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USD POLL : Favourite three 2-part episode of Buffy?

3 Feb 2014

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Today's User Submitted Daily (USD) Poll was submitted by Alice who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below).

Let us know in the comments what you voted for and why?
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You can vote for 3 Options.


  1. Buffy did two-parters so well.

    Surprise/Innocence : I mean holy hell that was probably the turning point for the show creatively, though it had some very good stuff before after that everything was so great and messed up . At the end of Surprise when we see something is wrong with Angel its like a kick in the teeth. Plus I alwasy loved the Judge as a baddie.

    Becoming (Parts 1-2) : Still one of my favourite season finales and that ending is still so heartbreaking. Again the first part has a wonderful cliffhanger with Dru killing Kendra.

    Graduation Day (Parts 1-2): The Buffy/Faith fight at the end of Part one! All the students uniting against the giant snake mayor. A great way to end the high school years of Buffy

  2. I'm just going to say DITTO. ;)

  3. I voted for:

    Surprise\Innocence: Buffy and Angel's first time; game changer of the show.

    Becoming Part 1 and 2: Another game changer. Angel got his soul back but a high prize. Buffy has to say goodbye to her true love once again. Last scene is speechless: while she leaves Sunnydale, her friends are looking for her, hoping she will come back.

    Bargaining Part \ and 2: Buffy lives!

  4. These three are clearly the cream of the crop, IMO.

    Innocence is where the show gear-shifted into a truly great show. It was always onto something, but there were far too many "Xander dates a Mummy" level episodes before it. Innocence is the quint-essential Buffy episode in terms of it's performances, how it subverts expectations, how it can break your heart and make you laugh your ass off in the span of minutes. To get from Buffy's heartbreak and confusion to blowing up the "unkillable" demon with a rocket launcher, you had to feel the show (and the future of TV) change.

    Graduation Day may be my favorite. Something about Torrance High School brings out the best in Graduation episodes. Probably the only high school in the world with 2 iconic TV graduation moments, The Mayor eating the principle and Donna Martin graduates! The episodes are beautifully shot. One thing Season 3 never gets credit for is how much better it looked than any other network show. Maybe only The Sopranos looked as nice, as often. The whole thing felt fresh, massive - it conjured the feeling of actual graduation, that excitement in the air. I mean, if you watch that episode, just notice how they even got the extras to buy in and sell that. It's an amazing episode. I can watch it every week and never get tired of how well they pulled it off.

    Becoming just has a million things going on. The ending was brutal and heart-rending. I almost wish Angel stayed dead, because Season 3 Buffy/Angel kinda blew (but I guess it was worth it for the spinoff). Prophecy Girl is an underrated finale, but Becoming was the finale that Buffy deserved.

  5. Surprise/Innocence it's THE moment the show changed. They took the main character's boyfriend into the season's villain. It was shocking, extremely painful, and brilliant. Also Angelus was the best. THE BEST.

    Becoming is my favorite season finale, not just because I'm a Buffy/ Angel shipper, but because it proved that the good guys not always win or if they do, they have to make huge sacrifices. Buffy may had saved the world but she lost her happiness, and by watching the future seasons you can tell she never got over what she had to do to save the world.

    Graduation is great because of all the simbolism of finishing high school, and the students working together, the final fight between Buffy and Faith, and finally Buffy and Angel relationship at its climax, when she forces him to feed from her.


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