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POLL : What did you think of Once Upon a Time in Wonderland - Heart of the Matter?

21 Mar 2014

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  1. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Don't you dare let Ana be dead permanently! I was having all these Ana/Will feels!

    Great episode.

  2. I really wasn't sorry to see Cora go last season. And after seeing this episode and how she ruined things for both Anastasia and Will, now I strongly remember why. Amazing episode! But please don't let Ana be dead. Funny, the Red Queen went from being my least favorite character at the start of the series to one of my favorites.

  3. Love it this show is getting better hope Abc renew the show only thing I wish Alice and Cryus interact with anyone from Storybrook

  4. I love Ana & Will! :( I hope they bring her back and if the show doesn't get renewed they end up in Storybrooke. This episode was really great though, looooved so many different things about it. It's definitely getting better and better with each additional episode. Makes me sad that ABC screwed up the scheduling, it definitely deserved better ratings.

  5. That was quite the intense ending there. It's one of those few times in a show where you actually get chills and almost tear up. I love that feeling!

  6. I really like how Amara saved her son from Jafar. I was totally sad seeing Jafar kill Ana I could really feel The Knave's pain.

  7. This episode was amazing. Wonderland is amazing. I'm pretty sure Ana is dead for good :(

  8. I'm going to die! After that kiss, how could they kill her?!?!

  9. SHAME, SHAME that such powerful and awesome episodes came to the series too late.

  10. not so fast there is still the chance that the laws of magic can be broken at least once with all three genies present

  11. More Anastasia & Will! They are the best thing never happen in a tv-show.

  12. Just remember we can undo some of it (the curse) when Amara is returned and also the biggest tagline Wonderland has is that in Wonderland ANYTHING is possible, let alone this other spell of breaking magic rules. :)


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