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Arrow 2.14 "Time of Death" Review: Timing Is Everything

28 Feb 2014

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    This week’s episode of Arrow, “Time of Death,” was written by the team of Wendy Mericle and Beth Schwarz and directed by Nick Copus. All three are familiar names who once again delivered a solid, action-packed and emotion filled episode that has a clear thematic thread running through its core.

    This week’s episode is all about time and timing, including the villain of the week, William Tockman (Robert Knepper who we last saw in Cult), who the media nickname the Clock King. There are any number of time-related maxims that resonate with this episode: “timing is everything,” “time to let go,” “the time has come,” and “the times, they are a’changing.” Tockman tells his thieves in the opening scene that “timing is everything,” and when they disregard his timing, he tells them that patience is a strength. The episode opens in the lair with a show of timing and skill as Oliver (Stephen Amell), Diggle (David Ramsey), and Sara (Caity Lotz) spar with Bo staffs. Could these three people be any fitter? And a big shout out to Lotz who is not a stick figure, but a healthily toned and muscled athlete. I adore that the show doesn’t just put her in the asset-enhancing bustier – which she looks amazing in – but also lets us see her muscles – so we can compare her six pack with Amell’s and Ramsey’s.

    Meanwhile, times are really changing in the lair, and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) struggles with where her place now is within it. She feels like she might be being pushed out by Sara, who can apparently do everything. Sara can analyze blood and fight beside the guys. I really like how they are introducing Sara into the mix. When Felicity tries to join into the conversation comparing scars, Sara calls her “cute.” Ordinarily this might seem totally condescending, but Lotz’s delivery manages to avoid that – though clearly Felicity isn’t happy about it. Sara is concerned that Felicity accept her and tries to help her fighting technique. When she recommends technique, it’s because it’s appropriate for smaller fighters, “like them.” She doesn’t dismiss Felicity’s ability to fight.

    Diggle is quick to see Felicity’s feelings – as usual much more quickly than Oliver. Even the scenes are blocked so that Diggle moves to stand with Felicity when she is “threatened” by Sara’s new role. I also loved the scene in which Diggle tells Felicity that she “is irreplaceable.” In the end, while Sara identifies what’s different with the blood, they have to work together for Felicity to help make sense of Sara’s findings. Sara doesn’t hesitate to follow up on Felicity finding Tockman’s location at the bank – Sara doesn’t need to know how she did it, she simply trusts Felicity to have done her job. Felicity also helps Sara in the fighting department by taking a bullet for her and saving her from Tockman.

    There are lots of nice little touches between Sara and Felicity. It was perfect to have Sara stitch up Felicity’s wound. I loved when Sara comments on the leather jacket Felicity is wearing – a sign that she is doing “field” work. Sara exchanges a glance with Felicity on the jacket as a tacit acknowledgement of what it means. It’s a nice contrast to the scene in which Oliver asks Felicity what she’s wearing when she’s in workout clothes. He doesn’t understand her sudden interest in training, but he also doesn’t feel she needs to be more in the team than the computer/information wizard that she is – she has her own spot in the team.

    Diggle has clearly pulled Oliver aside after the bank to explain to him that Felicity put herself in danger to prove her worth to the team. Oliver’s conversation with Felicity once again underscores the chemistry between Amell and Rickards. It’s just impossible not to like these two characters. Felicity admits she’s having a hard time sharing the spotlight because she’s used to being his “girl” – but not like that! I did really like that Felicity, even under the influence of good drugs, isn’t jealous of Sara as a love interest but as a rival for her place within the team. Oliver assures her that no one can ever take her place – she’ll always be his girl. Felicity really does seem very ok with the romantic relationship between Sara and Oliver. So what does that mean for her own feelings for him? Has Felicity moved on – at least for now? Is the time just not right for them?

    Timing is also an important element in the teamwork. We get another terrific action sequence as Black Canary goes after the Clock King and Arrow tries to stop the bus/train collision set in motion by the Clock King. I loved the shot of Arrow between the bus and train – the last few shots in the sequence could have come out of the comic – nicely played show! The final scene in the bank also shows each member of the team doing what they need to. I loved Arrow sliding down the staircase and taking down the one bad guy with a trick arrow. We get another great fight scene, but please, please stop feeling like you need to speed up the action to make it more impressive of exciting! This fight team – I’m looking at you James Bamford! – is the best in the business. What they do is impressive in real time.

    Meanwhile, Diggle goes to save the city by shutting off the gas leak, leaving Felicity and Sara to work together to bring down the Clock King himself. Sara relies on Felicity’s expertise because she does respect her and I loved the two of them working together. More please! My one quibble? Please get Felicity shoes appropriate for field work. The Clock King’s final words in the episode are tempus fuget – and Felicity translates “time flies” as she turns his virus against him and blows up his cell phone. Sara is quick to give Felicity credit for the win.

    Oliver is still willing to give Laurel (Katie Cassidy) time to get over the shock of Sara’s return at the beginning of the episode. Quentin (Paul Blackthorne) takes the opportunity at the cocktail party Oliver throws for Sara to apologize to Oliver for being so hard on him, saying he needed time too. It’s a terrific scene between Blackthorne and Amell. It’s also ironic that Quentin should declare that Oliver isn’t a killer – as we know, he tries not to be... now – times change.

    Sara worries about the timing in revealing that she and Oliver are in a relationship. It doesn’t seem that there is ever going to be a good time to reveal it to Laurel, however. In fact, timing in relationships does not fare well in the episode. Quentin misreads Dinah’s (Alex Kingston) feelings for him, thinking they have a chance to get back together. Unfortunately, while time has stood still for him, Dinah has moved on with her life and is in a relationship and not planning to move back to Starling City. The family dinner at Laurel’s is cringe-inducingly awkward. This scene was also beautifully acted by Lotz and Amell. Sara says that everyone deserves to be happy and looks at Oliver. Amell delivers the barest of reactions but his eyes tell the tale, and Laurel loses it. Cassidy had a bit of a thankless task as that family member everyone hates to invite to family functions as she loses it and lashes out at everyone at the table.

    I loved the scene between Amell and Cassidy when he goes after Laurel. The time has finally come to tell Laurel the brutal truth to her face. Amell and Cassidy both knock this out of the park. It’s a side of Amell’s acting that we rarely get to see as Oliver is usually so tightly in control. Oliver takes responsibility for messing up Sara and Laurel’s relationship by cheating on Laurel with Sara and taking Sara on the boat. Yet, we’ve seen in flashbacks that there was tension between the sisters before Sara left. He calls her on her drinking, drugs, losing her job and blaming everyone but herself.

     Oliver reveals the depth of his own concern about his family to her – Amell is outstanding here. It is finally losing the support of Oliver that drives home to Laurel that she has finally lost everything – and it’s her fault. I was so relieved to finally see her make up with Sara and show up at a support meeting with Quentin. The scene between Sara and Laurel in which she finally admits that she’s been using Sara’s death as an excuse was wonderfully acted by both Lotz and Cassidy, and was terrifically shot showing them move from opposite ends of the bar into each others’ arms. I hope we will quickly see Laurel regain the strength she appeared to have when we were first introduced to her in season one – otherwise, I, like Oliver, am done with this character.

    Two big reveals come out of the episode. One is played out in time between the flashbacks and now. We see Sin (Bex Taylor-Klaus) forget that she isn’t supposed to know Sara and spontaneously hug her at the cocktail party. In the flashbacks, we see Slade (Manu Bennett), Sara, and Oliver trying to get to the freighter when a plane crashes on the Island. While Oliver goes for medical supplies, Sara stays with the pilot (Russell Porter), who makes her promise to look after his daughter – who is revealed to be Sin! It isn’t clear what the pilot was up to or where he was going, so it will be interesting to see how Sin’s family ties into the Island mythology. Taylor-Klaus and Lotz have a nice scene together as Sara declares Sin is like her little sister. It should be interesting to see what the dynamic is going to be between Sin and Laurel and how Sara explains her relationship to Sin. It wouldn’t appear that Oliver is in the know about this either. I also wonder if Sara will begin training Sin again. Will Oliver introduce Roy and Sara as Black Canary? Will Sin also join team Arrow?

    The episode ends with Oliver rushing home to answer Thea’s 911 call. He and Moira (Susanna Thompson) assume it is Thea’s attempt to force them to talk because she’s sensed the tension between them. Oliver’s timing in arriving is perfect to coincide with Moira’s visitor – Slade Wilson! This of course leaves us to wonder if Thea even made the call. Slade is clearly ready to throw the gauntlet down and challenge Oliver to his face now. I love watching Bennett and Amell face off - they are just electric on screen together and my hand hurt from that handshake! The time has come...

    What did you think of the episode? Do you like the new dynamic of team Arrow? Do you think Laurel is finally on her way back up? What do you think Slade was doing with Moira? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!


  1. Oh, I totally think that Slade sent that text to Oliver. He wanted Oliver to know he was there in the most uncomfortable way. Great ending to the show. And great villain in Tochman, quietly menacing and so different from Slade.

    It was weird having Sara on the team, a very different dynamic than we've had on show. Before there was a strict hierarchy, with Oliver leading, Diggle at his side and Felicity at the computer. Now it's Oliver and Sara together, with Diggle either back with Felicity or doing something that facilitates Oliver and Sara taking down the bad guys.

    The hallway confrontation between Oliver and Laurel didn't work for me at all. Laurel needed to be told those truths but not by someone who had just hurt her by showing up at her table clearly in a sexual relationship with her sister without letting Laurel know first. Oliver had too many sins to be casting any stones.

    I think Diggle values Felicity on the team but Oliver doesn't unless he wants something from her. With the addition of Sara, who takes the place of both Laurel and Felicity, I'm ready to let Felicity go and have a life somewhere else, maybe with Barry in Central City. I don't want to watch her puppy dog face eager for crumbs from Oliver. Olicity may not be dead in the writers' eyes but I don't see how Felicity can keep her self-respect after this.

  2. I love your reviews Lisa i feel like you are taking the words out of my mind and translating them i just come from reading a hack of a review on Argh i felt like i was banging my head against a wall reading the dribble

  3. Yeah we get it you love Olicity and you hate Sara because she is in the way of your ship

  4. I am sorry Lisa. I have to disagree, I just did not like this episode. Felicity whom I love was ruined by turning her to this insecure teenage girl. I was embarrassed for her several times during this episode. Her trying to talk about scars to join the cool kids club, trying to dress up like Sara and Sara pointing it out, Oliver asking what she is wearing, Sara able to analyse blood(which I am sure will never come up in upcoming episodes) all was done just to create drama. What happened to the confident girl who asked Oliver to get his head out of his ass?

    What was the need for that party and who can expect Laurel to be there. Oliver going to Lance family dinner that too at Laurel's house was beyond annoying. Sara and Oliver can't even hide their relationship for few mins and they expect laurel to not blow up. As much as I liked Oliver confronting Laurel in the hallway, SA and KC was amazing in that scene, I found him a douche. He is the reason Laurel's family was ruined and he just started a relationship with the same sister he used for cheating on her. Oliver and Quentin both expected Laurel to simply go with it.

    Reconciliation between the sisters was welcome but the show again tried to make Laurel look like she is only party wrong in not forgiving Sara. While she was wrong in throwing that exploding glass on Sara last episode, she deserved an epic apology from Sara but we only see Laurel apologizing.

    Sara/ Sin island connection was unnecessary in my opinion. Unless they are going to include Sin's back ground in the upcoming episodes they could have scraped that party and Sin's back ground to include Roy who was dropped immediately after joining the team. We already had an idea how Sara and Sin met. Sara saved Sin from some creeps and took her under her wing. Wasn't this enough back ground. This season is already really crowded with too many story lines and they are not able to juggle even the regulars effectively. Why spend time on a side character?

  5. I do not agree that Oliver does not Value Felicity. Oliver has already said in episode 10 that he relies on her and he considers her a partner. What more should he say to prove he values Felicity. It was Felicity's insecurity which came out of nowhere which irked me this episode. I am sure if Sara was dude then this whole insecurity thing would not have happened.

    They need to put a stop to any romantic indications between Oliver and Felicity until they are ready to put these two in a relationship. If being in love with Oliver will make her this insecure girl then its better they don't visit there at all.

  6. Is that the Jennifer cruise one. Please don't read her reviews. She is an Olicity shipper who can write novels and use big words to promote her ship. I don't read her blog anymore.

  7. Quite liked this episode, as mention Bamford is the best in the business. I havnt seen a tv show do action like Arrow does and while it does feel it has leveled off a bit this season Ive enjoyed every sequence we have got.

    I dont see how anyone could think Oliver dosnt value Felicity. If he didnt value her he wouldnt have given her the new gig in Queen Consolidated. Oliver I think connects to Sara so easily because of their shared history both before and during the island time. Its easy to connect to someone you shared significant events with, because they can understand you better.

    Laurel needed to be told yes, and i think it had to come from Sara or Oliver. It came from Oliver.. it was done so she knew and could process it. In fact Im glad it was done now. The writers could have left it unsaid for many episodes to build up a form of tension, but they showed that this is more an 'adult' relationship now with the knowledge out on the table.

  8. Yep and whats scary is she has a following and i know people around here know i really like Sara which i won't deny i lay it on a little thick sometimes, but the way the article painted the Sara/Felicity scenes was a head scratcher

  9. I hate that Laurel apologized they should apologize to her not the other way around at the end it just shows that Laurel will always be bigger persons and have the most forgiving heart on the show she has a right to be angry unlike felicity at Sara. However both Laurel and Felicity are saints and Sara and Oliver deserve each other.

  10. That is an interesting take on the Laural/Oliver scene. I'm not sure that I would agree that Oliver has too many sins to be casting stones, however. Oliver has been very good about taking on responsibility when he's been at fault. In the end, however, I think Laurel was long past being told those truths and I think that it had to come in the face of having clearly lost Oliver.

    I couldn't disagree more about Felicity. Oliver values Felicity a great deal. I also don't see how Felicity has lost any self-respect. She never really felt like she was in the running for Oliver's love interest. She has proven to be a valuable member of the team. She is the one who saves Sara and takes down the villain by turning the program against him and blowing up his cell. However, the best thing about an ensemble cast like this is that you don't have to like everyone.

  11. I stopped reading her blog after last episode when she went crazy about Sara Oliver relationship. I just went and read her review now. Sorry but I have to agree with her about some things she said this week. If you read my post below I have almost said the same things in different words. That doesn't mean I hate Sara. I just want this show to not focus on relationships and focus on crime fighting. Sara is till the most welcome addition to Arrow. Best thing that happened this season.

  12. Thanks so much! I'm always astounded by how people can miss the quality of this show - quality on every level....

  13. Fair enough thats a valid reasoning i can understand how some of the recent messy dramatic stuff can put people off, i as much as i love the action and i mean love it I'm actually digging the complexity of the characters and the moral grey areas with the decisions i personally think its great writing and the cast are matching the complexities imo of course.

  14. I think you and i are a bit more optimistic in our outlook and instead of focusing on whats wrong we dig whats right if that makes sense lol

  15. Oliver took Felicity from the position she had trained for at M.I.T. and made her his PA because it was more convenient for him to have her right there when he wanted her to do something for him. She fought against it and eventually took it but hated it enough to break the coffee machine. According to Isabel, now everyone thinks Felicity is sleeping with Oliver. It's an example of Oliver doing what he wants and ignoring how it affects other people.

  16. Umm last ep Sara came back from the dead and instead of being a normal person and being grateful she is alive she turned it into a woe is me speech who cares that the mom and dad are happy to see her, if i was Sara i would have slapped her lucky Sara is a cool chick and doesn't roll that way

  17. Well, I guess we can't always agree. The party served a couple of purposes - it showed why Quentin misunderstood Dinah's intentions and it gave an opportunity for Quentin to apologize. I think we are going to get more of an explanation of why Sara went on the boat in the first place. I also think that Sin's background is going to be very important - why was her father flying over that particular Island? I think it's going to tie into the main story.
    People seem to forget that Felicity was nerdy and not self-confident last season. I don't think she did anything to win Oliver in this episode - she was trying to prove her worth on the team - it's the team itself that has given her the confidence to tell Oliver to get his head out of his ass. Yes, her initial attempts were cringe-worthy. But I didn't take any of Sara's comments as being condescending. Sara was trying to find a place in the team as well. Sara analyzing the blood, I thought was a nice nod to previous references to her work with Ivo.
    I suspect that the "side" characters are going to have their roles grow as team Arrow continues to grow...

  18. Agreed again exactly how i took it

  19. Yes! Totally makes sense. I really trust these writers. They aren't pulling the rug out from under us. There are clues to where we're going, and I think they do a good job in building the psychological foundations for the characters' behavior.

  20. I can agree with your post here

  21. The cast is simply awesome. Its just that if this was season 1 Oliver who went to Lance dinner and who is angry at Moira I would have understood. He just had tons of character development first half of this season. Now start second half he is turning into a hypocrite.

    Sara and Oliver's relationship is another ick-factor for me. Too much history and Sara's only aim after coming permanently back to Starling should have been to reconcile with Laurel. But she starts a relationship with Oliver and expects Laurel to go with it. Couldn't the writers simply make them work together, reconcile Sara with Laurel and do some build up and by season end put them together. I would have cheered.

    Like I said last week maybe its because I am a female I can't be okay with Sara Oliver relationship. I think I should stop thinking and investing too much into characters and take all the relationships in the show with a grain of salt.

  22. I love how they go back on what seems smaller unimportant plots like the Sin/Sara story earlier this season and then you get a payoff like in this ep i personally really dig the little things like that

  23. Got to agree to this point.

  24. Yes! Me too! It's careful, careful writing...

  25. No no you have every right to feel that way, its funny how we feel different about these sort of things i personally love the Sara/Ollie thing they just simply get each other like that scene at the party Ollie gave Sara a simple look and Sara just knew ok time to kick butt lol

  26. I agree that I was super, super annoyed at him doing that to her. On the other hand, she is using all those skills in heading up the Queen Crime Fighting Division... Oliver doesn't really want to be CEO either. Those are their day jobs not their real jobs. However, him having to suffer through being boss and Felicity getting slagged and looked down on by everyone is not the same at all - and I definitely agree that he really doesn't consider how that affects her.

  27. Um, what? Felicity was not angry with Sara. She was upset because she had to acknowledge her own shortcomings. She was actually very friendly with Sara.

    The problem with Laurel was that she lashed out at everyone around her instead of looking at herself. I'm glad someone finally told her how it is and now she can move forward.

  28. Yay right on

  29. i totally agree with you about felicity. i was a lot of time sitting in front of my computer, hands half over my face and thinking: no,no,no please don't do/say that.
    i had the feeling oliver was treating her like a child
    and when he says to felicity in the end ' you will always be my girl' it just sounds wrong.

  30. Look O D A where in sync armageddon is nigh lol

  31. This was an excellent episode. It seems like this community, not the show, is focusing too much on the ship drama.

  32. To me it was just re assurance she is highly valued nothing more nothing less

  33. Guilty as charged lol but yeah seriously a quality episode

  34. The 1 good thing about it is that to me at least it is very consistent for his character

  35. They shouldn't develop side characters at the cost of regulars. Roy whom I don't like gets an introduction to the team and we don't see him get integrated to the team.

    I am not saying Sara was condescending. In fact I loved the way she showed Felicity how to throw an effective punch and she was sensitive to Felicity in that scene. But Felicity wearing a jacket like Sara and Sara pointing it out. ugh.. I think writers wouldn't have gone this route if Sara was a guy and he could analyse blood or even hack. It was all done for drama and they kind of ruined my favorite character in the process.

  36. I would hope that my reviews present a more balanced assessment of the acting, directing, and plot - including character development and relationship dynamics.

  37. It was Saras jacket and she was joking

  38. Im not even kidding or brown nosing by saying this but your my favourite reviewer on the net

  39. Wow. Seriously, thanks.

  40. Sometimes Oliver takes on responsibility when he's at fault, and sometimes he takes it on even when he isn't. But here he didn't take on the responsibility for how he (and Sara) hurt Laurel by showing up clearly in a sexual relationship without letting Laurel know about it beforehand. The fact that Laurel has been self-pitying and a mess doesn't excuse doing that to her.

    Felicity and Diggle (along with Quentin) are my favorite people on the show, which is why I didn't like what this episode did to them. (I know Diggle will have his day in 2x16.) Oliver says he values Felicity but I'm trying to think of a time when he did something for her that wasn't about him and I can't think of one. Not when he made her be his PA, taking her away from her job and making her the object of gossip, not when he yelled at her for spending time with Barry, or when he yelled at her for telling Barry his identity so he could save Oliver's life, not when she had to jump out of a plane to bring him back to Starling City. And certainly not in this episode when it was Diggle who had to tell him Felicity was having a hard time adapting to the new order even though he and not Diggle who knew she had abandonment issues.

    I agree that Felicity never felt like she was in the running for Oliver's love interest because she thinks she's not in his league. This episode, she did all that stuff because she thought she wasn't even good enough to be on the team. I wish she thought more of herself because she needs to tell him to treat her better. She's good at telling him to get his head out of his ass but except for that one time, it's always about how he treats other people and not about her.

  41. Do i get a cookie now lol no seriously keep it up

  42. Yes! Virtual cookies!

  43. Damn i was hoping for a raspberry tart

  44. Oh that I love. There is an ease in their interactions which sometimes I feel Oliver does not have even with Digg. I agree completely. Its just that they could have built on that ease and trust and made them into a couple everyone can accept and love after reconciling with Laurel and be sensitive to her feelings which Sara should have thought of more than Oliver imho. After all she hurt her sister in a bad way and owe her a big apology and not rub her new relationship on Laurel's face. I can't believe a vigilante and assassin is unable to hide a relationship for five mins.

  45. Am I the only one that feels like the last 2 eps have been "off". The Sara thing, just feels forced, i get no vibe from Oliver and her. More like good friends. There have been no real moments between them at all. Bad taste in my mouth. Not to mention, WTH is Oliver doing showing up for dinner?!! Laurel has been thru enough shiiizzz, she didn't deserve that. My sister died, because she ran off with my boyfriend; turns out she is still alive after years of pain, and is now back, but WAIT, she is dating my ex again. I would have mucking lost it. Then Oliver yells at her; please he lies to everyone about who he is and has NO room to throw stones as hard as he did. Just seemed out of character. Oliver never would have gone to that dinner. Besides this, there were too many plot holes. Like what happened to Roy?? That was like major, now it's not. The redemption if there is one, is SIn, whom I love, and Felicity whose chemistry on screen is effortless, she and Dig both are welcomed sunshine in this rough ep. And yes we love the Oliver/Felicity scene. It's also showing what it should be like, not forced. I love the Huntress and Oliver, she needs to come back.

    ps LOVED having talent of William Tockman.

  46. I honestly think although silly Sara inviting Ollie to Laurels wasn't meant to hurt her i just think she took Laurels intuition for granted

  47. Oliver treats everyone the same way - it is his one great failing. He's so busy saving the world that he rarely does things for his friends - look how long it took him to realize that Diggle wasn't seeing Carly anymore. I think the point of this episode was for Felicity to have this little crisis of her own worth - God knows I have them about my own all the time - and to come out of the end of the episode knowing herself and her worth better. I think that having someone join your work team results in these kinds of stresses - I've been in similar situations myself. Maybe that's why I can relate. When you work in a competitive atmosphere it's normal.

    And I really don't think that Oliver and Sara rubbed anything in Laurel's face. They exchanged one look. In every scene they are at least arms length apart and didn't even sit with each other at the table. Yes. It was stupid for Oliver to go to that dinner but I don't see that they rubbed it in Laurel's face.

  48. Nope i think the last 2 eps are in the top 5 of the entire series and I'm not even kidding

  49. On another note, look at all the photos in this review. So much eye candy. Such gorgeous ladies and gents. Can I have Digg shirtless every episode?

  50. That last paragraph is bang on how come others aren't seeing it that way??????

  51. See? I absolutely hate the Huntress and I'm praying that someone kills her this appearance....

  52. Do you mean she thought Laurel won't pick up on it or did you mean she wanted Laurel to pick up on her relation with Oliver.

  53. the eatable kind yeah lol

  54. So you mean it was Sara's jacket Felicity was wearing and not her own?? I am confused.

  55. I'm really quite stunned at the hate for Sara. Also? Are we forgetting that Laurel kicked Oliver to the curb and has been dating Sebastian???

  56. Honestly how much of a ripped tank is Digg damn

  57. TOTALLY right on the Laurel front. I would have lost my shiiizzzz they showing up together at my apartment. Glass breaks. Light bulbs shatter. GO away I will drink whatever the hell I want. Get out.

  58. What if she were redeemed and became part of a Birds of Prey spin-off?

    Arrow can't have both Sara and Laurel as the Black Canary.

  59. I don't like the actor. She has great fight skills but hasn't demonstrated any actual acting talent, so no thanks.

  60. Yep it was Saras jacket she was trying to be edgy like Sara, and it was also a callback to the comment Ollie made about what Felicity was wearing when she was trying to workout

  61. I looked long and hard for that shirtless photo of Digg... you're welcome... and I'd sign that petition...

  62. OMgosh you are kidding!! HA. LOVE Jessica De Gouw. Outside of Felicity, I feel the Huntress has best chem with him and she has a magnetic presence, and strength, like she could be a legit comic character; Sara is always pouting and whiny, obnoxious :) Loved Jess in Dracula to.

  63. I mean she didn't think she would pick up on it do you remember she spoke to Ollie beforehand and said to him she wanted to be sensitive to Laurel about the fact they were dating hell i don't know how many people missed that by the way i am in no way knocking you i promise

  64. I'm afraid I have to completely disagree. I find just the opposite.

  65. Sorry, I don't think Laurel had any right to flip out the way she did. She *knows* the assassins guild was after Sara, which means if she thinks for two seconds about someone other than herself, she knows why Sara stayed away and didn't let them know she was alive.

    As for having Oliver there, so? He put himself out there for Laurel and *she* decided against it. He's single. He's available. Are he and Sara supposed to never be happy again because it might affect poor little Laurel?

    Sorry, she lost all sympathy on the 'stole my boyfriend' in the first place when it turned out that she stole him first. And even that has absolutely no bearing on what the two of them do NOW. Because news flash, Sara and Oliver dating is about SARA AND OLIVER. It's not ABOUT Laurel, as much as she likes to make absolutely everything about herself.

  66. Honestly i can't remember the hate until the moment she kissed Ollie she is a ship blocker that where its coming from i mean she still kick ass, looks out for people like Sin and honestly i thought she was super sweet with Felicity ah well haters are going to hate aren't they

  67. YES!!! Thank you! ALL of this so much! (4 in the morning here...)

  68. Sara whiney wtf Sara and Shado are the only females on the cast that don't whine

  69. I don't think that saying Sara and Oliver shouldn't have shown up at Laurel's apartment without letting Laurel know they were in a relationship is Sara hate. Sara knew it was a sore point for Laurel, that's why she asked Oliver to go with her.

    That said, I have read more anti-Sara comments this episode than in the entire time she's been on the show and I think it's for two reasons: the first that there has been a lot of time devoted to Sara in the past two episodes with the next one Sara heavy too. Whenever that happens, there starts to be an anti-feeling for the character (e.g. the Laurel dislike during her 4 episode arc) and with Sara coming on new this season, it's worse than if she had been around last year like Roy was.

    I was settling in for an interesting time watching Oliver and Sara negotiate their relationship but instead what I'm seeing is that in terms of the show, it's not working as well dramatically as I had thought. That's the second reason, that (to my surprise) Sara and Oliver make each other more selfish and self-centered than they are apart. This is the most unlikable Oliver has been since the middle of last season.

    Or maybe it is working dramatically the way the writers want. Only time will tell.

  70. Ugh. Yes. It's true. I have to admit I was hesitant not to be a bit bitter about Sara getting in the middle of Olicity - but they handled it so well - imho - that I love Sara now. She has great chemistry with Felicity AND Oliver...

  71. She has chemistry with everybody so far Sinn,her dad, her mom, Felicity,Nyssa and of course Ollie

  72. Very nice review. I absolutely loved this episode. What i loved most about the Olicity reassurance scene. It wasn't the line, or the face touch, Or the drugged Felicity. It was the acting, that Stephen and Emily ALWAYS seem to pull off. And i can't help but get lost in it. I mean they just have so much on screen chemistry. It's the wordless acting that they do. The EYE acting, that Stephen pulls off so well. I LOVE that. You can read everything he's feeling through his eyes. In that scene. He went from concern look, to i'm listening look, to surprised look, to haha you're so cute look. 4 different expressions all with just his eyes.

    I'm glad you mentioned that in your review during the dinner section. Honestly i thought i was the only one who noticed that about him or even liked that about him. And i laughed when you said "member no one ever wants to invite to dinner" I automatically thought of one of my family members who's like that. Everyone has one. It's all, ugh. If we weren't related i would have nothing to do with this person. lol . Also with that scene. I found Quentin to be a little naive with him assuming everything was going to go back to the way it was. I mean i get it he was all hopeful with Sara being back and all. But years went by. Did you honestly think she wouldn't move on?? I felt he should've talked to her about how he was feeling in person first. Instead of gathering all this material to bring back the "Happy Days" I think that would've saved him less embarrassment/heartache. I pretty much agreed with Laurel during the outburst when she brought that up.

    I enjoyed Sara and Laurel re-connecting. Absolutely ADORED that Sara and Sin scene and now i find myself looking forward to more of Sin's background. I think Oliver will introduce Sara to Roy as the BC of Sara might do it herself, since she saved his life. I wonder how Sara goes about sharing her identity?? This excluding the way it was revealed to Quentin.

    Loved all things Sara and Felicity in the episode. I did laugh at Felicity's cute little girl punches. (she was doing it wrong) So i found it necessary for Sara to show her, well tell her the proper way. And i liked that Sara stitched her up.

    Oh lastly the handshake. I dubbed it b/c that shake was a character all on its' own!! Ready?? I call it ...THE SLAQUEEN HANDSHAKE. Lol (sounds deadly right? haha)

  73. I love the whole cast except for Huntress

  74. Given that Laurel wasn't taking Sara's calls that might have been difficult. Sara told Oliver to be sensitive to Laurel before they went and to play it cool - not let on about the relationship yet. Laurel told Oliver she didn't want a relationship with him. Is he expected to clear every relationship with her? It's not like they were all over each other or let on in any overt way. Regardless. The entire point was for Oliver to have finally had enough of Laurel so that Laurel would realize she had really lost every thing - that was her catalyst to turn her life around. That was the entire point of that scene.

  75. Good post Shannon i agree about SA and EBR for that matter they are really establishing themselves as real quality actors and yeah i totally agree with how much he emotes in his eyes

  76. Amen seriously i think we have the same brain nah your def smarter lol

  77. Thanks! I totally agree about Stephen's acting. He just gets better and better, and it's so much fun to watch him get to be expressive as Oliver learns to feel again. The scene with Laurel when he mentions the stuff happening with his own family, and he has that one hitchey breath before he pulls it together again? Just wow. I think that we needed to see how bad Quentin is at relationships and to see his implode in parallel with Laurel - and then we see them both end up at the same meeting. He's going to pick himself up and not let this destroy him, and I think he and Laurel will grow closer because of this.
    I definitely had that family member... and she physically reminds me of Laurel too! LOL!
    The SLAQUEEN! Love it!

  78. Ive been doing a lot of Sara gloating because I'm obsessed and a little weird but i have to mention Katie Cassidy in that apology scene whether she should or shouldn't have is anyones choice but i thought she was totally amazing so kudos to Katie

  79. You should have seen Caity Lotz s twitter and Facebook page the ep after she kissed Ollie she was getting hate like she was some kind of terrorist or something Caity even mentioned to Steve Amell that for the first time in her career she was afraid to go on social media for a couple of days

  80. Loved the episode and I knew the second Oliver said me line to Felicity about her being 'His girl' the Olicity shippers would take that the wrong way, which they have. By that line he meant that she has already proven herself as a valuable member of the team.

    Remind me again why we are going on a week break after next week? Just to air a new episode in front of The 100 premiere? Which I don't mind at all but they could easily air out the rest of the season without any breaks as the show has already been renewed.

  81. Sara for the win. And remember those who are hating on Sara are mostly these ridiculous Olicity fangirls who want to turn Arrow into a soapy romance like some teeny vampire series. They should keep their shipping to those soaps and hopefully do not malign an action series like Arrow.

  82. "I am sure if Sara was a dude then this whole insecurity thing would not have happened." --> this, GRRRRR. I felt the same way about Felicity's "How many girls were you marooned with?" line to Oliver, which I mentioned elsewhere. There's no way to explain it except jealousy. I'm sick of women feeling threatened and annoyed by the existence of other women because they perceive them as romantic competition first and foremost.

  83. Its not hate for Sara and its not about Oliver and Felicity or Felicity herself. I don't understand why Sara fans can't understand that.

    Sara came home after 6 years and her primary aim and all her thoughts should have been on reconciling with her sister and keeping her family together. I agree Laurel was completely out of line when she kicked Sara out of her home (and it was Laurel's home and not Quentin's) last episode. But any sister who badly wants to reconcile with the other will not strike up a relationship with her sister's ex boyfriend whom she ran away with while her sister was planning a happy future. I have a sister and I can't understand her reasoning at all.

    And in this episode everyone acted as if Laurel was wrong for being angry. Quentin, Oliver and even Sara when she said Lance family of keeping grudges. Apologize properly and do your part in reconciling and then cast blame.

  84. Its not hate and you are right the dislike did start after she kissed and went into a relationship with Oliver instead trying her best to reconcile with her sister.

  85. I didn't think you were. I was not sure what you meant. English is not my first language but I am quite fluent in it. But sometimes I don't get the nuances right.

    But her 2 seconds long look was so on the nose. Anyone would have picked up on that.

  86. I think Sara is taking more heat than she deserves right now (and that most of it is coming from Olicity fans quite frankly), but I agree that bringing Oliver to that dinner was inexcusable. IF she and Oliver had to rekindle their past relationship just days after Sara came back and Laurel discovered she was alive, they should've at least done whatever it took to keep a lid on it. Oliver showing up at the dinner, apart from being a very bad idea in general, was taking a big risk that their relationship would "come out" because how else do you explain Sara bringing him? They were being grossly insensitive and inconsiderate towards Laurel's feelings. Sara's reappearance had just opened Laurel's old wounds and they should've given her space to deal with all of it instead of showing up at dinner together.

  87. Eww... Now I dislike it more. It was like Felicity was invaded by a pod person this episode. She was like a child. I am so disappointed.

  88. Everyone was treating her like a child because she was acting like a child. I would be more than happy if they won't go back to this side of Felicity any more.

  89. I just saw David's photo 2 years before. My god His arms have grown so much. He ius a beautiful specimen. Yum:)

  90. Stephen is one actor who keeps on improving as the show goes on. Looking back at the pilot and now what a difference. He was amazing in that scene. And when he walked back to the apartment he rubbed his eyes. So good. He has started using his hands more too. But still needs to move his hands more. I am proud to be his fan.

  91. Kudos to Katie for the last few episodes. She has been bringing her A game. Too bad her character was mishandled so much.

  92. What??? We are again going on a break. NO.. Does any one know the schedule for April? How many episodes are we airing in April? I am going to my home country. I might not have internet all the time. Ugh.. Will have to wait long to watch Arrow.

  93. They and the "Laurel HAS to become the black canary" fraction.

  94. The "Laurel has to become Black Canary" is the one of the most ridiculous things I have heard. Katie needs to be shipped off to some "He-Man series" where she would be fit to play Skeletor.

  95. I think it is more the other way around. Oliver feels that he is not good enough for Felicity.
    I think we shouldn't forget that the current situation isn't easy for Sara either. Trying to adjust to her normal life after all she went through has to take its toll...remember how Oliver acted when he came back, and he did have the full support of his family. It's understandable that Sara is now leaning heavily on Oliver. It was obvious that she was terrified of this dinner, ready to use any excuse to get out of it.

  96. I'm mostly glad that the writers didn't expect the audience to sympathy with her as long as she was shuffling guilt off to other people. Therefore the scene was a light at the end of a very dark tunnel.
    I hope though that this isn't her A game. I honestly found the performance of the actress so far serviceable, but nothing more. Which is more or less the same I thought during the first season. There is nothing which I would call as "bad acting", but also nothing in which she particularly drew me into a scene. In season one, it was mostly the actor of Tommy who elevated her scenes. This time around, it was mostly Oliver who carried the scene, while she was along for the ride.
    Same when she turns up at the AA meeting. There is nothing wrong with her expression, but if you compare it with all the emotions which are playing on Quentin's face, it's somewhat lacking.

  97. He's always been this good. He made choices in the Pilot/season one that reflected who Oliver was at that time - shut off and keeping himself that way to carry out his mission. Animals stalking their prey are quiet in the same way - not expressive, controlled and contained movements. He's still a hunter, so it makes sense that his movements remain graceful and efficient. Look how still he was in that meeting with Slade.

  98. Sara tried to reconcile with her sister. She almost died for her last episode. She came back to Starling City initially to protect Laurel. Laurel did nothing but reject her and use her as an excuse for all her failings. Laurel was not ready to reconcile until she came to the bar and Sara greeted her with open arms. Sara and Oliver didn't plan to get together. And the real point is that Laurel rejected Oliver at the beginning of the season.
    Again, they didn't rub it in her face. The point of the entire scene was to act as the catalyst for Laurel wanting to turn her life around. AND has everyone forgotten that Oliver said to her that he'd loved her for half his life? I think he intimates that they would definitely have been together if Laurel hadn't chosen to reject him.
    Laurel was wrong for lashing out at everyone at the table. But then she was completely out of control at that point - and that is the point. No one blames her for being angry or hurt - just the way she handled the situation. And really, if you had a sister who was jealous of you and tried to torpedo everything good that happened to you, you might be a bit more sympathetic toward Sara, but then perhaps, you don't have one of "those" family members...

  99. even if i'm a big olicity fan and even a bigger felicity fan i can totally understand why you can't see how felicity can keep her self-respect after that. (i also didn't really like how she was shown in this episode...)
    but i'm sure she will do fine and find a way. i hope she just get over all the self-doubt she has in the moment and go back to be the self-confidence it-girl we know and love.

    and of course i hope she stays here! :D

  100. Felicity has always had a child-like quality. Super smart people often do. Don't forget that Felicity IS younger than Oliver, Sara, Diggle. She has always struggled with social interactions. This is a new social dynamic so it felt organic to me that she should revert a little from what she's become - largely this season. It is absolutely normal to feel threatened by having someone who is super competent invade your space at work - or even in a social circle. If your best friend meets a new friend, it's natural to be nervous as to what that's going to do to the dynamic of your own friendship - it's natural to be that little bit unsure and insecure. It's worse if an old best friend suddenly reappears. Honestly, it just made me like Felicity more. I would have been more turned off if she'd been petty about Sara and made cheap, cutting remarks. Sara herself goes out of her way to connect with Felicity.

  101. Here's the thing - I _am_ an Olicity shipper - but it doesn't have to happen now. AND I adore Sara. I think they had a bit of an uphill battle to win me over to Olivara (?), but I'm totally on board. I'm also up for Saricity - let's have them be besties! And fie on this EVER becoming a soapy vampire show *gags*
    I love this show. I love this writing. I'm totally on board for where they take us! I don't feel the need to drive the bus.

  102. I'm totally over that. Sara IS Black Canary. Surely, if Laurel has to do more than become the person we thought she was - strong, legal-eagle - in season one, can't she become some other super hero? Not like there aren't plenty to chose from... or *gasp* they could create a whole new identity for her... I trust these writers to do any of those things...

  103. In my opinion Sara should have worked harder to mend her family. If you remember in LoA episode she says to Oliver Laurel would still be angry or something like that. Its not like she didn't expect resentment for what she did. All the hurt and devastation that Laurel felt when O/S left on Gambit came back when Sara came back. Both Sara and Oliver for once should have put Laurel and her mental condition first more than anything else. Taking Oliver to that dinner was not trying to reconcile with Laurel.
    I don't get it. How is it that Laurel getting together with Oliver while Sara was grounded (it was shitty of Laurel to do so) can be compared to Sara running away with Oliver with whom Laurel was in a relationship for several years. Sara owed Laurel the biggest apology ever.
    I have nothing against Oliver/Sara. They have great chemistry and an understanding due to shared experiences. But still can get behind that pairing.

  104. Felicity is a 25 year old professional woman who has been working in a corporate environment for at least 3 years not a 16 year old high schooler. Her foot in mouth disease is cute. That is like she cannot keep what she thinks in her head. But this was really unnecessary and a complete u turn for the character that I fell in love last season. Even Thea who is a 20 year old would not behave the way she behaved in this episode.

  105. I think we will have to wait and see what she will do the coming episodes to judge the actress. Writers can go whichever way they want with Laurel now. If they give her some clever dialogues, connect her to the ongoing story and not make her BC and put her with Oliver I will be okay to see her on screen.

  106. I agree with all this.

    I was all settled in to watch Oliver and Sara negotiate their relationship but I'm dismayed by how Sara to some part but Oliver mostly turned into worse people.

    I get it that he mad at his mother but jeez, it's her house and if you don't want her to make an appearance (as politeness decrees since Quentin and Dinah came), then hold your party somewhere else like maybe a club that you own.

  107. I wonder though if KC would be okay with playing second fiddle to every other female in the show.

  108. Was it really Sara's Jacket. It doesn't look like it. There is a debate in the internet whether it is Sara's Jacket or not?

  109. I really enjoyed your review. I'm just disappointed at how venomous this community has become over the shipping aspect of the show.

  110. Thank you. And yes. That's my favorite thing about those two. More so with Stephen, they say so much with their eyes. I must've watched that scene, 30 Times before I went to sleep, just to see his eyes. Haha

  111. Thanks - it's crazy, isn't it? In future, I will likely stay away from poking that bear outright in my reviews - I thought we were still having fun with it...

  112. You're welcome. The scene with him and Laurel, when he walked away from her, and rubbed his hands to his face, before opening the door. I took that as he was wiping away tears from anger, and they just didn't show it...As for Quentin, we know how he is with relationships already, i mean c'mon he's a divorced man. Not saying that it wasn't his ex wife's fault either. But they both decided to call it quits, legally. I would hope that they give him a new love interest. Maybe he can meet someone in AA who knows. But iI think it would be good for him. He'd connect with someone that shares the same demons as him. Him and Laurel connecting and trying to repair their relationship is all good and everything. But at the end of the day, he still deserves to be loved by someone who's not related to him. I think, in his case, that's a long time to be alone. Giving his age, his job and even his AA issues. He needs someone to confide in. He's not a widower so I think, in due time, that it'll be good for him to get back on the saddle. Hahahahha..I hope the name catches on. LOL probably not though. Haha

  113. Couldn't agree more Sara was so sweet to Felicity trying to connect but i think because Felicity was under a little stress she was a little colder than usual like she said to Ollie in the end she is used to being 'his girl' so i think she was just struggling to adapt

  114. Really english is my first language and your way more grammatically accomplished than i am lol

  115. I thought Laurel was over Oliver since she'd moved on to Tommy and later Sebastian.

    But if it had to be Oliver because Laurel wasn't over him, then Sara should have know that she wasn't because, you know, Laurel wasn't taking her calls. When did Sara become so weak she couldn't face her sister without having her boyfriend there? There was no way they could keep their relationship secret given how they were behaving in Verdant's basement.

    The problem for me in that whole dinner scene was that Laurel came out looking better than Sara or Oliver, the one most justified in what she did, and that diluted the effect of Oliver yelling and giving up on her in the hallway because she walked out of dinner. In the same way, the fact that Oliver either ignored or was short with Felicity made me feel his saying "you'll always be my gal" at best cheap and at worst manipulative because he didn't care about her at all this episode. The next scene had him going to Sara an kissing her so it also felt very manipulation on the part of the writers not to lose the Olicity shippers.

    It has nothing to do with whether I like or don't like Felicity or Sara or Oliver, it's just badly done in terms of the writing. All three of them got trashed to prop this storyline.

  116. Agreed its why i can handle the reasoning for why she invited Ollie to dinner,was it stupid absolutely but i think its like Ollie said last year 'that its the little things like a family dinner that he found most difficult adjusting to'

  117. Are people also forgetting that Sara was watching over Laurel for a period of time and that she kept away from her family to keep them safe and that she was willing to kill herself to save her family, but no apparently she is a selfish witch because she wants to hook up with Ollie

  118. Please read my above post, pretty please lol

  119. Again absolutely spot on

  120. I think Sara was more naive then insensitive she was clearly worried about the potential catastrophe as she had said earlier in the ep

  121. I disagree to an extent i think it painted the flaws in both the sisters their was no winners they were both wrong for different reasons and that is why i actually think it was very well written

  122. Sounds like good advise, it is hard when your invested in the characters though which to me is another tick to the writers

  123. Agreed and honestly Sara and Ollie are judged differently purely on their gender and its a shame

  124. I'd love for them to give Quentin a new love interest! Great idea! And preferably not someone who's actually evil of a super hero - and not Moira.... Maybe now that Laurel is pulling herself together, she'll get a new job and have a sexy older boss...

  125. It really ruins the fun of shipping in the first place. I hate fandoms that want to force you to choose one character over another *coughsupernaturalcough*

  126. Laurel did know an assassin was after her she said so herself and Laurel didn't technically steal Ollie but she sure manipulated things so Sara couldn't intervene

  127. cougheverything nowadays

  128. I think Sara really went out of her way to connect with Felicity and win her approval.

  129. People, apparently, have very selective memories...

  130. Can i also add that i really liked the mature way they handled the Sara/Oliver dating thing i mean they weren't staring into each others eyes for long pauses their kisses were short and sweet and it didn't interrupt the flow of the ep just my thoughts

  131. And Lisa you are proof you can love your fav pairing and be decent and respectful to other peoples preferences

  132. Eww, Moira, Noooo. Just saying that, puts a gross taste in my mouth. Idt they'd go that far to make it that weird. Actually, speaking of Moira, Idt they'll give her anybody for another 2 seasons. Like After season 4. Eh, I don't even want Laurel to be on the show, let alone her boss. Lol Sorry.

  133. I like Sara being a part of team Arrow but not with Oliver. I think the show is brilliant in its action and storytelling department, less so in the 'who shall we put with Oliver next' department.

    I found it easy to sympathise with Laurel the past two episodes and I'm glad she's finally taking the blame and trying to undo her wrongs. I'm annoyed at how insensitive Sara and Oliver was to go to her place, and reveal their relationship albeit by 'accident' but it was obviously going to come out one way. Then not apologise for it when that's what started off the tension between all three. Pft I'm over it, this is why relationships dampens the show imo.

    I love that Sara found Sin and took her in, their hug at the Queen Mansion gave me so many happy feelings, I knew Sin was going to be the guys kid!

    That ending ... the chills! I am so ready for Slade vs Oliver present time =D

  134. Actually they wouldn't be together, because Oliver is Arrow. Last season he told Tommy he couldn't ever be with Laurel because she will never know his secret. He only went after her in the end when he thought his days as a vigilante were over - he thought his father's wish was stop the undertaking. Tommy died and Oliver went to the island. After five months, he wanted to be with Laurel (he said he couldn't figure out anything about them in the first episode), but he also didn't want to be the Arrow anymore. When he decided return, their first scene was he telling her "I got it, I understand why we can't be together." The reason they can't be together is his Arrow persona. So, they wouldn't be together, even if Laurel decided she wanted to. Because even if she were ready to be with him, he wouldn't be ready to be with her.

  135. Cry of Achillies1 March 2014 at 05:40

    I can't agree with Sara being insensitive 1/She kisses Ollie in the foundry notices Felicity being uncomfortable about it so she stops and even asks Felicity if she is ok 2/ She was apprehensive about going to Laurels in the first place and even mentions to Oliver to keep their dating grounded so as not to upset Laurel.Ok things got messy and it didn't work out but Sara was sensitive to the matter she just made the wrong decision to invite Ollie and that is all

  136. Cry of Achillies1 March 2014 at 05:42

    She was still absolutely awful to Quentin at the dinner i mean cmon woman

  137. Cry of Achillies1 March 2014 at 05:45

    Ive just been scouting the net and now according to most everything Sara does is wrong now some of the accusations I've read are almost embarrassing i guess Sara is the reason the earthquake devise went off last year and that Quentin was demoted you get my point

  138. Cry of Achillies1 March 2014 at 05:47

    Whats worse is some even think Felicity should be new Canary if that happens the show is officially a parody

  139. I don't ship Oliver and Sara romantically but, whatever the nature of their relationship, I'm partial to "Canarrow" as the name. :)

    Sara/Felicity friendship is just what this show needs. Stick it to the annoying people who pit them against each other because Sara is an obstacle to Oliver hooking up with Felicity or vice-versa.

  140. Cry of Achillies1 March 2014 at 09:40

    Even though i personally ship Sara/Ollie i think losing the Arrow/Canary stuff would be a bigger loss and i also agree about the Sara/Felicity thing and i would like to add Thea and Sin to that list

  141. May be. But how can the potential catastrophe be avoided by bring along the person who is the reason for the sore spot while you struck up a relationship with him. I will never say Sara is a bad person. Comparing to Laurel Sara is rational and way better.

    Oliver spent the whole of last season paying for going to Gambit with Sara. He had to repeatedly prove himself to Laurel, Quentin, Thea and Moira. He was called out for his selfishness several times by different people. Sara looked out for her family and is generally a good person and even a better person than Oliver. But where is her struggle. In this episode no one held her accountable for the pain she inflicted on Laurel. Even their parents were insensitive to Laurel. Sara is the one with more backbone and resolve than any other females in this show. Her taking Oliver to that dinner at Laurel's house after striking up a relationship with Oliver cannot be justified imo.

    Any way we are all going around in circles. We will wait for the next episode and see where it goes.

  142. Oh what trouble you have caused my dear Jacket.. I will not look at a leather jacket the same way anymore. :)

  143. Agreed. Caity is black Canary and they can't put Laurel through any peril to make her a believable Canary. Its impossible.

  144. Right now I am not into Sara/Oliver. But if they do it correctly and carefully I will jump into that ship. They have an easy chemistry with each other which I like. I would like the show in future seasons some time to go for Oliver/Felicity too. You can't show them building feeling and not go there. Shipping annoyance aside it will be interesting to watch.

    I think they definitely build Sara/Felicity friendship. I got that vibe from the interviews of creatives and EBR. It is necessary for this show. This show is full of head strong females whose personalities clash when they are on screen. They tried Laurel/ Thea friendship last season. For me it didn't work out much. So if they can build a good friendship between Sara/Felicity it will add to the richness of this show.

  145. Great episode, as usual!!! One of the best shows in TV right now! Sara is a a amazing addition to the cast, and i will repeat: she is the only Black Canary for me. No one else. Caity is doing a great job in this show, and i am hoping that the producers will find a way to keep her forever.

    I loved what Oliver said to Laurel, that was just great. She really needed to hear these words. Harsh words, but necessary. I loved that she goes for Sara, and they made up. It was about time.

    One of the more adorable moments of this episode was Sara/Sin. It was great to see more about their bonding, and i really appreciate this relationship.

    My other favorite part in this episode was the Sara/Felicity scenes. They are great together, i hope they evolve more this friendship/relationship, because there lots of potential.

    And the end..omg..shocking!! Slade is comming!!

  146. Agreed with that I mean if she wanted to go off on Oliver and Sara fine I mean at least get it over with, but after everything her father has done for her how much he tried to save her. Even if he was a bit naive about them getting back together Laurel knew how excited and happy he was and she just kept kicking him while he was down it was so pathetic and cruel of her.

  147. Kathleen Kervin1 March 2014 at 20:43

    Again, how desperate the previously smart Felicity was to be like Sara. She's barely recognizable.

    This episode trashed Felicity's character to prop Sara's.
    Which is why I disliked it more than any other this season.

  148. Cry of Achillies2 March 2014 at 01:42

    I agree completely, now i hope Caity is avoiding social media for a bit because she is getting a verbal bashing everywhere it seems it is so sad

  149. I don't know if this is entirely true, because in the social media (at least the ones that i see)., i just see lots of love for Caity and Sara Lance.

    Bu if this is partially true, i think this is just sad and embarassing for the part of the fandom. Because, if this is partially true, it came from a especific part of the fandon (that it not represents me, btw), that is rooting for a certain couple (I will not say the name btw).

    This is very embarassing and i hope it not make a negative fame for Arrow. The show is very popular and good, but this tipe of thing is just very negative, and it could affect the show in some ways, because it's remember toxic fandoms.

    That being said, i trust in the Arrow producers.

  150. Cry of Achillies2 March 2014 at 08:41

    Youtube and Facebook seem to be the worst offenders hell check the crap she gets on Stephen Amells Facebook page and yes it really is embarrassing

  151. Cry of Achillies2 March 2014 at 08:43

    Agreed i think Sara and Laurel needed a scene together to just get all the grudges and crap in the air to be able to move on but I'm really glad they come together in the end i just hope it lasts

  152. Cry of Achillies2 March 2014 at 08:46

    I feel if they did it would take some serious shortcuts and kind of feel like a cop out i mean for Laurels Canary to work she really has to be better than Saras version and i can't see it

  153. Cry of Achillies2 March 2014 at 08:50

    I can't agree with that sorry this is not the first time Felicity has acted this way she kind of has that only child type of behaviour thing happening if she is not the centre of things she gets a bit childish

  154. Cry of Achillies2 March 2014 at 08:51

    I thought she was really rude in the Barry eps to or is that just the way i see it?

  155. Cry of Achillies2 March 2014 at 08:58

    I think to Sara Oliver is her home she trusts him and leans on him for everything thats why when a situation like the dinner came up she knew she would struggle with it was Ollie she would lean on if things went bad but yes in hindsight it was a silly move but and i mean but what if they both went and they just had dinner and nothing happened then it wasn't so silly after all if you get my meaning

  156. Laurel's ''Please don't hate me'' line to Sara which made no sense given the fact that Sara NEVER once hated her even when Laurel went off at her during the dinner scene, she is the one who has hated Sara not the other way around. Loved the scene between Lance and Oliver where he FINALLY forgave him for being an understandable ass towards him.
    Kinda figured Slade was the one Moira was meeting with given Oliver's 'Oh shit' expression as he walked in the room, and that handshake was a threat all in itself!
    Can't wait for 2x19: ''Deathstroke''!!

  157. I don't disagree Sara is leaning heavily on Oliver as he went through the same last year. But in no world with Laurel around that dinner can go smoothly even if she was not on pills and booze. I felt it was out of character of the Sara we have seen all season long to do something stupid. After all it was shown time and again how much she loves Laurel and regret her actions.

    I am just glad that this episode is over. Maybe by end of season I will look back at this episode differently.

  158. Which one scientist or 3 ghosts. Rude to whom remind me please. In scientist she was all over Barry. Are you talking about the scene where Oliver confronted Barry over his lie. I felt Felicity was out of character there too where Oliver was justified. Felicity we know would always put truth and safety of Team Arrow over any one. But that was kind of selfish and not childish. I will take selfish over childish any day.

  159. How did they prop Sara's character? I did not like the way Sara was depicted this episode either but it has no connection with Felicity and more to do with Laurel. Sara was sweet with Felicity where as Oliver was short and myopic. Felicity on the whole in this episode except for the scenes with Digg and CK was cringe worthy.

  160. Just because someone doesn't like an episode doesn't mean its all about shipping. Some times people can have different opinions. As of now I don't like any romantic pairing in this show except for Roy/Thea and I disliked this episode.

    Its unfair to classify every one as shippers just because they didn't like one episode.

  161. How can she ever top Sara's version of Canary. Action part aside (body doubles may or may not work) Sara has such rich history and is shown to grow up from the kind of immature and selfish girl she was to the self-sacrificing hero that she is. Where as Laurel has grown more self righteous and a mess. Why would anyone consider her as a hero.

    I don't know how long KC will be ready to do this show considering her character is behind every other female character except Sin in this show.

  162. Cry of Achillies2 March 2014 at 10:00

    When Sara first got back to Starling she was kind of like Olli last year she felt like she had died metaphorically on the island so apart of her is shut off kind of what she also mentioned to Nyssa so what I'm trying to say is the common ground between the way she feels and how she deals with her family is Ollie.When crap hit the fan last ep with Laurel the first person she went to was Ollie and even quoted 'I'm home''.So for me at least it is consistent with her character right now but like Ollie last year she is going to have to learn to re adapt.It was still the wrong move on Saras behalf no doubt but she is hardly perfect as for the episode i absolutely loved it probably my favourite this year weird hey lol i hope next week it will be more your thing

  163. Cry of Achillies2 March 2014 at 10:05

    Agreed i know Sara gets judged for sleeping with Ollie on the gambit which is justified but the thing is that was 6 years ago we as the viewer know that both Ollie and Sara have payed for that in their own way on the island now they have to face their families Sara seems to be struggling with that more than the island lol

  164. I don't read comments much on Stephen's page and I don't follow anyone else in social media. People are crazy. Is it Olicity fans that create all this mess? I read some where it was Laurel fans who became enraged. Whom are they raging against Sara or Caity.

    I don't get why any one would go to an actor with negative criticisms. Go to the producers or writers. Never to the actors. They don't have any control over the material they work with.

  165. Cry of Achillies2 March 2014 at 10:07

    I felt Sara came across as extremely likeable in this ep I'm not she could have done anymore

  166. Cry of Achillies2 March 2014 at 10:13

    Both, stuff like Sara is a bitch, Caity is ugly she has a butt chin ,Sara is a whore olicity forever, you get the gist basically the same stuff Katie Cassidy has had to deal with the last year or so is being shifted to Caity/Sara except this time its not just Olicity fans its Laurel fans to but where i draw the line is when these same people go to Caity Lotz twitter account saying the same obscenities sad isn't it.Now its obviously not all the Laurel or Olicity fans because their is a lot of kind respectful fans its just the fanatical rotten eggs

  167. So basically two opposing fandoms joined together to rage against the new love interest wow. Perils of social media. I wonder why actors bother to communicate with fans and viewers. Its the same with every fandom. Starts of as respectful and once things don't go their way its resentment. You have writers and producers to complain if you don't like the way story is going. What can an actor do?

  168. Marlene Rådman2 March 2014 at 13:21

    One thing I keep thinking about as I re watch this episode: Why hasn´t Oliver gotten his own place yet? I mean, he is a grown (rich) man, he has a secret identity and he can´t stand his mother. Would it not be easier to move out...?

  169. Why?? B,c apparently her mouth is immobile. I think, her mouth is fine, they,re just small. That's all.

  170. Ha, i don't use Facebook much. The official Facebook page for the show is just a damn mess. I follow Caity in the social media, and i just see lots of love for her in her instagram, and her twitter.

    But yeah, this kind os fsituation it's just embarassing for the show, the producers and the actors. I hope Arrow don't catch negative fame because of this kind of thing.

  171. Dominick Grace2 March 2014 at 15:00

    Good review! I liked this episode a lot, and agree with pretty much all you say about it, though Ithink I'm more impressed by Lotz's fighting chops than her acting chops. I have to confess, though, that I gave up on the comment thread ... yikes!

  172. I don't think she was saying that the only reason people didn't like the episode was over shipping. I think she was saying actually that the comments about shipping were getting nasty. I think she was commenting more on the shipping comments about the show - not general comments.

  173. One of my only disappointments with the show has been Laurel this season. I think Moira and Quentin would be hilarious as an "odd" couple... but I think they'd kill each other!

  174. YES, YES, YES!!! And I'm totally behind "Canarrow"!

  175. YES! I have a family member exactly like that...

  176. Yes. And the fact that Felicity chooses the word "girl" - but I completely agree that is how we were meant to take it.

  177. Completely agree with everything you say here!! Especially more Sara/Felicity and keeping Caity!

  178. It's now part of actors' jobs to interact on social media and promote the show. Fans have so much access now they don't respect the actors. Most fans don't understand how the business works either. And don't worry, writers and producers get their fair share of the hate - sadly, the older a show gets, the more hate there seems to be to go around...

  179. I think the please don't hate me was for all the crap Laurel threw at Sara since she's been back. The Quentin/Oliver scene was fantastic - I love Quentin! I know Slade has to be a villain and there will be epic fights coming up, but deep in my heart, I want him to be redeemed!

  180. They live in a gigantic mansion! I'm betting he's hardly ever there any way... And just occurred to me - where does Sara live? Maybe he's been sleeping at her place? Or in the lair?

  181. Thanks! I think it's difficult to get thrust into the middle of such an ensemble cast and find your footing. Caity has really grown on me and I think she really showed some acting chops in this episode. Fighting-wise, of course, she's been badass since day one!

  182. I agree with everything you said.

    Unfortunately, a certain immature, obnoxious and extremely loud group among Olicity shippers (it's certainly not everyone) is shouting about how much Sara sucks all over YouTube and Arrow's Facebook page. It's really annoying. And considering they pretty much loved Sara before 2x13, it's transparent as hell that she only became a "target" since she's now back with Oliver and thus getting in the way of Olicity. Honestly, the more crap I see about Olicity the more I resent the pairing. And I'm sorry but while I like Felicity, she has become vastly overrated. Comments upon comments upon comments of "OMG, Felicity is the most beautiful, smartest, bravest, most badass, coolest, funniest, best character EVAH!!!". This has to be related to Olicity as well - while I certainly get how Felicity is a lovable character, the praise is way out of proportion at this point.

    I don't care which woman Oliver ends up with. I just want both characters to retain their dignity and awesomeness, which is certainly NOT what Felicity was doing in this episode. "I'm still your girl"... ew. The fact that people nominated this dreck for Scene of the Week does my head in (no offense to them in person).

  183. Honestly, if I was Stephen I might not be able to restrain myself from just posting something like "STFU about Olicity already" on my Facebook page. LOL.

  184. Marlene Rådman2 March 2014 at 19:24

    Yeah, I know.But still...

    The lair! Made me laugh. Picturing an old, creepy dude in a hideaway somewhere, with trapdoors and lots of candles and creepy music.

    Yes, I am weird.

    Where does Sara live? Good question. Hmmm...

  185. It's sad but the women on this show are always being pitted against each other by the fandom, largely because only one can win the great prize of getting into Oliver's pants (permanently that is). First it was Laurel vs. Felicity, and while god knows I like the latter waaaaaaaaay more than the former, Olicity/Felicity fans weren't arguing on the basis of Laurel being a badly written character but simply of her threatening the prospect of Olicity. Then it was Laurel vs. Sara which at least seemed to revolve more around who's the better Canary than Oliver. Now it's Felicity vs. Sara because Sara is with Ollie. It's ridiculous how the main argument seems to be "Sara is a whore/slut, she stole her sister's boyfriend." Not only did that happen 6 years ago, but it sure didn't bother any Oliciters as long as Sara wasn't a present-day romantic prospect for Oliver.

    Caity, sadly, is getting the same mean-spirited comments about her looks as Katie: she has a "butt chin", she always purses her lips, she has a weird mouth, she has speech defects (I'm not kidding)... sigh. When it's Katie, it's: she has a horse face, she's anorexic, she got a chin implant, her face looks like an upside-down triangle... etc. People spew so much vitriol. I can't deny I've come down hard on Katie for her acting in the past, but I draw the line at making fun of someone's looks.

    You rarely see this with male characters. Nobody will bash Diggle because they love Oliver, bash Oliver because they love Roy, etc. While I don't excuse the behavior of these fans for a second, the writers are also at fault here for framing all the women on the show as love interests for the hero. Other than the two who are related to Oliver, there has not been one significant female character who wasn't romantically or sexually linked to him in some way.

  186. LOL, I think Moira and Quentin's kids would be permanently traumatized by it if these two got together, haha. Too incestuous/icky.

  187. I can't agree. She had the support of her parents and I think that should've been enough for her to face Laurel again. There was just no way that bringing Oliver there wouldn't end in a fiasco since he's a big part of the problems between Laurel and Sara. I understand why Sara was apprehensive about the dinner and felt better with Oliver there as her wingman, but she should've put Laurel's emotional state and the need to reconcile with her above everything, in my opinion. And you know I say this as someone who would take Sara over Laurel 201 times out of 200.

  188. Some people have also pointed out that Katie doesn't seem to be as into the show as her co-stars. The others keep giving interviews and tweeting from the set and posting Instagram pictures and whatnot. She seems to be more invested in her new career in fashion. Perhaps she doesn't even really *want* a regular gig on a TV show anymore.

  189. Oh. I apologize. Now I get it.

  190. May be she is annoyed by all the hate she is getting and is avoiding social media. If Caity received these many bad experience I wonder what KC sees when she goes on internet. That being said KC should give more interviews and give her opinion about the show and her character and be on the news. Every other cast member gives interviews regularly.

  191. I don't think Quentin and Dinah would've chosen sides, they would've just helped Laurel see that Sara isn't as culpable in all of the misery their family had suffered as Laurel initially assumed when Sara turned up alive. But even if so - Oliver surely wasn't going to be more objective in the matter than the Lance parents. Sara brought him there as a support system for herself, not as a buffer or mediator. And in doing so I think she made matters between Laurel and herself worse. Oliver was always going to be the elephant in the room during that dinner but to physically have him there raised the awkwardness and discomfort to all new levels. If they had dinner without him, it could've been a callback to the days when they were a relatively normal, happy family, thus bringing Sara and Laurel closer. But that was never going to happen with the person who is a reminder of how all of their misery started being present. (I say that not to bash Oliver, but to evaluate the situation de-facto.)

  192. They are starting to bash on Stephen Amell too, because of this interview that he gave on TVLine, when he pretty much did a dead bed about the 'Olicity' subject. You can see that Stephen likes to avoiding talk about the romance territory on this show, because it's became obnoxious and annoying. And this not the main topic about the show! When some immature and rude people start to bashing on the actors and the producers is when you know that it became dangerous.

  193. Yeah, the show is awesome, but this is starting to became a big problem, because this part of the fandom is just immature and rude.

    And this is the kind of case when i don't hate the ship, but i'm hating the shippers, and this of course, makes me hate the ship too.

    I will hope that the producers keep steady about their plans, and don't do anything just about fan service. Because if get to that point, is when i will know that the show is no longer worthy.

  194. :) Yeah, i love their scenes together! Caity and Emily have a great chemistry!

  195. I kind of forgot that Laurel knew an assassin was after Sara in the last episode. Funny neither Laurel nor Dinah seems to be bothered by that fact. If it was my daughter I would want to know about that first so that I can see how to protect her.


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