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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

Teen Wolf - 3.16 - Illuminated

30 Jan 2014

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  1. I am going with Derek vs. the trick or treaters just because it made me laugh and it wasn't accompanied by rave music.

  2. As always it's difficult for me to choose only one! I'm going with another scene : Scott seeing the fox protecting Kira because it's the biggest clue about what's going on.

    2nd best : Stiles realizing he is the one that wrote the periodic...this is the most intriguing and scaring twist for me.
    The 3rd is Derek scaring the kids and enjoying it! I always love when cold Derek acts like a child and makes me laugh for once.

  3. Stiles realizes that he wrote the periodic clue that lead Barrow to Kira


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