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POLL : What did you think of Vikings - Brother's War?

28 Feb 2014

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  1. Good episode and I cant wait for the next one!

  2. Thrilled the show is back! Ragnar is gross and I'm glad Lagertha left him. Poor Bjorn, though.

    Great premiere!

  3. Lagertha was awesome, as ever...everything else was kind of meh. I still don't get Aslaug. Why is she so intend on being with Ragnar?

  4. Because Aslaug is alone and has no family, she needs to secure her position in society for future. She needs an alliance and Ragnar being an earl makes him a good choice for that.

  5. Yeah, but I would think that a Jarl which already is all powerful would be a better pick than one which might become powerful eventually.

  6. I am glad Bjorn stood by his mother. The kid was raised right, he knows what honor and decency mean.

  7. I'm not sure if that was about honour or about not being ready to loose her yet. Despite his claims to be a man, he is still pretty much a child.

  8. Ragnar already has plenty of power. There is an entire village and a small army at his command. Plus he is young and it's always better to be a trophy wife to a younger man. Aslo he has cunning written all over his face, people like that rise to power easily.


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