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Doctor Who - Season 8 - Character Rumoured to Have Been Cast [RUMOUR]

8 Mar 2014

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  1. Eric Van Velson8 March 2014 at 16:45

    OH PLEASE BE TRUE! I love the Master and although I love John Simm, he was Tennant's Master and Capaldi needs one around his age.

  2. I saw a fancast with Charles Dance as the Master and its all I want, how amazing would he be up against Capaldi?

  3. If this rumour is true, and god knows there's been a fan rumour of the Master returning for months now, then logically it has to be someone very close to McCoy as this would surely be top secret casting? So it's either someone he's working with at the moment or someone in the circle of friends that he has I would think.

    Part of me wants it to be Sean Pertwee, another part wants Capaldi to have been the Master all along (having somehow hitch-hiked a ride off Gallifrey on the new set of regens, and thus explaining the sudden snap change from 11 to 12 as a transmat thing and tie up all these one season only Doctor rumours that are flying around) and part of me wants Ian Mckellen. Kind of in that order, I think, lol.

  4. Plot Twist: Sylvester McCoy is the new Master. Much like how the 6th Doctor and Maxil look the same, the Master regenerates into an older Sylvester McCoy.

  5. EvilZygonRabbit8 March 2014 at 19:00

    That's my guess as well. It's crazy, but not too crazy, and it would totally work in my opinion.

  6. He seems to be a name that is doing the rounds at the moment.

  7. In that order? C'mon, I could give a foot to see Ian McKellen as the Master... And the official thing is that Capaldi signed for 26 episodes, that is, 2 seasons, and then they will see how audience reacted to the Doctor being "old".

    But if Capaldi is half as good as he appears to be, I'm sold with whatever story they are going for... I must be one of the few who are still trusting Moffat.

  8. Mmm... I was going to say something about Time, but it is true. The Classic Who regenerations were often "meh" because most of the time the past Doctor was angry/fed up at being the Doctor...

    But the last 3 regeneration were pretty good. For me, the best, was 7 into 8 (and I know I'm not popular in this opinion)

  9. Have you seen the last photo in Paul McGann's twitter???

  10. Jaedon Granger7 April 2014 at 02:29

    The master again? Oh, come on. I want new villains.


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