Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Scandal - Episode 3.12 - We Do Not Touch the First Ladies - Promo

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Scandal - Episode 3.12 - We Do Not Touch the First Ladies - Promo

28 Feb 2014

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  1. Go Mellie! And shut up, Olivia. You're having sex with her husband.

  2. I said the same. I love Olivia but she needs to STFU. I am sure Mellie will shut her up.

  3. i understand that olivia should STFU
    but at the same time mellie put up with all the affair because of fitz political carrer she have done a lot of things because of that carrer an now she is put all of ''her work'' in danger

  4. It's about damn time for Mellie to get a love interest.

  5. OMFG Jake! Go away!!! Stay away!! Mellie, have a seat. You could have been with someone you actually cared for a long time ago if you'd gotten a divorce! Oh wait. Power and prestige. Yeah, sure. Whatever.

  6. Olivia having sex with Fitz, and Mellie had sex with Fitz's running mate while married. So who is throwing stones??? According to the story line, it looks like Mellie was adulterous way before Olivia even came on the scene.


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