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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

Star-Crossed - New Promo - Only One

9 Jan 2014

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  1. AngelaRobinson909 January 2014 at 22:33

    So excited!

    Tho I kind of hope they mixed their DNA with ours like Roswell, one in a billion chance an alien species would look that much like us with tattoos.

  2. I really want to see this show. I hope it can last and really bring in viewers. If they do, i hope they last linger than 3 seasons. (As Roswell only lasted 3 seasons).

  3. AAAaaaaaannnnd it's a show focused on romance...who would have guessed ?

  4. This really could go either way in terms of me liking it or not and I have to say I am a bit afraid on the acting department but I will give it a try!

  5. I'm the same way; with a good script it might be an interest thing to watch, but we won't know until it airs

  6. The fact that it airs on Mondays is not really a good omen, it has been a very bad night for The CW.

  7. I read the script this summer....It's okay at best.

  8. For me it's a matter of how it's handled; if it's too corney, I'm out, if it has enough going on to keep things interested, then I can handle it

  9. I mean it's a pretty cw-y and they will push the love angle over the top but I simply love the cast. Grey damon, Malese Jaw & Matt Latner are really sweet actors I will give the show a real chance, I gave it to Reign and don't regret it.

  10. It could work if they diall down the romance and focus on the alien mythos. The two leads dont see to have chemistry.

  11. the trailers has ruin this for me, its not what i expected tbh

  12. I'm actually looking forward to this, I love when a show combines romance with scifi.


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