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POLL : What did you think of Banshee - The Truth About Unicorns?

8 Feb 2014

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  1. I liked the episode but it kinda felt different not sure why. The agent guy got killed way sooner then I thought and I would say my favorite part was sugars little speech at the end I hope what he said sunk in hoods thick head a little.

  2. My favourite episode of the series. Every now and then we must take a break from the surreal car chases, fights and sex with random girls and deputies and watch what is the core of Banshee. Which is Ana/Carrie and Lucas. I loved this episode. Too much. My heart broke as we went along. I felt terrible for them. Still do. I still hold out hope but yeah, so sad to just see what could have been in contrast with what is. My favourite scene strangely enough was them talking about how they would take down the jewellery store. Thieves to the end. I hope we get more scenes of them together. I love the entire cast but it is always special when it is Hood and Ana.

  3. A very different episode of Banshee, with no sex, very little violence. I liked it, it was great to have an episode focused on Hood and Carrie as they are the core of the show. I loved that he took her to see the house.
    BUT i hope next week picks up the pace again. I missed Proctor and Job.

  4. I loved that scene aswell. They seemed like they were being their true selves in that scene. They are always a bit on the edge with eachother and they seemed so natural when they were standing outside the store.

  5. A quiet episode with interesting stylistic device.

  6. I loved the episode even with the very little action. I like that we got a bit more of Hood's back story and I am so curious to find out who he really is, or t least what his history is. In the webisodes it is alluded to that he is special forces or black-ops or more. Also curious if that was a picture of Deva Carrie was holding or her as a young girl? Excited for the action to come back next week :)


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