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POLL : What did you think of Bitten - Descent?

16 Mar 2014

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  1. Logan is setting himself up for heartbreak. I think Jeremy will end up forcing pack law on him.

    Best scene, Philip telling Elena he can't be with someone he can't trust. She so deserved that after doing this to Clay for years. She's doing the same thing to Philip that she bashes Clay for everyday.

    I'm wondering if Santos is the one behind it all, or if they will spring someone else on us in the finale.

    We didn't find out if Amber lived.

    It is creepy someone set it up so Elena would see Olsen at the gallery.

    All I can say is, when the ep was over, I was like, where's the rest? Ep 11 in a week.

  2. great ep. Glad that we're getting some forward movement in the conspiracy storyline... although I figure that the romantic triangle is an integral plot in the book(s) that this show is apparently from, I kinda hope that they move past it soon.... glad that they explained a bit about traditional pack law and why Logan was so hesitant to tell Jeremy, and it will be interesting to see how that plot will work out

  3. It was all great but the most impressive is Logan's story, I mean there's no good desition there, he's screwed either way. That rarely happens in fiction, there's allways collateral damage to a desition but here it's all full-blown heartbreak no matter what.

  4. No, you're not the only one, but unfortunately he's up against Clay. :-)

  5. it rarely happens? think you should read more fiction.

  6. AngelaRobinson9016 March 2014 at 12:52

    He's okay but very average.. there are no great love stories with 'average' guys... Clay is epic.

  7. I do read a lot, but I ussually have at least an idea of what I'd do but here I'm lost.

  8. AngelaRobinson9016 March 2014 at 14:11

    I hope thats the end for Philip and Elena, it never dragged on for this long in the novels.. Olsen was an effing creep.. I hope Clay castrates him like Cain.

    I really hope Jeremy lets Logan raise his son with Rachel, I think Logan will run off if he doesnt.

  9. I don't see it happening with Logan because Rachel would have to find out what they are. They aren't going to bite her while she's pregnant, and I doubt they would risk it anyway. She'd find out eventually, especially when her kid starts turning into a wolf. Even if Logan runs away with her, eventually, she'd find out.

  10. Victoria Llanos16 March 2014 at 16:31

    No, I like him too, but that's probably more due to the fact that I can't seem to get past Clay's notion of love (I rather you die than living without you, so I bite you) than anything else. We better get over liking him soon, because Elena and Clay are endgame and we'll be terribly disappointed if we don't, LOL

  11. I liked the episode as well. Nick talking with Logan, reiterated to me, that Elena, was going to die. Nick tells Logan, that Rachel would have to die, once she knew what they were. Clay was going to lose her to death (and really the way Jeremy was/is, Elena was not going to walk away from Stone Haven). Clay did offer to go away with Elena. I think Clay was showing Elena what he was, and it went bad.
    I wonder if Williams is Malcom. Jeremy found Malcom's ring, at that warehouse. If, the Pack think he's dead, why would they mention, Malcom has to be dead for the ring to be off his finger.
    I think Philip called himself challenging Clay, but Clay started spouting off anthropology ideas (about Elena pictures). Lol. I really hope there is a season 2.

  12. Good episode!! I'm curious if they can trust the Stilwell dude!

  13. I hope they can. I like the actor.

  14. Have you actually read the books?? Elena is the main event in all the books of the series that focus on the werewolves, and Clay is right there by her side to the very, very end...

  15. Yup, I have read the entire series. There is no way you can say that Elena survives the story arc. She's nothing more than a womb at the end of book one. Book two puts her to sideline preggo wolf, and the latter books reduce her to entirely background status.

  16. You evidently have not read them, none of what you have written here is actually correct

  17. Not even a little correct.

  18. Right, what portion of the story did Elena affect after she was knocked up with puppies? :) You ladies might not want to admit it, but Elena is dead ended as a storyline once she beds down with Clay.

  19. My Heart's Mirror17 March 2014 at 10:29

    That's what I think, too. We've heard Malcolm's name so many times, it'd be strange if it was not him.

  20. I like Philip too. The fact that he and Elena aren't the best match, doesn't change the fact that he's a good person.

  21. I agree. The Logan story is pretty heartbreaking. However, if it was possible for him to grow up with his mother until the age of 16, I can understand why he feels that the same thing can work with him and Rachel. I wonder if Logan still keeps in touch with his mother.

  22. Just like the other wolves, Logan could have chosen at least two other paths that wouldn't have involved Elena dying. He could have continued dating her without letting her know the full truth about himself or he could have broken up with her. His decision to bite her was a selfish one. It's likely that Elena will eventually forgive him, but I don't think that there was anything honorable about his decision to bite her. Especially after seeing the horrible transformation that Amber went through...I'm assuming she died like all the other females bitten (although that still hasn't been confirmed).

  23. You are the one trolling in the earlier post, Donna. Quips and insults are all you have to offer.

    You know that you just described a support character, right? :/ If you are waiting for her to become a lead in book 10 story wise, I daresay that you just proved my point. In your own words, the audience has to wait for her to get knocked up, become backstory, and finally appear in the series finale of the Otherworld stories at the very end of a book run in order to give readers a character that sticks around long enough to be a lead element of the narrative.

    In book one and book two, both her avoidance of the Pack, and the hunt for the Mutts are the main story. The "romance" aspect of the book which covers Elena's "story" consists of not so great descriptions of her rutting. - that's it. She has minimal character development. There is nothing in the narrative that takes the reader along a journey on a level that readers can share with the character with her as she progresses. What do we invest in?

    But wait, the story moves forward right!? Yes, the Mutts story keeps us moving forward while Elena has sex multiple times. Yes, Elena manages to avoid the Pack, and she manages to reduce her entire effort to simply struggling to keep her legs closed. So, the story arc there is limited at best. Clay is developed somewhat within this time frame, and it is mostly about Clay - not Elena.

    To put it simply, reducing a female lead to nothing more than an extension of Clay's penis is the wrong path to take for a tv show that demands multiple things from its characters..

  24. 100% disagree. Sorry.

  25. You may disagree Icewitch, but you do not explain why you disagree. :) I am willing to hear how Elena's story is different if you can explain it.

  26. It would be easier to explain why we disagree, if there was anything in your posts to suggest that you had actually read the books that you're writing about, or if you did read them, that you had any comprehension of the words that you read.

    There is no mutt storyline in book 2; Elena makes the decision to stay with the pack at the end of book 1 and does not waiver from this decision.

    Book 10 (Frostbitten) is once again told from Elena's perspective, she is definitely not backstory, and I am most certainly not confusing her with any other character. It is evident in this book that Elena is able to finally accept who she is, and the life that she has. It may not be the character development that you are looking for, nevertheless character development it is.

  27. Book two is all about the witches and poser Werewolf which pretty much falls back on the Mutt bit from book one. Paige pretty much takes over the story in book two as far as the narrative. And, you continue to prove my point in that Elena only gets prime time seating as hero in book 10.

    The story would be better off if they dump Clay to the sideline and bring in Phillip as new material with the witches and other beasties coming in to the series.

    ...and, I do not count a character trying to hold her legs together as plot development. You and I will never agree on that on point.

  28. Coming back to add, Nick and Logan. I found it interesting that Nick, while greeting Logan, was cool about it. He stood where he was and let Logan come to him (they then embrace). I think Nick felt Logan should have been there for Antonio, him, and the Pack. Logan wants to go talk to Jeremy right away, Nick says talk to me (very much like a consigliore) . Logan proceeds to update Nick, Nick says, so you're avoiding us, Logan further explains his concerns, and Nick says, so, you were avoiding us. Logan, will have trouble no matter what. Nick to me, was very much like Jeremy in that scene. What has happened to Logan, logical way of thinking that he initially showed when reasoning with Elena about the Pack. As Clay says, make sure the decision you made is one you can live with. Maybe Jeremy will have a change of heart. We'll see.


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