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Pretty Little Liars- 4.21 "She's Come Undone"- Review

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The PLL crazy train kept on chuggin' this week and for the first time we had 2 Liars spiraling out of control.

Aria told the girls everything that happened with Ezra in the ski lift and as she sat there with her heart clearly ripped out of her chest, the girls were more interested in what info Ezra knew about -A and Ali. As it turns out, Ezra thinks one of the girls tried to kill Alison, although Aria didn't care enough to find out which girl. I'm sorry, what?! Your obsessive ex has been piecing together you, your 3 best friends and your not-quite-so-dead friend's histories AND has a theory about who kinda-sorta-murdered her…that theory being it's you or one of your best friends…and you don't want to know which one?


Later that evening, Spencer's parents are together in a room at the Hastings house and it made me feel like I was being punished. They want to send Spence to rehab to kick her pill habit. Spencer recognizes that having rehab, in addition to Radley, on her record would pretty much only make her eligible for clown college, so she begs them to give her a shot at kicking it on her own…because she can do it without help! Her problem isn't that bad! It was only a few pills! …said every drug addict ever. The Hastings agree to let Spencer try it, because we all know the Hastings family motto: Reputation First, Everything Else Later.

Hanna apologized to Travis for that kiss we all forgot about, and he tells her he doesn't have time to talk because he has to go to court. Remember that plotline about Wilden? It's back! Travis' dad paid Wilden to send business his way, but when Travis Sr. wanted to stop the shenanigans, Wilden blackmailed him into continuing. Hanna feels completely guilty for the mess, since Travis helping clear Mrs. Marin of Wilden's murder brought everything to light.

Meanwhile, Spence is tucked away in a corner of the school having the shakes when Emily finds her. Shana's back in Georgia and called Emily, asking her to drop off Ali's money at a PO box an hour outside of Rosewood. Em decides to accept the mission as a chance to redeem herself to Ali, since the last one was botched up by Spencer Hastings, Private Investigator In Clogs.

Mid-convo the girls see Aria storming down the hallway, looking for Ezra. Homegirl was totally ready to confront him in the middle of class and I applaud her for that. THIS is the Aria I used to love. The one with balls and passion. Unfortunately for Aria, Ezra's taken time off, so she has to find some other outlet for her pent up, but totally justifiable, rage...and boy does she do that...

Aria still had the key to Ezra's apartment and let herself in. He was nowhere to be found, but all of his notes from the Ravenswood lair were. As she read through them, fully grasping the amount of lies she'd been fed, she erupted. Hell hath no fury like a tiny woman scorned and Aria let LOOSE on Ezra's apartment smashing everything in site, and at first I was like:

But then I was like:

Meanwhile, Spencer found a gift from -A in her locker…literally the largest prescription pill bottle he/she could find with the note "Don't say I never gave you anything. -A" . Tempting a recovering addict? Now that's cold, -A.
Spencer told Emily about the pills and promised to get rid of them herself, and at that point I think we all realized what was coming…Now entering Relapseville, Population: Spencer.

After school, the girls find Aria at Ezra's, with the Spencer-Radley know the one... they gather her and take her home. Always thinking, Spence grabs as many handfuls of Ezra's research as she can before leaving.

Em went to drop off Ali's money and was ambushed by Paige who followed her there and is completely not crazy.... Poor Em, all she ever tries to do is the right thing and it keeps getting jacked up by the people in her life. Paige said she knew that Em lied to her about where the money came from and demanded to know the truth. Eventually, Em broke down and tells her that Ali is alive and the money is for her. Paige responds by giving her an ultimatum...Cut off all communication with Ali or she goes to the police and exposes everything. Girlfriend of the Year, everybody.

Aria, still hell-bent on destroying a missing Ezra, flipped through his journal and found his literary agent's info. She called and found out that Ezra was at the office, discussing a release date for his book (which she was still secretly hoping he'd destroyed in an attempt to save their comment...), which was enough to start her on another rampage:

This time, she headed to the school principal's house for her own version of a tell-all, planning on exposing every sordid detail of their relationship. Hanna finds her and stops her...for now. Aria is dead-set on 2 things right now: 1. Being left the hell alone 2. Making Ezra Fitz pay.

As Spencer sifts through what she grabbed from Ezra's apartment, she finds the business card of the PI that Mr. Hastings hired to follow Melissa...the issue? The reverse side says "Hired to follow Spencer". Not only that, according to Ezra's notes Cece and Mrs. DiLaurentis saw the fight between Spencer and Ali on "that night" and Mrs. D. paid Cece to keep quiet about the whole ordeal. Since she was on the pills at the time and suffered from severe blackouts,Spence tried to confront her dad about what happened that night and get straight answers from him, but every single character on this show has an aversion to giving straight answers, so Spence got nowhere, unless you count your dad asking your boyfriend to take you on a walk like a dog, getting somewhere.

While out with Toby, Spencer ditched him to head over to the DiLaurentis house and confront Mrs D. Unfortunately for Spencer, she just ended up looking desperate and crazy. Mrs D. called her parents and by the time Spencer got back home, Toby and Mr. and Mrs Hastings were all gathered to inform Spencer that she needs help.

Well DUH people! A prescription pill addiction coupled with the fact that every adult in your life is gas-lighting you, would have a tendency to make one "need help".

Oh boy.


- Did Paige annoy the crap out of anyone else this week? I mean, girlfriend was literally everywhere Emily turned. Hell, I felt suffocated.
-Speaking of Paige, what do you think will happen to her now that she's tipped the police off about Alison being alive? Aside from Emily dumping her when she eventually finds out...because we all know that's coming.
- Shoutout to Det. Holbrooke for being the only man in Rosewood with a good grip on boundaries and lines-not-to-be-crossed with teenage girls.
- Do we have any clue as to who this week and last week's -A was, and what they plan on doing with Ezra's manuscript? If they were going to torch it, why not show us?

Let's have a pretty little chat below!

About the Author - Jasmine Alyce

Jasmine Alyce is a co-host on 3 Girls and a Podcast, alongside's Emma Loggins and Electric Sons Band Manager Christina Guererro. The show airs Thursday nights at 11pm EST.
She is also the Co-Editor/Co-Founder of entertainment website Big Girls Don't Gossip,with fellow Co-Editor/Co-Founder Alanna Bass.

Jasmine graduated from Georgia State University in 2009 with her BA in Broadcast Journalism considers herself an entertainment news/ pop culture connoisseur.

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