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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

Star-Crossed - New Promo - Human

15 Jan 2014

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  1. AngelaRobinson9015 January 2014 at 23:54

    Very much looking forward to this one.. slightly cheesy but it has that classic 90s WB Roswell/Buffy feel to it.. making me nostalgic. Hope this one does well.. which I suspect it might if they build up a strong mythology.

  2. Its not really my kind of show but I will give it a try, more than the actual show I'm really interested in seeing how it does ratings wise. Monday 8pm, paired with HOD then TTP, starting in Feb? I really cant call it. My gut tells me it wont make it.

  3. Somewhere, this looks interesting. I remember looking forward to this show during pilot season, but when I saw the trailer I lost nearly all interest. At least this trailer looks good, but I am still not sure whether or not to watch. I might have too many other, more interesting shows to watch. I also don't see Star-Crossed getting a second season.

  4. This show really depends so much on how it's done and how the acting is. I would like for them to take on the whole mythology thing front and center instead of the romance, but I am not sure if it's heading that way. I will still check it out, let's see.


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