Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Hawaii Five-0 - Episode 4.18 (Fan Built Episode) - Title Revealed

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Hawaii Five-0 - Episode 4.18 (Fan Built Episode) - Title Revealed

15 Mar 2014

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The results are in the episode for 4.18 will be titled 'Ho'i Hou' (Reunited)


  1. Ooh, I'm glad that one won!

  2. It was pretty much the winner all the way I voted for it too loved the meaning it understood more than the others

  3. My favorite was actually "Stuck in Time", but this one does work pretty well.

  4. Now, what a creative title. ;-)

  5. I liked 'Stuck in Time' the best as well - this was my second favourite.


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