Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Banshee - Episode 2.05 - The Truth About Unicorns - Preview and Teasers [UPDATED]

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Banshee - Episode 2.05 - The Truth About Unicorns - Preview and Teasers [UPDATED]

6 Feb 2014

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UPDATE (6th Feb) - Correctly guessed dialogue speakers have been filled in
UPDATE (7th Feb) - More correct guesses filled in in

Last week Carrie dreamt of walking through those prison gates to freedom, this week it is a reality but it is Lucas and not the Gordon of her imagination that cares enough to show up and bring her home. Just in case the audience is in any doubt that she is having trouble with her split Carrie/Ana personality after her incarceration, we see two scenarios play out during their greeting of each other. It’s a technique the show has used in the past and I think it works brilliantly yet again here in showing the splintered personalities the characters hide from each other, and sometimes themselves.

The vast majority of this week’s instalment is essentially a two hander, which brings a different pace to the show than I think we've seen before, and is possibly a welcome break from the excesses of last week. I've really missed Ivana Milicevic these last few episodes so it’s nice to see her and Starr’s characters just chilling on the road together; it’s easy to believe the trust they once shared, and they both open up to each other in ways they don’t with Gordon or (for example) Siobhan. But after taking a detour they realise that someone has followed them and is watching them from the woods, their tranquillity is broken and they realise they will be forced to fight two different corners in order to stay safe in Banshee.

As for the title of this week’s episode, it’s inspired by from a novel by Peter S Beagle called The Last Unicorn, it’s not a book I've read but it seems popular and very quotable from looking at this page. I have included the most appropriate one as an image within this paragraph, it is partly quoted (and then used as inspiration for a dream sequence that Hood has, with a clever twist) in the episode itself but there are others that would seem to also fit just as well. My personal favourite being “Don't look back and don't run. You must never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.”

The Truth About Unicorns airs Friday February 7th at 10pm on Cinemax, below are some teasers to see you through until then. Don’t forget to come back and vote in our poll after the episode and let us know what you thought.

“I can't say I'm sorry to have you round a bit longer, what can I say, you keep me young, and you’re very generous with my whiskey, especially my good whiskey!” Sugar to Lucas

“I thought we could take a little detour, something I wanna show you” Lucas to Carie

“We read The Last Unicorn together when she was little, it was her favourite book” Carrie to Lucas

“You know, if the safe is the same make this place will be child’s play”

“I got Rabbit's case for myself, I figured I’d grab a few headlines, move up the ladder, but I busted him too soon” Agent Racine to ?

“Where would you go, what would you do?” Carrie to Lucas

“Enough people have died over this” Lucas to Carrie

“Two thieves broke in that night, and one got away.” Agent Racine to Lucas

“Re-entry is a bitch, under any circumstances, you must be missing your kids?” Lucas to Carrie

“Sorry, I thought this was a friend of mine’s car”

About the Author - Sandi
Sandi is part of the Senior Staff at SpoilerTV having been a contributor from back in the Lost days of DarkUFO, and who now writes previews for Banshee, The Musketeers, Atlantis, and other BBC shows. She also enjoys watching and commenting on other shows such as Sons of Anarchy, Hannibal, Game of Thrones and Elementary.
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  1. I don't know how but I get more and more excited with each episode (and preview from yourself). I'm really looking forward to seeing more Carrie/Lucas interaction. Their bond has always seemed very strong in flashbacks and the small scenes towards the end of season 1. I can't wait to see how their relationship changes now that she has had a small taste of what he got for 15 years and with her family semi out of the picture.

  2. It was about time we got to see them spend some time together wasn't it, I'm so glad that they have treated us to this episode where we really have a chance to see them just spend time evaluating their positions in life. It's an unusual episode for the show, a real change of pace like I say, there is some real tense moments this weeks but in a different way to the norm. One scene in particular, with the person who has followed them, just builds and builds to the point that you start asking how the frick is this gonna end?! Fantastic scene, probably my favourite of the episode, even though I'm not happy with the way they chose to end it

  3. I'm very intrigued to see the ending now... Also the part where they are open with each other, I really want to see what they are still hiding from each other after that.

  4. Thanks for the review, Sandi. I don´t mind the change of pace. I love character development and it sounds like there might be some of that. :-)

  5. If you like a certain character, it's a punch the screen moment...

    It's not really what they are hiding from each other as such, but how they can best help each other achieve their own goals, and which is the best fork in the road for them to take from here on in. Lucas in particular feels that he could have, and could do, more to help protect Carrie, which is why that quote is so important to the episode.

  6. It's quite brave for such a short running season to do an episode like this I feel, but I think it works very well, esp after the mayhem of last week and the shit storm that I can envision coming up after a reveal this week!

    I've managed to grab Rectify btw, just got to find time to get round to watching it now, lol

  7. I'm no good and reviewing and writing details about shows I watch, but its days like this when the week is dragging that I wish I could do this and get to watch episodes in advance. I'm generally obsessed with TV, so it makes me a bit envious :-)

  8. Awesome. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Fantastic acting and wonderful characters.

  9. It's something I'm learning as I go along I think, I'm always up for being more interactive with my teasers too if readers want them to be too. With other ones i have had missing words, or hangman, or guess who said which line to who, then any correct answers get filled in as the week goes on. I'd be happy to do that with Banshee too if you like?

  10. I would definitely have fun with that if you have time and I guess enough interest from other people here.

  11. Cool, I will do teasers with some missing words for next week then and see how they go down. Any guesses on who says what this week?

  12. Sorry, finally had time to take a look. I had to take a complete guess on some but from top to bottom I would say;

    Agent Racine
    Agent Racine

  13. Some great guesses. Just about to update with the correct ones :)

  14. Ok some of these are completely random guesses cause I’m stumped.

    Sugar to Lucas
    Lucas to Carrie
    Carrie to Lucas
    Lucas to Carrie
    Agent Racine to ?
    Carrie to Lucas
    Lucas to Carrie
    Agent Racine to Lucas
    Lucas to Carrie
    Job to ?

  15. I'm just about to update the post, I'm not at home (and won't be before the episode airs unfortunately) so I'm unable to check for sure but I'm 95% sure that number 4 is an incorrect guess. Sincere apologises if I am wrong on that though, the others I am very confident on.

  16. You're welcome :) I'll leave a few of the words blank in the next round of teasers this weekend too, and then probably do a couple of updates in the week, maybe Tues and Thursday.
    Enjoy the episode tonight, it's a good one! :)


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