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Bates Motel - Season 2 - Max Thieriot Interview

24 Mar 2014

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How does the revelation that Dylan is Caleb's son affect the season?
Max Thieriot: It changes everything! It throws a huge curveball into their family dynamic. It changes how he thinks about himself and how others perceive him as well.

How will this news impact his relationship with Norma? Does he understand why she would hide the truth?
It will disrupt their relationship. This is another thing Norma had been keeping from him and [it's] the biggest yet. He does understand, but at the same time, he doesn't understand why she would bring a child into the world that will instantly be despised because of the circumstances.

Will Dylan try to get close or learn anything about his real father?
Possibly over time. But right away he is totally hurt and repulsed.

1 comment:

  1. The shortest interview ever!!, hahaha but well, it has nice information.


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