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POLL : What did you think of The Good Wife - The Last Call?

31 Mar 2014

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  1. i think it was awful bc it teared the rest of me apart. too much sadness for me to handle. but the writing was just killer - in a good way. BUT FUCK. WHY SO SAD? NO NEED TO BE SO DEEP AND SO REAL :'(

  2. nyFANtAsTIC571031 March 2014 at 04:48

    Wow. That was so sad to watch. :(

  3. 1) Great episode. Really, it was the saddest, but awesome.
    2) Can someone please kick Peter?
    3) GO KALINDA!
    4) Aaand the kicking Peter bit again would be nice, can we get to that?

  4. Will, you will be missed.. truly...;__;

  5. I didn't cry last week but I shed a few tears this week especially when everyone found out and even David Lee cried which means things are really bloody serious. Thought they handled it very well and I am really happy the show would focus on the main women.

    Eli Gold provided some much needed laughs, thanks Eli!

  6. Awfully hard to watch, so sad but it was amazingly raw and beautifully acted. Everyone was phenomenal, I had to keep reminding myself that Josh is perfectly fine. That said, I still don t like Finn and that worries me bc after the Will shock goes away I don t think I can watch TGW with this new guy and MJF as regulars. They are no Will!!!....hope I''m wrong!

  7. _OMG what a punch in the gut the hour went by so fast! beautifully written and acted episode. Alicia was numb for some of it and next week it hits her and she loses it The flashbks great to Alicia's state of mind. Kalinda! Eli and Peter. Finn I liked the hospital scene.

  8. Such a powerful episode from beginning to end. Briliant acting by everyone: Alicia, Kalinda, Carey, Diane, There were so many incredible scenes, but is was difficult to watch...I can't remember the last time, I was this choked up during an entire episode for any show. It's going to be sad watching this show without Will, but last night really solidified the fact that this is one of the best shows on network TV. .

  9. The direct aftermath of this news is really devastating.

  10. Great episode which consisted of mixed emotions: Sadness, remorse, confusion, anger and more. Its even more powerful coming from a talented cast.


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