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Pretty Little Liars - Season 5 - Ravenswood characters may appear

19 Mar 2014

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Creator Marlene King tells Zap2it, "We have a way to sort of visit a mini-version of Ravenswood and I think we'll probably try to do that, so that even as writers we have a little closure on that story. We didn't have much of a chance to get that story told, but we'll find some closure there."

King says it's not out of the realm of possibility for some of Caleb's Ravenswood friends to appear in Rosewood.

"I hope so," says King. "We've certainly talked about it. The [Ravenswood] kids are all fantastic and they have become good friends with Caleb, so it's certainly possible that they would come into his life when he returns to Rosewood."


  1. I get Caleb coming back(I don't like it but I get it) but the other characters??? Why confuse the PLL fans and dig into the Ravenswood story? It's just sneaking time pass to avoid revealing "A" ONCE MORE.

  2. If you're that eager to find out who A is, then read the books or just do a wiki search. If you want to wait for the show to reveal it, then it's your own choice to move at the show's pace.

  3. As long as they don't bring the supernatural with them I'm ok, there's a reason why Ravenmswood flopped, I hope the writters get that and don't ruin PLL as well.

  4. That's cool. But seriously, ABC Family should let them do a miniseries wrap up, the last couple few episodes were freaking fantastic and they had already revealed so much about the curse that it's entirely possible to do a satisfying conclusion in 3 to 4 hours.

  5. That is awesome news. So Ravenswoos lives after all lol well sorta.

  6. No no no! The show was Canned for a reason it was terrible!


  8. As someone who watches PLL but didn't watch Ravenswood, I feel like I would be missing information. Of course, that is normal on PLL anyways, so...

  9. The show is supposed to be different from the books - for example, in the books Toby died really early on and Ezra was arrested.

  10. I think a miniseries wrap up outside of PLL would make much more sense. I personally wasn't a fan of Ravenswood but the fans who enjoyed it would get their closure AND PLL wouldn't have to get supernatural stuff randomly added in after four seasons without.

  11. The show has quite a few changes, but recent evidence from the finale suggests the identity of A hasn't changed at all.

  12. best news ever thx Marlene King I need closure on Ravenswood

  13. AngelaRobinson9020 March 2014 at 09:49

    Ugh no!! These writers seem to be professional at pissing off their fans.

  14. Someone needs to tell Marlene that Ravenswood is never going to happen. Stop trying to make Ravenswood happen.

  15. YES!!!! I love the relationship that the 5 have developed, can't wait to see them on PLL :))))))

    Honestly, I have stopped watching full episodes of PLL and only watch clips on You Tube, I did watch the season 4 finale from start to finish but that is the first full ep I've watched in a long time. I will most definitely be watching the ep that has the Ravenswood characters in it.

    PLL needs to hurry up and end soon, I don't understand how this show can still have so many viewers. It seems like even the writers don't know who A is, they answer questions with questions. There are so many questions that they probably won't all get answered even when the show does end. My friend joked that we will never find out who A is haha.


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