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The Vampire Diaries - Episode 5.11 - 500 Years of Solitude - Short Sneak Peek

18 Jan 2014

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Thanks to GallagherBrothers for the heads up.


  1. Oh Caroline, when you mention Damon in any way shape or form, even in passing, it makes people annoyed with you, but in anything else you're pretty adorable.

    Now she has a sex secret about two people.

  2. I hope Caroline doesn't go running off to tell Elena.

  3. Is it me or is Caroline just there to be there? she is always involved in other characters plots as an observer or commentator. She has had no real storyline since Tyler left. Hope his return changes that.

  4. Aww, that's so adorable. I take I "registering for classes" was a success, hehe.

  5. She had no plot-lines when she was with Tyler either. All they ever did was have sex.

  6. This made me think of something, was Bonnie a virgin? I don't think it's ever been implied that she had sex with Jeremy in the past or any other male or female if that does it for her, lol.

  7. Damn that was short. And finally! 5 Years I've been waiting for them to address Bonnie's 'Situation" this might confirm that she was indeed a virgin. No wonder they took so long for her to get some. Well they could've said that from the very beginning. She wasn't in the books, so I was frustrated with her not getting any loving. (I know they don't follow the books more, but still).

  8. I think what we the writers emphasized with a control freak she is. Eventually Tyler and her would have had issues. LOL

  9. I am glad Jeremy was her first. Hopefully that is the big secret Caroline has to tell Elena.

  10. Well that's just a hunch. We don't actually know. Caroline could just be ecstatic that Bonnie and Jeremy finally consummated their relationship. As for the secret, i'm pretty sure it has to do with Caroline, so i'm gonna say no with that one.

  11. To me Caroline is basically only there to gossip and tell other people's business, be a love interest to a character with an actual plot-line or to dwell on frivolous things like parties when there are more pressing things going on, She's just there with no real plot. I don't think Caroline has a had plot of her own scene the beginning of season 2, before she became sub plot to Tyler and just a walking love interest to every male character in MF except Jeremy and Stefan but i even heard speculation that Steroline might share a kiss so idk. Caroline had a little story-line in season three when she killed those witches to save Bonnie but the writers even dropped plot.


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