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24: Live Another Day - FOX asking half a million dollars for 30 second advertisement during Premiere

10 Mar 2014

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Fox is seeking as much as $500,000 for a 30-second ad in the debut of “24: Live Another Day,” a much–ballyhooed revival of its groundbreaking spy drama, and between $325,000 and $350,000 for a spot in subsequent episodes, according to people familiar with the situation.


  1. Holy cow! Cash-cow that is!

  2. That's quite a lot.

  3. They'll get it w/o any problem..

  4. Hopefully the show will get good enough ratings to warrant this.

  5. Jorge Castro Salinas10 March 2014 at 20:25

    Actually, a 30-second commercial on super bowl costs a million bucks. Its normal for Fox to be asking for its money.

  6. no the cost of a 30-second spot on the 2014 Super Bowl was $4 million!

  7. Superbowl>>>>24 (ratings-wise)

  8. Jorge Castro Salinas10 March 2014 at 21:12

    Damn! I rather make a movie with 4 million!

  9. Wow, they're awfully confident, aren't they? Hope it's as good as the hype.

  10. car company's can afford it, its what we will see anyway. or pepsi.


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