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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

How I Met Your Mother - Season 9 - Spoilers from Paleyfest

16 Mar 2014

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  1. Still really annoyed by that girl's question about Barney's job, but whatever. I'm really looking forward to Monday's episode now. Seems like they all loved it!

    Done panicking about the series finale since that's what they want us to do and I'm not falling for it.

    Really can't wait to hear the vows, especially since Neil loved them!

    Great panel (even though the audience questions were a hot mess, as usual, and the panels still never start on time. At least they keep improving the livestream).

  2. This makes my heart happy. I missed this panel but from what I've heard it's wonderful to be in a peace of mind going into the wedding and the finale.

  3. How much I wish that I was able to be there.

  4. Please what?

  5. LOL, I walked right into that one. Oops at me.

  6. ☆Krysta☆ Mae☆16 March 2014 at 17:55

    dammit, they saw it already? I gotta go stalkking them


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