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Mind Games 1.03 "Pet Rock" Review: Crutches

15 Mar 2014

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            This week’s episode of Mind Games, “Pet Rock,” was written by Donald Todd and directed by Timothy Busfield. Busfield is also an executive producer on the show and may be best known to many as an actor. However, his directing credits include Damages, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, and Without a Trace. I always think directors who have been actors get the best performances out of their actors.

            In this week’s episode, the team is trying to rescue a girl from a cult and her parents are their clients. The twist in this episode is that the cult leader is also a master at manipulation and he outmanoeuvres them. Once again, Clark (Steve Zahn) is the conscience of the group and decides that he won’t simply re-brainwash Sophie (Emma Dumont) to go back to her parents, but will instead make her strong enough to make her own decision. Naturally, at first, it looks as if she will simply follow Jonah but in the end she does make the right decision. Before that can happen, the team must panic and be about to be sued, however.

            While I like that they don’t follow a completely predictable path, this is now the third episode and it’s about time that they actually look like they know what they are doing and have a case that is complicated, yet still works out as they plan for it to. 

            I did like that Edward (Christian Slater) actually told Clairee (Wynn Everett) the truth about Beth (Katherine Cunningham). I doubt that Clairee is, in fact, gone for good, but I did like that they got rid of her being Clark’s pet rock. I’m afraid that relationship just never rang true for me. I did like the squeaky pig that Clairee left as her replacement!

            The show is starting to hit its stride with a reliable formula and generally solid performances. I do like that Clark has been toned way down from Zahn’s over the top performance in the first episode. We still get the point. I like that they are moving Edward more toward a character that is likeable.

            I did like the sub-plot of Sam (Jaime Ray Newman) trying to get herself hired. It was a nice touch for her to manipulate both brothers, even if she was inevitably found out. I did wonder if Sam came in one door because Claire went out another...

            What did you think of the episode? Do you want to see Claire back? Did you like how the case worked out? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!


  1. Nicely reviewed. I'm glad to see the back of Claire and hope we don't see her front again--though I doubt the show's going to be around long enough for it to matter. I agree that they seemed with this episode to get their ducks slightly more in a row, but it's still mostly squandered opportunity.

  2. Thanks! I think you're right. They don't have anything else to put on, so we'll see the episodes largely play out, but I doubt we'll see a renewal...


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