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The Originals - February 2014 Sweeps Poster - Klaus

30 Jan 2014

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Thanks to Summer for the heads up.

Source: theoriginalsdaily


  1. only Klaus ?
    not liking it (duh)

  2. Ah. I see another series of individual posters coming our way, much like the bloody ones from months ago.

  3. nah, only Julies favourite

  4. It would be interesting if Elijah did join forces with the witches, just to "make him wish he could die." Klaus has to be taken down a notch if the show is supposed to be about his redemption.

  5. Oh no it would be a total Elijah's character destruction. He didn't turn on his brother after a 1000 years of mood swings so he shouldn't now. Besides Elijah never got daggered before MF so Klaus/Elijah have a much better relationships than Klaus/Rebekah. If Elijah has a problem with Klaus he should just beat him up a little bit.

    As for the promo shot i really hate they are using so much red in their TO promos all year round. Blood or simply redness does nothing to flatter the beautiful faces the cast have.

  6. I could see him conflicted once he finds out a certain someone is still alive. We got some foreshadowing of it too. One word. Celeste.. Remember how he acted on werewolf venom. He said he'd kill his brother. Now, that could be the crazy werewolf venom talking but it's still something. He also said being in love makes you uniquely vulnerable. I could see her using his guilt over her "death" against him. Something like "You even said he needed to be put in his place. He almost had me killed and now you want to let him control New Orleans..?" Perhaps not those exact words though.

  7. I am sure he loved Celeste very much but it was before she came back trying to kill Niklaus and in the process hurt Rebekah, everything they built in NOLA and even Elijah himself. He loved harmless witch who kept away from getting involved into witches vs klaus business. Now she not only lost her body (which is important because while actress playing sabine is smoking hot she is not celeste physically) but she also tainted herself in a lot of black magic and amassed a lot of dark supporters. Elijah loved her but he won't choose her over Niklaus ever. I am not sure about whether he will choose to court Hayley once she is no longer pregnant but i am 100 % Celeste will die in like 3-4 episodes top and what they had with Elijah will be ruined by her attempt at vengeance.

  8. Well I'm sure he will choose Klaus over her. But I think he will be tempted or guilt tripped in to something. He won't be there to kill Klaus, but I think he will be conflicted and tempted to do something.

  9. I agree with you. Elijah sees redemptive qualities in Klaus, and Klaus likes to keep it that way. Once Celeste reveals herself, Elijah will probably pretend to be on her side for a bit to find out what's going on. Of course, she'll expect it. This is a serious war they're fighting. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that the witches don't just want revenge, the ancestral spirits also want the Originals' power. Celeste may be just a tool for the spirits. She's been resurrected so many times since someone dug up her remains the first time that she might not even know what she wants anymore. The scary part is that the ancestral witches have the Original Witch's body too.

  10. I'm intrigued by what's supposed to happen with Monique. You know, the little girl who is supposed to get spontaneously resurrected? Things aren't supposed to be what they seem when that happens, and I'm wondering what that means. I think Celeste let her get resurrected to either irritate or distract Klaus, and Papa Tunde was probably killed to make that resurrection happen.

  11. I am also very intrigued by what will happen with monique. Klaus better not touch a hair on her head. If he kills her i am going to be so mad at him. Even though he is my favorite but Sophie deserved to get that burden of her shoulders. She fought for her family but managed not to cost anyone's lives in the process. She was only ever going to kill Davina, but she was supposed to come back and she didn't even want to kill Katie, Klaus tricked her. Basically Sophie's behaviour is A+. She better not get killed off, she is the only female on TO that i truly like all the time. others make me feel bipolar: i either support them or hate them at times.
    It will be a bitter pill to get monique back but lose Sophie in the process.

  12. Klaus will touch a hair on Monique's head, but the hostage situation looks like a bluff. It's the "dangerous repercussions" I'm worried about. If Monique causes them and it gets too out of control, the guy who started the mess will end up being the only one who can stop her. I think Sophie is being a little bit selfish. Monique is with her mother on the Other Side, why mess with that by bringing the poor girl back when there's a war going on? I have a theory about how Monique will be brought back. If I'm right, then Klaus and Sophie might end up in a struggle over Monique, and Klaus could end up killing Sophie.

    I'm trying to figure out who will burn the plantation house with Hayley inside. She's supposed to get Rebecca's help sneaking out of the house to throw a werewolf party on the French Quarter. What are they thinking?! Klaus might be the one behind the fire if he gets angry enough for one reason or another, or he could get blamed for it if it's just out-of-control vampires looking for a wolf hunt. That incident could make Elijah want to turn on his brother, but I remember when he plotted to kill Klaus in TVD Season 2 and he changed his mind at the last minute. Those two can fight an entire war against each other, and then turn on their allies in the end to preserve their family. That's why no one wants the Originals around. People get stuck in the middle of their fighting and it never ends well.

  13. I am thinking that when Elijah has to make choice between his siblings and Hayley; that perhaps it is because of Celeste. She might give him a choice about who to save. She might be the one to cause the fire.

  14. I thought there might be a hiatus coming when I didn't see anymore synopses pop up for future episodes. We might not get more spoilers until tomorrow or Tuesday. Everything is unusually quiet. Big things usually happen during sweeps.

  15. it will probably be a week before we get a synopsis, and another week before the stills come in. ehhh((
    I hope the TO leaves us on a cliffhanger. For far TO has been pretty unsurprising. I mean we all know the main three will always win, they can't even be sufficiently hurt, so the entire show is anticlimactic. The only question i usually wonder the answer to is how soon Klaus or Elijah will kill this or that guest actor or actress. No one gives a damn about Marcel, or the baby, rebekah's attempts to teach klaus a lesson or especially the bayou werewolves.

  16. I was actually hoping someone would bring that spoiler up. People who are safe Klaus, Elijah, Cami and Josh and 5 person i don't remember who... Rebekah or hayley... it slipped my mind. So Davina is coming back and staying alive, i refuse to believe it's sophie (plus she needs to live to lift the curse from hayley's family) it's definitely not hayley, Maybe it's Marcel?? i know it's unlikely but i really hope it's him because the other obvious option is Sophie.

  17. It's so obvious she is not as innocent as she let Elijah believe. She asked him to bury her away from witches because she wanted to be able to come back should anything happen to her. She basically used him without telling him the truth. And she has been possesing the bodies of different witches but not even once tried to contact him and see if they can be together.
    I am disappointed they decided to make her go all bad since it would be a lot more difficult for Elijah to let her die again if she was a nice person. Now there will be no conflict in his heart when he sees Klaus in agony.


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