Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Live+7 DVR Ratings - Week 21 (10th - 16th Feb 2014)

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Live+7 DVR Ratings - Week 21 (10th - 16th Feb 2014)

3 Mar 2014

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Here are the Live+7 Ratings increase for the 21st week of the new TV Season.

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  1. Well even with the dvr numbers included Intelligence isn't doing much better..

  2. I know that overall viewers don't get posted here only the 18-49 demo does, but Intelligence was the number one gainer in overall viewership this week. And while most channels only care about the 18-49 demo, CBS still prides themselves on overall viewership as most of their shows skew older than in the 18-49 demo.

  3. CBS might pride itself on overall / older viewership but the 18-49ers still brings in the money for them. Spoiler does have total viewers here when the Full Ratings are posted.

  4. "Do the Live+7 ratings tell us anything about a show's renewal prospects we didn't already know from the Live+Same Day ratings? No." - Tvbythenumbers


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