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POLL : What did you think of Helix - The White Room?

1 Feb 2014

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  1. Great, I felt the ramifications of the Doreen's death was genuine and I really hope they are able to keep up the momentum

  2. I think this was the best episode so far, great moments of the Alan's character disclosed the truth behind Doreen's death and truth about the major. The suspense here was the best yet, the attack of the infected was really cool. Can't wait for the next episode.

  3. Great episode, best one of the season. Loved the fact that the line ''We are all in The White Room'' was took literally! Those cryogeniclly frozen heads, wonder why they are doing that. Julia's 'friend' being a figment of her imagination caused by the virus was predictable. Once again, Billy Campbell proves he is without a doubt the best actor on the show.

  4. Too bad one of the more interesting characters turned out to be an hallucination.


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