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Hannibal - Season 2 - Gillian Anderson returning

10 Mar 2014

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  1. start_wearing_purple10 March 2014 at 20:23


  2. I was hoping she would be back but know Gillian is very busy but this is great. She can help bring Hannibal down (hopefully)

  3. Excellent news!

  4. Guess she'll be back after she finishes shooting The Fall...or next season..

  5. She looks so much hotter and even younger now rather than the Xfles era! How is it possible?

  6. I doubted we were done with her, but glad to know we'll see before the end of season. I'm still wondering if she'll be working in secret or if Hannibal won't rest till he hunts her down??

  7. Can't wait for her return, I hope she's working with Will Graham to bring Hannibal down (and hope she doesn't get eaten).

  8. Glad she's back. Fervently hoping that she helps out Will in some way and doesn't end up being eaten by Hannibal. But then again, the chances of her, being Hannibal's victim are way too high. :(

  9. great news! after last ep and Hannibal sporting his custom rainsuit at her place I figured that she wouldn't be around much longer, but I hope that she gets a decent run on the show

  10. I had no doubt she would be back, the This season on Hannibal trailer, featured her as well as a scene where she visits Will and says "I believe you". I'm so amazed though at how frequently she's appeared. She's super busy with all her shows I am in awe of her

  11. This is going to be EPIC!!!

  12. Always knew she'll be back. Wasn't there a teaser that a female character will die? I think it's her.


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