hate at all. And Mary and Francis weren't together after he left, so who cares who he slept with during their time apart? It's no big deal.

  9. Except is there any proof Francis tried to have Bash killed? Nope, I don't think so! It's Bash making assumptions.

  10. Angela .Visscher7 March 2014 at 15:33

    I agree with you. Bash is hurt, understandably, and rushing to conclusions. Francis telling Bash to leave and never come back was I believe to keep him safe. Proof, someone already made plans to have Bash killed, who says Francis would be able to protect him at court at all? I have no doubt it was someone else, Mary's mother no doubt. Francis may feel betrayed by his brother, but I don't believe he would have Bash killed.

  11. I'm going to go out on a limb here and pose this question...Who's to say Francis was threatening Bash? There are other hims in the world and I can't see him blatantly telling Mary that he himself is a threat to Bash's life. And I honestly don't think he is, despite his warnings and (in my opinion) reasonable fury. He warned his mother off of Mary and Bash, then came back to plead for her life even though he hadn't forgiven her. And even after Bash ran off with Mary, his first concern was for Bash's fate. The sudden rise in Francis hate is kind of frustrating to the point where I wonder if everyone is watching the same show...

  12. i think henry tried to kill bash.

  13. Francis didn't do anything wrong, he though his brother and the love of his life were getting married and he stepped aside and gave up everything to give her what she wanted... he hooked up with Lola out of loneliness, as he thought he would never see Mary again. Bash should respect Mary's decision and do what Francis was willing to do, completely step aside. Bash screwed over his own brother on moving in when he knew Francis was not only betrothed to Mary but loved her... yet Francis receives all the hate?? don't get it. It's more than understandable that Francis wouldn't want him around as he is trying to be happy in his new marriage and Bash is in love with his wife.

    Also I don't think Francis was trying to have him killed. Deep down he obviously still loves him, it's his brother. But Bash needs to make things right since he ruined everything to begin with

  14. Why should he be the one to make it things right? I'm so sick of this whole "Francis did no wrong" argument. People treat him like hes an angel and Bash is the devil

  15. And as usual people make excuses for Francis's awful behaviour. No doubt If Bash had threatened Francis's life (twice) the way he did, people would hate him for him. Yeah, Bash is no saint and he did some questionable things but guess what - he never actually went out of his way to intentionally hurt Francis. He took the throne to save Francis's life... although falling in love with Mary probably made him lose sight of why he did it. And Francis still got hurt.
    But Francis has actually proven himself to be less noble than Bash from what I see. He's clearly arrogant. He's already banished Bash and could actually order his death - just because he felt he tried to take something from him that only a royal could have. As a prince, deep down he probably sees Bash as below him - no doubt taught to him by Catherine. Bash could see that - as said he finally saw what Francis really thought of him in the last episode.
    But Francis is no angel. He's cheated on Mary more than once. Also when Bash lost Mary, he still rubbed it in Bash's face, threatened his life a second time even though he had promised Mary he wouldn't. More deception. 'Bash is nothing to me'. his words. Francis could kill Bash because despite Bash being his brother, Francis is royal and Bash is a bastard. And he will use that to kill Bash.

  16. God Francis annoys me so much. Bash was right when he said Francis was an 'entitled son of a bitch'. Bash tried to marry Mary so he uses it as an excuse to kill him? His logic is so wrong. Mary I think you may the wrong choice here.

  17. Exactly! Come on, it's CW. Do you think they would "ruin" Frary on season 1? (Because if Francis actually tried to kill Bash, I don't think Mary would ever forgive him). My bets that Mary's mother was the one who tried to kill Bash, because she still sees him as a threat.

  18. It's Bash making assumptions. I don't get this attitude. Don't jump to conclusions!

  19. And Bash is making assumptions. No jumping to conclusions until we actually find out for sure!

    And Francis and Lola slept together when he and Mary were broken up. There was no cheating involved there.

  20. Jenna Crothers7 March 2014 at 20:00

    I don't Francis I just find him very annoying, trying to use his future king station to put people in there place. Mary will probably be upset, it's true while Francis was gone they were free, she could kiss Bash, he could sleep with whoever he wanted but the Lola part will upset Mary.
    An again it's true that's there no proof he tried to kill Bash so will have to wait at see who did.

  21. lol they both were wrong but lets get real, who messed with whose life first Francis or Bash? WHo had to flee because he was no longer engaged to Mary and his life turned upside down with the possibility of his mothers head being chopped off? Please lol

  22. exactly, Francis and Mary were NOT together when lola and him hooked up lol...seriously. He only returned to plead for his mothers life.

  23. I agree with Aydrian i actually think both Bash and Francis are assholes that hold no respect for each others family relationship as brothers. I mean, Bash instead of refusing Mary's proposal he went for it and let Francis be shatted on until Mary decided to wed Francis. lets get one forced Mary's hand.

  24. Were you so angry when Bash wanted to send Francis' brothers away instead of protecting them at the castle? Don't worry, I'll wait for you answer.

    Also, this is just a promo, which are always intentionally misleading. You don't know the extent of what Francis is saying or what he is even talking about.

  25. They both definitely have their negatives. And Bash certainly could have said no to the proposal, he could have asked his brother what he wanted instead of helping Mary strip him of his agency and his life.

  26. Well, he is a prince and the future king, when Bash was in that position he used it to his advantage as well.

  27. It's just bitter Mash shippers. Don't worry.

  28. He exiled him to keep him safe. But what person would want the person around that is in love with their wife and their wife admitted she loved said person as well? Just like with Olivia, Mary wanted her gone and Francis understood why, but his mom manipulated the situation and Olivia had to stay longer. Mary was still rightfully so, angry about that as well.

    Who is to say that Bash being at the castle was the safest thing for him? When the young prince's were in danger last episode Bash wanted to send them away as well. Did you get mad at that?? There has been many dangers and threats inside the castle so their is no guarantee that he would be safe their.

    And he got nasty with Bash because Bash got nasty with him first, you Bash fans are something else I swear.

  29. I know, it's just annoying that they refuse to see anyone's POV except Bash's... because if they were even seeing things from Mary's POV they wouldn't be so shocked/outraged.

  30. They are just mad because poor wittle Bash got into a situation knowing full well that Mary was in love with Francis and that if there was ever any way she could be with him again then she would.
    IMO, Francis did nothing wrong in these past several episodes, even the Lola situation on his part wasn't wrong to me.
    It's funny how mad they are, just the past 3 episodes they loved the show, loved Mary and now this week the show is terrible, the writing is crappy, and Mary is a b*tch for what she did to Bash. And now they are grasping at straws so desperately wanting Francis to have put a hit out on Bash to justify this OTT hatred towards him. Quite comical, tbh.

  31. deathlyhallows9211 March 2014 at 16:44

    No one's hatred is OTT at all. People are allowed to dislike Francis and even hate him for his actions, just because you don't doesn't make anyone desperate or mean they're grasping at straws, his behaviour has been very cruel and of course its going to garner hate for him, whether someone is a Bash fan or not. If you can find faults in Bash but then claim that Francis has done absolutely nothing wrong then you clearly have blinders on.

    Yes, its so funny how the tables have been turned on us Mash shippers but don't go around acting like the Frary shippers werent exactly the same just 3 episodes ago, a lot of them were threatening to boycott the show for god's sake just because they weren't getting their own way!

  32. Please tell me what he did that was cruel??? I will wait for your list and I can guarantee I can knock each one of them down. And yes there is some OTT hatred for Francis, I have seen people go as far as making up things that never happened in 1x13 to justify hate, so don't tell me.

    Was it cruel that he told him to leave? Nope it was not. That is how he believes Bash will be safe. Bash agreed to reach for the crown and no one forced him because they didn't know if the Pope would legitimize him or not so it was not a foul proof plan in the first place. Now people want him dead. Even Mary had many near death experiences from inside the castle, so why would Bash be so safe? Especially when we know guards aren't above being bribed. Was it cruel when Bash wanted to send the young prince's away in 1x12? Because he thought it would be safer initially if they left as well, rather than staying at the castle. Francis told him what was up and proceeded to go about his business, but Bash is the one that stopped him and picked a deeper fight between them. I'm not even sure how Bash thought Francis was in no real danger if he stayed a displaced prince, when Francis' brothers were also in danger.
    Was it cruel that once Francis thought the prophecy was no longer that he went to Mary? Nope, it was not. Because that is why they broke up in the first place. Is it cruel to acknowledge that to Bash? Again, no, because it is the truth whether he wants to hear it or not. Bash called Francis out of his name first and Francis retaliated.

    Was the Lola thing cruel? Nope. At the time Francis was in his right to do whatever he wants because Mary stripped him of his life, he had no obligations to Mary at the time. However, I do believe he should tell her now. The only thing I really fault Francis for is the Olivia thing and how he handled that situation, but by no means was it cruel. This is all coming from someone who actually loves Bash and wants him to be happy, but what I'm not here for is the bashing of Francis for taking back control of his life and getting his agency back.

    Now if by some small chance in out of character hell it was Francis that sent the hit out on Bash then I will concede and join everyone in bashing Francis. However, I am quite confident that Francis loves Bash and would never try to have him killed. But I digress, I'll wait on you to point out how cruel and horrible Francis is. :/

  33. deathlyhallows9211 March 2014 at 22:06

    Woops, I should have really started by saying that I meant that Francis has been cruel to Bash, not in general, so for that vague comment I do apologise.

    Anyway... let's not pretend to know everything about things that haven't been fully explained yet like you clearly seem to be doing. I can just as easily say that Francis sent Bash away because he's that much of a douche that he can tell someone they are "nothing".
    From the angle we've seen Francis in the last episode, he was threatening Bash. There is no sending him away for his own safety excuse to be used until Episode 14 is aired and its explained, that's just Francis fans making assumptions just like the Francis fans are accusing the Bash fans of just assuming it was Francis who tried to have Bash killed.

  34. Bash went along with it for Mary, like you said, and if you don't think that is cruel to do to your brother then I don't know what to tell you. It was Mary's idea and I blame her just as much as Bash, but at least she thought she was saving the person she loves life, while Bash, "I was only interested in claiming you" was not. But I do think Mary should apologize for her part just like I feel like Francis needs to own up to he and Lola.
    Where you are wrong is that I'm not just a Francis fan, I'm a fan of Bash as well. But I'm sick and tired of Francis constantly being painted as a villain while Bash is constantly painted as a victim.
    And again, we did not see Francis threatening Bash, that is your assumption.
    But I'm done with this conversation because it's going in circles. You have your opinion and I will stick with mine, k, bye.


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