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Looking – Episode 1.06– Looking in the Mirror – Review : Happy Birthday

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    Last Sunday, Looking continued its first season with all new episode titled "Looking in the Mirror". The show is back to its regular formula : Patrick is in many scenes, and Agustin and Dom shared the remaining screentime. I wished Agustin were absent because he was an absolute asshole
   I have really enjoyed last week episode only focused on Patrick and Richie, and I must say I was a bit disappointed by this episode. I've been missing Doris, Dom, Agustin and Frank, but still, I don't know it felt like something was missing.

   "Looking in the Mirror" dealt with the official announcement of Patrick and Richie's relationship, Patrick was bringing him at Dom's birthday party, so he could meet the gang.
   Yeah, as announced some weeks ago, Dom was turning 40 and Doris made a nice little event, in a park. The whole scenes in the park were great.
   We also got news about Dom's restaurant and Agustin continued his artistic work with CJ, the sex worker. Frank finally met the guy, and I was surprised how it went.

   Patrick made me happy in “Looking in the Mirror” I really like him more and more every week. He has finally grown and stopped pretending. It now feels he is himself, that's so much better and that thanks to Richie. I really enjoy their relationship and they are the cutest couple on the show for now.
   So, I was super glad when Patrick said he was presenting Richie to his friends, even if he seemed a bit afraid of Agustin’s reaction (and he was right). And then, Patrick dropped the B word ! I’ve never really understood the different concepts between dating and having a boyfriend, I get boyfriends means it’s more serious but still it's unclear to me, maybe it’s because I’m French. Anyways, it’s a great step in their relationship, Patrick was still awkward and so funny. It really made him sexy. Richie was touched by Patrick’s comment, and he offered him his lucky necklace (can’t remember the Spanish name).
   At Dom’s birthday party in the park, Patrick introduced Richie and it went well, expect for Agustin. First, he judged Patrick for using “boyfriend”, then made fun of Patrick’s new necklace. But that wasn’t too cruel. There were some fun moments, especially when everybody made fun of Patrick’s gay voice and he danced. Only to realize Kevin, his boss, was there too. Oh Patrick, always in uncomfortable situation.

   Kevin came with his boyfriend, Alex. We finally got to see him and now I understand why Kevin wants to flirt with Patrick, he’s hotter than his bf. The talk was a bit awkward, Patrick learnt Alex was staying in San Francisco after all and forgot to introduce Richie to them, so Richie did it himself. When Kevin asked him about his work, Patrick felt like he had to add Richie would his own salon soon (which was false), as being just a hairdresser wasn’t good enough…. I was glad to see Kevin back, he’s so hot. As for his relationship with Patrick, I don’t really picture them together. It doesn’t feel like Kevin is the type of guy Patrick needs. Kevin is a player, Patrick needs to feel safe.
   Things between Agustin and Patrick got even worst when he accused Patrick of slumming. He thinks Richie is not good enough for Patrick and the only reason Patrick was showing off his new boyfriend was to make a point and prove to Agustin that he could have a relationship. How selfish and self centered from Agustin. Richie was there and heard everything. I appreciated how he reacted in front of Agustin. It was brave, not like Agustin always speaking behind people’s back.
   Patrick supported Richie, and did not side with Agustin. They came back together but Richie didn’t appreciate Patrick not saying something after Agustin’s comment on slumming. To make a point and show to Richie how deep he cared for him, Patrick invited him to his sister’s wedding, in two weeks. Oh, that was maybe a little fast Patrick. Richie’s introduction to his friends didn’t go well, so maybe now meeting the family might not be the best idea.... And I bet Patrick has quite a dysfunctional family. We’ll see what happens, but I’m not optimistic about their future.
   I don’t think Patrick is embarrassed by Richie, it’s more he’s embarrassed by what he imagines people think about Richie. He cares too much about other people’s judgment. Patrick shouldn’t act like that, because you are in a relationship for yourself, not to please your friends or family. And Richie is such a nice guy.He should enjoy the ride and live his first serious relationship. I've always thought first relation can't last, because it's the moment where you learn and then, you want to try new things.

   Dom turned 40 this week ! He dropped the bomb a couple of episode to Lynn and this week again, it was with Lynn his birthday begun (with Facebook messages). Dom was feeling quite down about being 40, luckily Lynn reminded him life is not over after 40. I really like their relationship and I’m glad they are still seeing each other. They were having drinks, but it was a business meeting with two possible partners for Dom’s Portuguese restaurant.
   For Dom’s birthday, my favorite girl, Doris, made him a nice party, in a park. I love that girl and her relationship with Dom. They have a great chemistry and made the best best friends. Doris had troubles accepting Dom being friend with Lynn, she thought there was something else underneath. I must admit, I thought the same too. Their attraction is kind of obvious for me. Dom found excuses for not having fucked Lynn, they were lame excuses so I thought there was really something. And, during the party, Lynn delivered some flowers to Dom ! Cute. So, at the end of the day, when Dom came to visit Lynn and kissed him, after learning the partners said no but Lynn was willing to be his partner and they would open the restaurant together, I was so excited !
   But two seconds after, I felt down. Lynn didn’t respond to Dom’s kiss and rejected him, telling him there is no fucking while being partners…. Disappointed. I really wanted to believe in Dom and Lynn as a couple. Dom is the kind of guy, always looking for the young and hot boys, only for a casual relationship and Lynn could have been a great change for him, he’s so much better than Ethan. With Lynn, Dom has a serious chance to have a stable relation. But maybe that is not the end of it, Lynn is clearly attracted to Dom and maybe he is testing him. I don’t know, but I’d be so happy if they end up together at the end of the season.

Agustin… You really disappointed me this week. Since the beginning, I’ve read comments about Agustin’s behavior, how people didn’t appreciate him and I didn’t get them. Agustin seemed to me like a very cool character, different, a bit cold but still touching. But in “Looking in the Mirror”, he was an absolute asshole. Not only because of the Richie’s incident, but his whole behavior was really pissing me off.
   Agustin continued to act as a jerk with Frank. Frank is so sweet and hot, he deserved a so much better boyfriend than Agustin. Agustin is always unhappy and grumpy, and he's actually quite pretencous. He was looking at his pictures with CJ and hated them. I understand as an artist it’s difficult to like and judge your own work, but thinking everything you do is terrible won’t help you. It feels like Agustin never really listens to Frank. The poor guy tried his best to cheer him up and reassure him but Agustin ignored him everytime.
   Frank never met CJ before, but as Agustin invited him to Dom’s party, the two finally met up. I was expecting the meeting to go quite bad and I was surprised how Frank and CJ were cool with each other, laughing, smoking pot and eating Cheetos. I didn’t expect it at all but I was glad they were friends. Frank is such a great guy. Of course, he doesn’t know Agustin is paying CJ for every meetings.
   At the end of the day, back at their place, Agustin and Frank were in bed, kissing and having sex while CJ was filming them. A new Agustin’s project ? Movies are better than pictures. I don't know, anyways, I thought that would be it but I was wrong. Agustin’s plan was actually to record by himself CJ fucking Frank, his boyfriend. I must say it was a bit twisted, it must be odd to watch your partners having sex with someone else. Especially, when it’s a prostitute you’re paying and he has no idea. Even Agustin paused when he watched them kissed. And I felt in his eyes he just realized how wong he was and how lost he really feels.

   “Looking in the mirror” was a good episode, but not as good as the previous episodes.
   I had many problems with Agustin. I really thought the writers would explore more his art and its repercussions in his life. Since the pilot, Agustin feels lost, and he is mean to everyone. At first, his remarks were funny and I could relate and understand how lost he felt but now I’m not sure I can stand that. Agustin is not doing anything towards feeling better, he keeps on lying, he likes to call people on their bullshit but he is not even able to have some self reflection. It feels a bit of a letdown from the writers to me. I've expected so much more from a character like Agustin. He's turning into another asshole, à la Adam in Girls' first season.. Also, I thought the CJ storyline would have gone somewhere else, for the moment it feels repetitive.
   Contrary to Agustin, at first, I didn’t really like Dom and how he acted. He felt kinda cliché, older guy looking for young ass, nothing serious. He was a bit shallow but since his meeting with Ethan, he was really changed. I still have great hopes for Dom and Lynn. It’s not I think it’s bad to hook up with different guys, have fun and have casual sex., for me it’s okay and as long as it’s honest and safe. But, being in a more stable relationship can also give you so much, and I feel like Dom needs this. Change is good, it doesn’t mean Dom has to change and become another person, he can stay true to himself and be in a relationship, not fucked up like it was with Ethan. He made me think of Samantha in Sex and The City.
   After watching the episode, I’ve talked about it with a friend and it was really surprised of his reaction and especially his thoughts on Patrick. For him, basically, Patrick is not happy with Richie and he’d be happier with Kevin… Clearly, I have the opposite opinion. If Patrick was dating Kevin, I’m sure he’d be miserable. I don’t see them together, they have an attraction, but to me it seems only physical. Richie is kind and generous, he is patient, it’s what Patrick needs. With his social awkward, and everything else, the guy needs to have someone with who he can feel safe, who can reassure him and make him happy, and that’s Richie.

   And you, what did you think of “Looking in the Mirror” ? Hit the comments !

About the Author - Romain Ossust
I'm 27 from France, living near Paris. I love a lot of TV shows, (this is a non exhaustive list) : Orphan Black, True Blood, Dexter, Weeds, Person of Interest, Criminal Minds, 24, Ab Fab, Carnivale, Lost, The Americans, American Horror Story, Once Upon A Time, Desperate Housewives, Glee, Ugly Betty, Scandal, Looking, Sleepy Hollow, The Walking Dead, Raising Hope, Orange is the New Black, Grey’s Anatomy, HIMYM, Girls, ...
For SpoilerTV, I'm reviewing The Walking Dead, American Horror Story, Looking, Continuum, Sleepy Hollow, The Americans, True Blood & Orphan Black
Otherwise, I’m also very fond of cats, I own 6 of them. I work as an administrative assistant, in one of the greatest place to work in France. I also enjoy sunbathing, reading and having fun ; and I hate doing sports :) 

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