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POLL : What did you think of The Vampire Diaries - The Devil Inside?

Jan 31, 2014

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  1. I can't make up my mind on this ep. I used to wish Elena was gone, but I'm not sure I want Katherine permanently. I'm confused. But I'm guessing it won't be permanent. Also, not sure I want Caroline back with Tyler at this point.

  2. And just when you think damon couldn't get any worse he proves you wrong.

  3. I can't be the only one seeing how Tyler gets fucked around ?

    The poor guy now gets blamed too ? F**k this show, this is full of victimblaming

  4. no because Caroline is a fucking retard at this point

  5. I think it's getting close to the point where people in Mystic Falls find out what Tyler did in New Orleans. He's painting himself a victim. If Katherine eventually gets found out, so will Tyler, and he'll probably either get killed off or become a new villain, or both.

  6. Tyler can go to hell. He has the right to be mad, but no right to judge her. Tyler LEFT Caroline despite the fact that she told him if he did they were finished. Then his plan falls through and he comes back and wants wants her again? What the hell? There's a disturbing number of people who are defending him. HE left HER. Not the other way around. He only returned because his planet against Klaus didn't work. I have no pity for the guy. His vengance was more important then Caroline. Yes, Klaus killed his mother. That doesn't mean he has the right to give Caroline shit for sleeping with the guy. Klaroline were together ONCE. Tyler made his entire life about Klaus.

    As for people saying Caroline is a hyprocrite sleeping with Klaus when she hates Damon so much. It's not the same thing! Caroline didn't start a relationship with Klaus. Her personality hasn't drastically changed by being near him, like Elena's has since she started dating Damon. Caroline struggled with her attraction to Klaus SIGNIFICANTLY longer than Elena did with Damon, and she didn't have to kiss him multiple times in order to come to a conclusion. She also never dated Klaus's brother and then jumped to Klaus immediately after the breakup. Pretty much every second of Klaroline involved her desperately trying to ignore her attraction to Klaus. Caroline put in the effort to resist him, Elena didn't do shit to resist Damon in comparison. And do you know what the difference is in the end. Caroline and Klaus are not in a relationship, and honestly they probably won't be until Klaus is a little less...murdery.

    This could have been entirely avoided if Tyler hadn't walked out on her. If he doesn't realize that then he's an idiot.

    Stefan not being judgey and being such a good friend to Caroline was awesome. He stood up for her and that's the greatest thing ever. Stefan was pretty awesome this episode. He tried to fix Delena's relationship! Even though he doesn't like that they're together he still acted like a brother who cares and chose Damon's feelings over his own. And he wasn't moping around about it!

    As for Katherine, she did a shitty thing that's for sure...but I'm also not the biggest Elena fan this season and would like a break from her. It's kind of sad. Katherine said to Damon was Elena should have said to him. Elena shouldn't be his only reason for living, and for being a better person. I'm excited to see what happens next.

    Last of all, Damon is a coward. The moment he has to face anything real, he switches his emotions off. I would like to see him actually face something for once. Sure, it hurts that "Elena" doesn't want him back, but she made a good point. Instead of learning from that he decides to regress. For about half a second there I was starting to like him again. Then he runs away like a scared little boy. I've made it clear that Damon has made me hate him lately. This decision hasn't changed that one bit.

  7. Please oh please oh please let's keep katharine permanetly In control of Elena's body

    It seems like damon of season 1 Is somewhat returned.

  8. I hate Katherine and Elena is tolerable compare to her so I hope we see the end of that manipulative witch in the very near-future. I can't stand her always getting away with the things she's done.

  9. I hope there's an interview about this episode soon because I'm confused. Elena is supposed to be sealed in a dead body that will probably rot away by the time people figure out who Katherine is. There isn't a witch in town to help out, either. There wasn't supposed to be a major breakup, a character leaving the show for good, AND a body switch, according to an article I read, so does that mean that Elena will somehow come back? If she does, I'm pretty sure Katherine's body is shot, especially with the mutilation and burning. I remember reading that a major character was supposed to die, so maybe a new character will resurrect Elena in a new body. She wasn't supposed to look Bulgarian anyway, if you want to follow the books.

    I knew that Damon was going to kill Aaron in this episode. It was too obvious. Seeing Katherine compel Matt, after everything else he's been through, made me hate her more. Unfortunately, TVD might be about Katherine's redemption now as well as Damon's, but first Katherine will have to confess to what she did. She'll get tired of pretending to be Elena eventually and want Stefan to love HER.

  10. I liked the Caroline/Stefan parts of the episode - when Stefan punched Tyler and then their little talk towards the end of the episode. I also felt like the only reason Tyler even wanted Caroline back is because he has nothing going on at all - he has no idea what to do with his life.

    I suspect Elena will be back in the next episode.

  11. THANK YOU!!!!! It is so ridiculous. They always have to make Tyler the bad guy to justify Caroline's shitty actions. They did it last season after they killed his friend, by having him throw the glass. And they are doing it again now. This is the most ridiculous, terribly written, fan pandering show I have ever watched in my enter life. I wish I could just let it go, like they have a spell over me or something.


    is it SO HARD for you people to understand ?

    What we root for in media reflects our interests and I seriously don't like what I'm readint here

  13. Uhuh...that might have more significance if Tyler didn't make his vengance about Klaus more significant than his relationship with Caroline. It's funny how Tyler can keep choosing Klaus over her and Caroline is expected to keep putting up with it when he breaks her heart, but Caroline can't spend a single second with Klaus without Tyler giving her shit about it.

  14. don't you want to get it ?

    Tyler had his mom killed by Klaus, wether together, chosen over or whatever. You don't spit on someones memory like that

    I don't think I want to discuss this anymore.

    This is just sick

  15. people dismiss Tyler's relationship with Caroline because he's in and out of the show like a revolving door BECAUSE OF KLAUS....they were great friends before they were bf/gf they have a lot of history...regardless of him leaving her YOU JUST DONT DO THAT TO SOMEONE YOU SHARE THAT KIND OF HISTORY WITH ....trying to justify it is silly, lets just write it off as terrible writing because the writers have been ruining tyler for a while now & now they decided it's Caroline's turn too

  16. as I said, literature and media mirrors our deeper interests, bad writing or not. I'm disgusted by peoples reactions even tough the moral standpoint on that should be so clear.

    So people rather root for someone sleeping with the murderer of a friends mother ? That's a horrible outlook

  17. Okay allow me to put this in simpler terms.

    Caroline tells Tyler if he leaves then they're done. He KNOWS that and leaves anyway. Then when his plan falls through, he comes back expecting Caroline to be waiting for him.

    Tyler leaving shows how little regard he has for her feelings, why should she be expected to have regard for his?

    If you're going to throw your opinion out there and then refuse to defend it, then don't waste everyone's time by expressing it in the first place. Opinions are valuable, don't express yours unless they are valuable enough to you to defend, because if you don't have any regard for your own opinions then no one else will either.

  18. what ?

    so, let's put it on WAY simpler terms:

    you share history with someone and care about him/her, sleep with the person that killed his/her parent.

    I don't care for Tylers feelings on that, I care about what you people are rooting for. And what you're rooting for is...disgusting behaviour. That behaviour being called "beating down a already beaten down kid"

  19. There's this little thing called personal responsibility. Caroline wouldn't have slept with Klaus if Tyler hadn't walked out on her. It really is that simple. In the end, Tyler didn't care enough about Caroline to be there with her. He tossed her aside to go after Klaus.

    "I don't care for Tylers feelings on that, I care about what you people are rooting for."

    That's ridiculous. Ignoring something significant to make your argument does not legitimize you in the least. This is a TV show. It's disturbing how much you're applying this to real life.

  20. literature and media does sadly often applies to things we deeply long for, so yes I'm applying this kind of behaviour to real life.

    Books, movies, games, music is all ment to in some way appeal to us.
    The reason ships are so popular isn't because something is well written but because we feel that this relationship is something interesting we want to have.

    I AM applying this to real life and I'm worried by the message TVD sends out lately.

    I'm not exactly applying every single action 1:1 to real life I'm applying the connections one makes.
    Like 'he already got beaten down emotionally by a huge loss in his life, despite that I feel more punishement is justified'

    messages movies and shows send DO matter, there're rating agencies that take that into account

  21. WHEN did this war between Tyler and Klaus start? If you say when Klaus killed his mother you're wrong. A lot of people, including you apparently, forgot that Tyler betrayed Klaus FIRST. Now it may just be me, but betraying a known mass murdering psychopath with deep, thriving hatred for betrayal seems like a bad idea.

    I'm not going to go up to a tiger and punch him in the nose. Why? Because that tiger will probably rip me apart. Anyone with half a brain should have applied that reasoning to Klaus. He betrayed one of the most pissed off, powerful beings on the planet. Does that excuse Klaus's actions? Hell no! But all of this started because of Tyler.

    Now he gets to be the victim because he chose wrong? That's where personal responsibility comes in. He made his decisions, and that lead him down a path where he mother was killed. Klaus killed her, and that's a terrible thing, but Tyler is the one who started this war between them. Now he gets to play the poor victim and slutshame Caroline because he's not winning it? That's nonsense.

  22. so you're basically saying that Tyler, a slave to Klaus, shouldn't have broken his sirebond and helped others that were mindcontrolled by Klaus ? Human decency ? No ?

    The tiger alegory fails because the tiger isn't holding you on a leesh

    So yeah, that's his fault.
    I guess being a good person doesen't pay up on a show like that

  23. Sure he should have rebelled against Klaus, but if he expected to do so without ANY casualties then he's a moron. Klaus is the biggest badass on the planet, and Tyler took a shot at him.

    And yes, the tiger allegory applies, because common sense is the leash. It's that warning in the back of your mind telling you not to do something stupid that could get you killed. Tyler rebelled and he LOST. Whether or not his rebellion was justified doesn't matter. He should have thought of the consequences of losing. He didn't, and his mother payed for it.

  24. Your worried about the messages this show is sending lately? Please, where have you been all this time. This is the same show where as long as you sleep with a guy the first time its okay for him to take away your choices afterwards... if he's good-looking and brooding? Then again, this is the same show that sends the message that you can still win a girl over after you senselessly murder her kid brother in front of her. Yes does are some great messages for a show that's targeted to teen girls.

  25. I don't know if its the show or the fans that love to play the blame the victim game. First with caroline and damon and now tyler with klaus.

  26. I actually very vocally support Caroline in that argument. I just don't support Tyler because people who defend him have VERY selective memories about how his war with Klaus started in the first place.

  27. You're clearly a huge Klaus fan, so am I. Doesen't mean his actions in war were right.
    And whatever we discuss about here: Klaus is just a part of my bigger worries.
    Should Tyler have rebelled, hell yes. Should Tyler have expected his mother to get killed ? one should expect that to happen.

    Tyler did a human thing: breaking free of a tyrant and the tyrant killed his mother.

    If you're one of those people trying to tell me that it's Tylers fault that his mother died then we have nothing to discuss about. Then we're at a barrier we can't climb.
    Not because I'm ignorant of your opinin but because there's something severely wrong in my mindset with blaming the oppressed one of a tyrants actions

    let's not talk about honor and the geneva convention. In a war there's a set of honor to be kept, believe it or not. Klaus killed someone uninvolved from behind without showing honor.

  28. yes, his war started with being opressed. You're the one with the selective memory or the highly biased mindset

  29. hell, I've been worried about this for A LONG time. That being said I've never really interacted with the fandom. What I'm clearly seeing now is that this show has already done some damage

  30. There's this little thing called personal responsibility - which means Caroline can't blame sleeping with Klaus on Tyler walking out on her. It may or may not be right in the context of a show with this wide and messed up of a moral compass, but it's pretty logical that Tyler wouldn't just be cool with it, and kinda would have been out of character if he had been cool with it. The show would be a lot better if all the characters took a bit more personal responsibility, but as long as they all have something or someone else to blame their behavior on... round and round the fans will go.

  31. The fans. Totally the fans. It's like no nuance occurs to anyone. Would it really have been logical for Tyler to be like, "Hey, that's cool."

  32. Actually I'm not a huge Klaus fan. I'm a huge Elijah fan. I'm defending Klaus without biased. And Tyler doesn't doesn't take all of the blame for his mother's death, he takes part of the blame. Before he betrayed Klaus, Tyler knew the kind of person he was. Klaus kills family and friends when he's pissed. It doesn't take someone intelligent or clairvoyant to guess that Klaus would go after the people Tyler cared about.

    It was in no way surprising that Klaus killed his mother. It's something that Klaus would do, and Tyler should have known that ahead of time because Klaus has never hidden his brutal nature. Tyler is partially responsible for his mother's death. It's silly to ignore that. If Tyler hadn't betrayed Klaus then he wouldn't have had a reason to kill her.

    She dies because Tyler made his choice. That doesn't absolve Klaus of guilt in any way, but to say that Tyler doesn't share any of it at all is extremely naive.

    And to the people who keep downvoting me, mac here is the only one who is actually taking the time to respond to me. I don't agree with him but I respect his opinion. Expressing your opinion with a button click makes your point of view worthless to me. Actually disagree with me and tell me why or don't waste your time.

  33. definitely the fans. I'm 100% sure that in season 1 fans would have said that Damon was totally right to turn Vicki

    I'm honestly kind of gutted by the reactions

  34. Honestly, I think only in certain places do the fans go crazy debating this stuff, and they're less discussions of the characters and characterizations and more, "my character is more justified than your character because he had a harder life, so there."

  35. I hate that they made Damon kill Aaron cause it's pretty hard to come back from that, I hated Katherine's interventions ruining everybody but I have to say it was pretty cool seeing Damon again in all his bad-assesness(?. Also Stefan was really sweet, specially to Caroline, and I'm pretty happy about Caroline being judged for once,she needs to learn of what she does to other people.

  36. SOOOO TRUE!! Ty for your comment! TYLER SCREWED KLAUS OVER FIRST & then when Klaus struck back, everyone's like "Poor Tyler" I mean REALLY?!?!

  37. Totally. There's a difference, too, in enjoying a character or a character's journey, vs thinking a character is always right or justified. Many fans do not seem to be able to tell the difference.

  38. sad to battle this out with a fellow Elijah fan then (who is without a doubt my ultimate favourite). But sadly I can't agree that

    in a war you deal with the constant presence of decency. Wich line can you cross. Tyler knew that Klaus was cruel but he didn't know Klaus would go there. Why ? Because family was off limits prior to that. Klaus changed the rules.

    now, I rest my case. Make of that opinion what you will. I do consider this show partly disturbing in terms of messages and today had my first rundown trough various sites that seem to support the Tyler hate. I am in fact gutted and feel that I would probably do good by not thinking too much about the effect underlying (unwanted) messages have on young viewers. Maybe I'm giving viewers not enough credit or maybe I am. We'll see in 20 years.

  39. stuff like 'Klaus daddy never loved him' ? I love that one :P

  40. No character on this show is EVER truly right. At times they walk a grey area but mostly they're acting highly hypocritical.
    I see why I walk back to TO like a drug (because it really is good) but with TVD it's...I don't know...

  41. Therefore it's totally okay that he's slaughtered half the world (hyperbole, settle down, Klaus fans), and everyone around him should just be compassionate and grateful that he lets them live, regardless of what else he does to them. ;) I enjoy Klaus and Elijah (as characters), but neither one is a saint, nor always right, nor fully justified, lol.

  42. Yeah this season hasn't been the best, for me.

  43. I feel like Tyler has totally forgotten that Katherine was responsible for triggering both his and his uncle's werewolf genes, It was Damon who pretty much made Bonnie and her grandmother let out the tomb vampires which resulted in the death of his father (although I don't know if he knows about that) and it was also Damon who killed his Uncle Mason. Why doesn't he want revenge on Damon? Damon has also played a part in ruining his life.

  44. I think Tyler's hated of Klaus actually appeared in mid-Season 3 when he returned to town and learned that Caroline had been hanging out with him and that Klaus was into her. At the end of Season 3 when they were at the decade dance Tyler actually stated that he was jealous of Klaus. Then in Season 4 Tyler was watching Klaus & Caroline having a good time at Miss Mystic Falls and was just staring them down and made a remark to Hayley about how he couldn't wait to get rid of Klaus.

  45. Tyler plotted to bury Klaus in concrete. I think that's actually what set him off - not that Tyler had broken the sire-bond.

  46. Tyler should have expected his mother to be killed IMO. Katherine informed everyone that when you really piss of Klaus he kills your family (as she knows from her own personal experience). Elena decided to go along with allowing Klaus to break the hybrid curse because she knew that if she didn't he was likely to lose it and slaughter her family.

  47. Absolutely love katherine

  48. Stefan punching Tyler might mean that he feels more than just friendship toward Caroline, somewhere deep down. I don't think I've ever seen Stefan get violent over a verbal insult to anyone, except maybe Elena. Perhaps Elena's absence will create a new love triangle that will eventually bring Stefan and Caroline closer. I'm pretty sure that if Katherine tries to start things up with Stefan again as Elena, Stefan will hesitate just a little. He said he would take Elena back "in a heartbeat" BEFORE she chose Damon, hurting Stefan so much that he felt the need to leave town. It's hard to say whether Stefan would choose Caroline over "Elena" somewhere down the road.

  49. I'm sure Tyler's hatred of Klaus started when Klaus kidnapped him to have him sacrificed and slaughtered like an animal. But it was his sirebond that blinded him of that for a while.

  50. How did Tyler betray Klaus? Because if I remember correctly Klaus was going to kill Tyler in Season 2. Then forced him to put his girlfriend on her death bed, all so he could get the sheriff on his side.
    I guess you think it's Katherine fault too that Klaus slaughtered her family, huh?
    I do not understand you people.

  51. Damon killing Aaron was the best part about this episode. As much as it sucks because of his shit life and the fact he was a good person with a fairly brutal death, the show has become very tame over the past couple of years and they've seemed to struggle with killing off supporting/major characters. Jeremy was supposed to stay dead originally, but Julie Plec ended up writing him back in fairly poorly, and then bringing Bonnie back to boot.

  52. As much as I liked the Katherine character, I think she needed to die. She was fun and villainous during the first three seasons of the show but its time to move on. As for Nadia, I want her to meet the sun. Like A LOT. Patterning her whole life around a woman she really never knew and then becoming a vampire so she could what? Crawl back into mommy Petrova's womb? Become jogging partners? Braid each others hair while sailing on the River Thames? What a pathetic, grating, waste of a vampire. How many times does Katherine have to tell Nadia to get lost before she grows a clue? Go away and get your own life.

    And yes, Damon is a coward. I'm over him and his not taking responsibility for being a monster. Elena can't be your moon and stars and reason for all things being shiny wonderful. Yes, Katherine turned him and then spurned him. But Damon was the one who chose to become a monster. Katherine never made that choice for him.

  53. I would rather see them kill off Bonnie or Jeremy than Elena. With traveler mythology being the new story arc, Elena can just find a new body. Bonnie and Jeremy have no real story going on, except pending problems in their love life. However, Damon and Enzo are supposed to be a danger to them in the next episode.

  54. I have loved this show since the beginning but last season, the only thing tolerable was Damon and Elena. Now this season, that relationship has gone to shit.

    So I am honestly so glad to have the old Damon back. He was the most fun to watch, despite the most cruel, but he was the character that used to have me glued to my seat. Wasn't enjoying this season so much so now with Damon Elena-less and monster-like, I might just end up loving this season after all.

  55. Elena obviously wouldn't be killed off permanently she's the centre of the show, but I like that she's absent for a bit, and see how the storyline goes without her, and also see the Stefan-Caroline friendship evolve!

  56. I didn't like how people blamed Klaus for Katherine's behavior, either. Elena had the same kind of problems with Klaus, actually worse ones, and she never turned into Katherine.

    I don't understand Nadia either. I keep getting the feeling that there's more to her story. Why did she show up now? Katherine is suddenly about to get everything she ever wanted. Wouldn't this be the time for one of Katherine's many enemies from over the centuries to take her apart? Something seems a little off.

  57. Then you need to do a recap. And that whole "You people" think is becoming very annoying.

  58. I wondered, too, why no one has brought up Katherine's role in what Tyler became.

  59. If Katherine is supposed to be redeemed, Stefan will probably be the one to try to help her, but that's not to say that they'll be in a relationship. Not after what she did. I would like to see Katherine permanently in Elena's body too. Even the producers seem to feel that Nina Dobrev is at her best when she's playing Katherine. I say give Elena a different body, but not Katherine's. The "one true love" angle definitely needs to be addressed so it can be put to rest, but I hope it isn't done with more doppelganger drama.

  60. OK i missed the episode. So i just finished watching it. And all i have to say NOW is....Omg!! I hate Katherine right now. I don't even love to hate her. I just HATE her. I can't believe Elena is gone. That Damon scene, broke my heart, and i cried. And i loved Steroline's scene, that made me smile through all the heart ache.....I'll say more tomorrow. Have to go meet a friend for a drink. (stressful stressful day).

  61. I swear if they´ll (writers) turn Aaron into a vampire, I´m gonna punch someone.

  62. Caroline finally liking "Delena" or at least understanding it, that outta please the Delena's that bad mouth her all the time. I giggled all through her stress cleaning, Klarosex memories aren't going anywhere soon, accept it Miss Forbes! Teehee.
    I liked that Kat seemed to warm up to Caroline by wanting Matt to say Elena liked Caroline more and then later she told Caroline that she's one of the least horrible peeps she's ever known but then WOW, what she did with purposefully outing her to Tyler was so MESSED UP.
    Damon tossing the pool que down when he realized Caroline was helping him was adorable and I laughed like a fiend when he called her Prudy Trudy or something like that and she's all I can be unpredictable and crazy! Oh he has NO IDEA. If he'd truly dated her and didn't compel her to be his blood and sex whore, maybe he'd see it.

  63. I doubt they'd seriously permanently get rid of Elena. I won't be shocked when she comes back into control of her body and Kat gets evicted or worse, killed with that traveler killer murder knife.

  64. I felt bad for Tyler and feel he had a right to be upset but I agree on what you said. His slut shaming was god awful too, no male character that's slept with Rebekah or more recently Katherine has ever had to put up with that shit.

  65. I'm a huge Klaus fan but I have to said I agree with you, I do feel bad for tyler, I just think the writers screw his character.. I remember I was sad when Matt rejected Caroline for being a vampire and root for Tyler when he was changing in to a werewolf and become closer to her, in that time I love his character so much. After that all the klaus stuff happened and I the elena damon thing happened (Im also a huge stelena fan) that i stopped watched the series. I remember that tyler character he was constantly disappearing and he was grateful to klaus for making him and hybrid, and for caroline he wanted to broke that bond. after that I stopped watching the series, I hated what was going on, specially the delena thing, and her sire bond. then i decided to give the show another opportunity and start watching again, and I was happy about the bond over, elena going bad, etc. I was really sad she chose damon, but i accepted it. as I'm going to accept everything I have read about the klaus tyler war. I love klaus, he was wrong on what he did, but tyler should have known better, but because I still remember previews seasons and I like him still, I will forget what the writers did with his character. I hope they do something good for him this time, because the writers made a lot of pleople hate his character. and sometimes that hate take place in real life with fans hating the guy, which I think is a nice persons, and i also think is really nice to keep doing the show even though they are writing him wrong and making a lot of people hating him beginning not so nice discutions. I'm currently watching TO, because the story is way better. I hope nobody gets me wrong, I just love al the characters, because I rerember what they made me feel in some of the seasons, I just don't let writers change my mind by showing me bad actions of the characters. Sometimes the do good thing sometimes they do bad thing, I don't apply this in real life, like the supernatural murders, but I do believe that people everyday has to face good or bad decitions. and every show needs a villains, or a heroe, and a mix in between, so I can't blame those characters. I will respect the actor, if he's making me hate his character I think he's an amazing actor and the same applyes the other way.

  66. Damon straight out murdered his uncle Mason while Jeremy watched but Damon get's a free pass. But, Tyler was in an emotional spot at that moment so I'm not too mad about his outbursts and can forgive them as long as this isn't a permanent thing with his character. Tyler was one of my fav characters at the end of S3 and most of S4 with his growth into this all around good and heroic dude, I'd like him to get back to that. Take a page from Stefan when he finally let his revenge fantasies go, he was happier for it. Stefan's revenge plots ulitimately let to him losing Elena when it drove her to Damon and now Tyler's lost him Caroline.

  67. Not to belittle Tyler's mother dying, because that was horrible. But let's not pretend that Tyler has been completely innocent. He lost all of my sympathy when he went to New Orleans and attempted to kill an unborn child because of things he BELIEVED that child's FATHER would do.

  68. This is the same show that has one of it's leads rape and compel high school girls in it's first season and then eventually expect her and everyone who knows about it to just go "la la la, whatever that was sooo first season." Same lead kills his LI's brother without knowing he'd come back, turned the quarterback's sister into a vamp, killed his brother's loooong time bff, drove his own bff insane by repeatedly killing the guy, etc, etc, the list goes on - and that's just Damon, not even mentioning all the crap thing the other characters have done.
    If peeps can make peace with those actions and still enjoy the show, I'm not surprised when they accept other crap behavior.

  69. probably a lot of people will down my oppinion but I don't want Stefan-Caroline friendship over, is just that in this world they are a lot of people that can't believe in a friendship between a man and a woman, and this characters are both a good example of that that I dont want them to lose their friendship in a relationship that probably won't last (because they will be together to try to forget other people)

  70. haha i understand where you come from, i actually only want Stefan-Caroline for endgame, though it's a far-stretch!

  71. I don't think the MF Gang would be cool with Tyler's attempted murder of an unborn baby, even if it's father is Klaus. Well, Damon might but he's a dick, lol. That could be why he hasn't told them? But I doubt it, I think it's more likely he was compelled to stay silent about it.

  72. If it was just the fact Tyler broke his bond, Klaus would have killed him long before Tyler had the chance to plot and unsire the other hybrids. Klaus even came back to town to protect Tyler - not that Tyler should be grateful since Klaus had other interests in staying in MF after the cure stuff started.

  73. I agree. Contrary to popular belief, boys and girls can be just friends. Their friendships can be pretty epic too. For an TVD example, look at Lexie and Stefan.

  74. There are a LOT of women who love the whole mass murderer thing. Like in real life even. The way I see it, people do morally bad things all the time. I don't think literature and media necessarily mirror deeper interests. Sometimes it's just done just to put some drama in there. Tyler is best friends with a couple mass murderers too btw. Probably killing more than Klaus or close to it.

  75. To be fair, I think Klaus did drive her to those kinds of things. The difference between Katherine and Elena is that Klaus had tamed up over the years. I mean I don't remember Elena's family being slaughtered by Klaus brutally, nor did Klaus actively push Elena on the run. Different circumstances. Different time period. Which does matter.

    Elena did become Katherine like when she shut off her humanity though.

  76. just stop it lready, Aydrian...Who started the fight firts! Like in the kinderkarden..."He hit me first" In the cnflict Klaus versus Tyler its Tyler who is the victim. And so many people defend Klaus because he is more attractive to them...thats just sick. Klaus made Tyler his slave, he used him to harm Tyler's friends so Tyler broke the bond, simple as that. Klaus is a psycho who killed probably thousands of innocent people, and now this character has his own show. Making bad guys look good and making victims look bad is the hallmark of the VD lately. And showing Caroline have sex with the psycho sends a message that urges are stronger than free will. What are we? Apes? You can control you genitals. What is the point of all those betreyals in this show? It would be much better if it was about the Mistic Falls group fight some really bad guy, some supervillain without all the love drama.

  77. she will not be in Elena's body forever for sure. The rest of the season will be about finding out the truth about Katherina and how to change the spell. Its another plot of this season. First we had Silas and his love drama, then the Augustine little plot, and now this. I feel having one big villain per season would be much better. Some super bad guy. We had 3 plots, silas is over, Augustine is probably gonna be ended next week, and the body switch is the third. In the mid time we are fed with a bunch of love dramas.

  78. I just would like him to have happy ending, not to return to MFalls at all, just go and never come back. It seems his character is going in a really bad direction. I dont like the fact that every character in tv shows has to either die or be in the show to the end of it. Cant just some characters leave? When a person is no more use for the writers the person gets killed. Maybe its not always the case but for the most part. What was the point of killing Bonnie father? He was mentioned for 4 seasons and never seen, then he showed up and was killed for no reason. Her mother gets to live somewhere, but the show is not over...There is more characters like this. April Young is one of the lucky one. Just dont kill everybody just because you dont have any plot for them in mind. Make them leave the town, say goodbye to their friends.

  79. People are fighting over who is wrong caroline or Tyler and i am the only one who is upset Elena couldn't even figure out a way to save herself. After i read the synopsis i was really hoping for one Elena Gilbert will save herself, but it was reallt lame. All she had to do was snap the traveller's neck and she would get more time instead she just ran. Why did she run? She knocked up the traveler ans could easily finish Nadia.

    Damon back on the road - booo! predictabel and broing "twist"
    Stefan - please kill Enzo in next episode i really hate the guy.

  80. Kat needed to occupy Caroline with Tyler to slip out. Outing her wasn't messed up, people would have found out anyway, Caroline being the goody two shoes would have confessed herself unable to lie to Tyler.

  81. Yeah, if only the world was so black and white. If only villains were evil and had no emotions, if only the good guys were shining examples of purity and love, if only everyone fell in love with the exact right person, if only feelings didn't get in the way of common sense, if only there were two sides of every person and thing (good and bad), and if only every aspect of human nature was completely two dimensional.

    If only. If only. if only. People are complicated. A lot of the time people do things and don't even understand why. You can hurt the person you love the most even when you don't want to. You can feel things you don't want to feel. You can be changed by earth shattering events or not be effected at all. You can sleep with someone that every fiber of your being tells you not to because in that one moment in time your emotions carried far greater weight than your common sense.

    People can feel something one moment, and feel something completely different the next. Caroline did something on a whim and regretted it later. It happens. A LOT. You're oversimplifying human nature. I try to understand the meaning behind what people do. It's easy to forget that while the characters aren't real, the people who write them are, and any writer will tell you that personal REAL experience and/or understanding goes into creating a character.

    Not everything fits into separate boxes so you can categorize them and say "This is right and that is wrong." to make it easier on yourself. As I mentioned in my very first post, RIGHT AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE, Tyler has the right to be angry, but he doesn't have the right to judge her. Those are two very different things. If you don't see them as different things then you're not trying to.

    Caroline did a shitty thing by sleeping with Klaus. Tyler did a shitty thing by slut-shaming her for it. Caroline should feel bad about what she did. Tyler shouldn't think he has the right to judge her after leaving her. Two polarizing point of views that I've taken into account here. They're both important. I've simply decided that it's not that simple. People are not that simple.

    You can dislike my opinions all you like. I actually encourage it because things are so boring unless people disagree with me, but I don't give my opinion on anything without looking at it from all angles. You clearly see it from only one.

  82. Yeah that was pretty stupid that she didn't kill the traveler, she clearly had time since she had taken care of Nadia - at least temparily. Elena knew the traveler was close to finishing the spell, so what good was it to run?
    The Caroline/Tyler debate is silly. It's never flamed up like this whenever the boys slept with Rebekah or more recently Stefan with Katherine.
    I kinda liked Damon on the road myself. I think when Elena gets restored to herself again, she'll be so relieved that she won't care that he killed Aaron anyways.

  83. Debate is so hot right now i don't even want to get into it. Both sides already said everything needed to be said now they are just recycling.
    I am letdown that Aaron's arc was finished in such a manner. The actor who played him deserved another ending i think, he is not just some lame extra. They could have killed anyone else on that road.

  84. It was viscous, she even grinned about it like she knew it was evil. Tyler may have deserved to know, maybe, but that was NOT the way to tell him.

  85. exactly my point.if aaron had to be killed in such bad way,why bring his character in TVD in the first place,i thought he was supposed to the male platonic friend elena never had,oh well....that went really well.and what about the syringe he picked up on episode 9,what waas that about??? As for damon,the moment anything goes bad,he snaps someone's neck or kills someone.....been there ,done that!! what's new?

  86. I didn't really care for Aaron myself, I didn't outright dislike him either though. I was just kinda "meh" about him overall. I guess that's probably why I wasn't too upset when he was killed. Sorry for the peeps that like him though.

  87. so psycho Klaus is complicated because he had some daddy and mommy issues and hard time finding love of his life? It explains why he killed so many people? He had a THOUSAND years to change and he did not. I know he has artistic soul...that changes everything...NOT. He is not entirely black character, he has some gray in him...but hardly visible. In this conflict Tyler is the victim and I'm always defending victims, in real life as well.

  88. Well so much for character development. I feel like we've regressed multiple seasons. Damon is back to the old Damon, Katherine is screwing with everyone's lives, and once again, Bonnie is nowhere to be found, which means that the writers aren't ready to use her as the plot device that figures out what Katherine has done. The woman Katherine killed is supernatural so I'm assuming that when she encounters Bonnie in the afterlife, she will tell her about Elena as revenge for what Katherine did. Or maybe they're hoping we won't notice that loophole.I wonder how long they'll draw out his Katherine-in-Elena's body thing. At this point, I wish they'd kill off Katherine..I'd much rather see Elena alive. Although, since Katherine sired Damon and Stefan does that mean that if she died, they would all die along with Caroline and Elena? That would leave only Bonnie, Matt and Tyler behind. Anyway, regardless of Katherine's plan, I can't see her winning over Stefan, who will eventually figure out that she isn't Elena. This might be the opening for him to start dating Caroline, which would be the one good thing to come out of this, I suppose.

    Other thoughts: I'm really hating Damon right now. Katherine was actually right about him needing Elena to be good. Enzo strikes me as the kind of character that Plec likes to keep around (unfortunately), but I find him kind of annoying. Lastly, as much as I like Caroline, when it comes to this whole Klaus thing, I'm team Tyler. Yes, it was very gallant of Stefan to defend Caroline, but Tyler had every right to be upset with Caroline, even if they weren't dating. After all the awful things that Caroline witnessed Klaus doing to Tyler, it must have been pretty devastating for him to find out that she slept with Klaus, especially given how serious both Caroline and Tyler were as a couple. I'm guessing that Tyler will unravel even more, which is sad...I see him as one of the "good" people.

    I really don't know why I continue to watch this stupid show.

  89. Everyone close to Tyler is dead and the one person that he had left (Caroline) is no longer in his life. At this point, he has no support network, so I think his grief goes beyond simple complaining. Maybe he needs to take Matt up on his offer and get away for a seemed to help Rebeckah...

  90. This is something that puzzles me every time I read comments from viewers. It seems as though the characters who do the most awful things (e.g. Klaus and Katherine) are loved and can do no wrong, whereas the good characters (e.g. Matt, Bonnie and Tyler) or the innocent victims (like Aaron and again Tyler), are either dismissed or hated. I don't get it. I don't get why people would be happy that Damon killed Aaron,. I don't get why anyone would want Katherine to live over Elena. Elena may do annoying things, but Katherine is a cold, ruthless killer, who only cares about getting Stefan, whereas Elena does care about her friends.. Caroline used to be one of the best characters on the show, but I really hate that she slept with Klaus after everything he did to Tyler. In many ways, I think that her actions will probably hurt Tyler more than almost anything that Klaus has did to him.

  91. I guess they decided to drop the syringe storyline??? i don't know i was surprised he died like that. Or maybe the syringe will pop up when we least expect it. And now with his death funding will be restored to Augustines so Damon will have to deal with Wes soon. I hope Damon ends up tortured again, he never learns any lessons.

  92. I used to like Kat, but i never enjoyed her kicking Elena down. Elena is a harmless person who never used her power over Stefan and Damon (or bonnie, or klaus) to ask them to finish Kat, it would be very easy for Elena to get her killed after she was turned into human. Not only she didn't confront her in her weak human body about all the bad things she did, but she tolerated her living in salvatore mansion. how many times does Elena need to let kat get away with ruining her life? Kat takes so much pleasure in her sufferings like it was Elena who did something unspeakable to her. It's uncalled for. The more bad things she does to elena the more i want Kat to go permanently and feel bad for elena.

  93. Klaus hurt kat but he didn't turn her into a monster she made that choice herself.
    Mikael hurt Klaus but once again he became a monster on his own.
    Kat broke Damon's heart but he had no moral right to kill innocent people just because something bad once happened to him in the past.
    Elena, Lexi, lexi's boyfriend, Bonnie's mom, Caroline, others made the choice to stay good people even after they were given the oppotunity to be bad and get away with it.

  94. Villains on TVD and TO always grin, it's like the only way for them to show they are bad))) They are going by the villainous playbook:
    1 evil smirk - check
    2 sexy accent or throaty voice - check
    3 black clothing or leather - check)))
    Tyler was going to get hurt anyway. It doesn't matter how you find out about the girl you love having sex with the man who killed your mother. It's still hurts like hell.

  95. IMO this show keeps getting stupider and stupider. Honestly if it wasn't for Damon I'd never watch it again. I love his snarky yet clever lines, he's a complicated mix of good and bad and Ian plays him perfectly. (the eyes don't hurt either...) I tune in every week for him, but it would be really nice if I didn't have to roll my eyes at some of the stupid story lines Pleck puts out. I'm not saying I think they have all been bad, but this one sucks IMO.

  96. I have realised long time ago that Damon will never change, Julie won't allow it. Which is why i believe he will die in the series finale. I don't see him ending up with Elena or simply walking away from Stelena and keep being bad on his own. It's not an ending for a character.

    No if kat dies no one she sired will die. Rose sired Kat and she is dead.

    They already began destroying kat's character by making her to stay in MF. 2-3 season kat would have left and never came back after she got the body.
    Whar is she going to do now? Spend her life pretending to be a different person? Is it the kind of life she wants? of course not, she can't even be herself and she has to realise the moment Stefan finds out what she did he will hate her even more than before.

    Aaron needs to come back and enzo needs to die.

    I thought the punch from Stefan was way out of line but kind of predictable he is always stanning for people he likes with complete disregard to other people he doesn't give a damn about. That's the main reason i despise his character. He is masquerading as a nice guy but his niceness is very selective. At least Damon doesn't pretend to be a good guy he says openly that he will musrder anyone who is not on his friends list.

  97. I miss Bonnie. The beginning of the season was so promising with her storyline, but now they just completely dropped the fact that she should spend more time on the floor writhing in agony with so many supernaturals dying all the time but since she is not elena it was quickly forgotten. Elena can't live with the pain of losing Jeremy but Bonnie is okay feeling the deaths of hundreds creatures.

  98. 100% on Ty's side and my hate of Caroline and Stefan has reached it zenith. To klaus and the writers I say in my Cersei voice "tvd and forwood gone, all for the likes of you." Good grief.

  99. I feel the same way. I stopped watching this show out of disgust, but after Klaus left, I decided to give it another try. Had I known that they would bring him back in an effort to pander to fans, I would have never started watching the show again. Ugghhh. There is something really screwed up about the people who write for this show.

  100. Are we watching the same show? Cause Elena resisted her attraction to Damon for MANY seasons. And IMO Elena’s character really hasn’t changed since she got with Damon. She’s not out murdering people, I actually find her a little less whinny....maybe cause Damon makes her happy...if anyone has changed, it’s Damon and I’d say for the better, he’s murdered very few people this season!! And IMO Klaus is FAR worse than Damon could ever be. Klaus kills and manipulates people for power, vengence, enstilling fear, blackmail and because he likes it, Damon kills because he lets his emotions rule his life. When he gets hurt he turns off his emotions and lashes out....why? People who hide their emotions are people who feel them more than others do. I believe behind all Damons walls lies someone who loves and cares for others deeply. He hides behind the walls because it’s easier than facing the reality of the things he has done since he became a vampire. Don’t forget he never wanted to change into a vampire, he wanted to die but Stefan wouldn’t let him. They both killed ruthlessly for MANY years before Stefan could control himself. By then I believe it was too late for Damon because he would have been devistated by what he had done if he allowed himself to care. So he hides, yes it’s cowardly, but for me it shows how deeply his emotions run if he were to ever let his guard down.

  101. ♥ Carina loves TVD ♥January 31, 2014 at 2:48 PM

    Maybe if there use the Travelers Knife to kill Katherine Elena comes back in her Body? Matt still has the Knife. Let's see if Nadia is trying to get it back ..

  102. FYI, the whole someone's line of vampires dying only works when the Original that sired the whole bloodline dies. In short, Damon and Stefan will only die if Klaus dies, not Katherine.

  103. We should all be used to Bonnie getting the shaft story-wise. Its been happening whenever the writers don;t have a use for her (aka don't have a magic scenario she can sweep in and fix).

  104. I do agree about Klaus ruining Katherine's life, but no one made Katherine do the things she did to the Salvatores, Elena and the Lockwoods (Mason and Tyler). While she didn't start off that way and even started off sympathetic, Katherine became a horrible person who ruined lives and used others as a means to an end. That can't just be chalked up to her being a survivor.

  105. Bonnie's mother is dating Joseph Morgan, plus they need at least one family member for Bonnie so they can conveniently explain her abscence from time to time.
    But i understand what you are saying. Julie usually gets the casting right and it's painful to watch likable guest stars who I grow fond of in 1-2 episode to get thoughtlessly killed off.

  106. Damon was enjoyable in the first season because he went against people who could at least put up a fight. Like his brother, his brother's best friend, killing her was smart (uncalled for and cruel) but it was done in a genius way. He messed up with town council, fooled Liz, and was carrying out a plan to save kat. He was devious and fun to watch.
    There is nothing enjoyable in Damon simply killing defenceless humans on the road. I want him to battle with formidable enemies like augustines, werewolves or even travellers.

  107. i agree with you,but they better not make aaron into a vampire though.As for damon, his best buddy enzo will bite the dust within 2-3 episodes,so he's going to hit lower i guess!!

  108. On the contrary, I'd say it could be chalked up to being a survivor. People deal with grief and fear in a lot of different ways. This doesn't mean she should get a free pass however. But 500 years of having to think about yourself only and even having to do terrible things could probably make someone pretty selfish But you're right, no one made Katherine do those things. It was her choice. But those choices were set in action ultimately because Klaus ruined her life and never let her rest. It wasn't just her family that one time. But constant fear for 500 years.

    I'm just saying rather than remain innocent Katherine, Klaus and the world around her had a part in molding her in to what she is today. At least, that's her point of view it seems. Not everyone would deal with those things and still retain a helpful and caring nature, but even Katherine has a soft spot for Stefan and Elijah.

  109. i don't see any other options for Aaron but vampire. Unless he had vampire blood in him for some reason he is a goner(((
    It really doesn't pay to be a good guy on TVD.

  110. I like what you said about Bonnie finding out about Elena, through that old lady for revenge. That would be a nice twist. Also, the part with opening the door for Steroline. And I too wish that Katherine was dead, and I really don't want them to drag this inner body experience out. I hope either Stefan or Bonnie figures it out quick. And I agree Tyler had every right to be upset.

  111. Great, I love the similarities between this storyline and the Superior Spider-Man/Amazing Spider-Man

  112. Yeah, but I still bad for the guy and I'm not even a Forwood fan.

  113. I'm not even a Delena fan and I even felt big "awwwws" @ Damon's apology and was felt horrible for him when Katherine made him think that Elena didn't wasn't in love with him anymore. That's not because I prefer Stelena either, I really don't care either way but a lot of nasty Delena fans have made me not like Delena just because of how utterly rude they are, so for me to feel sympathy for them says ALOT, lol.

  114. Finally ELENA IS GONE! i couldnt be more happy i was getting sick of her... actually Katherine/Elena parts were the best....

    Now with Damon... we are back to the beggining with him are you frecking serious¿? meh nothing new i wasnt even surprised that he went killing Withmore, we already saw this Damon i dont know why bringing him back.. i think they dont know what to do with his character anymore....

    Another thing... again we are going to see Katherine trying to win back Stefan for the i dont know what time... at this point the show is going nowhere im kinda of loosing interest in it... Lets put Caroline on New Orleans and get on with it...

  115. im actually glad Elena in gone at least for a while im pretty sure Bonnie will find a way to get Katherine`s body restored and put her back... but yeah i hope it`s not anytime soon im happy the bad guy won for once....

    Damon im with you that was nothing new the showrunners really dont know what to do with his character anymore

  116. "tyler screwed klaus over first" seriously how? By wanting to be free from the tyrant who enslaved him. I mean really do you get LOGIC.

  117. I seriously doubt that she's truly gone. At the very least, there is still the knife they used to kill the traveler in Matt that can easily be used on Elena's body to finally wipe out Kat. It's just a matter of the scoobies noticing there is something "off" about Elena and put two and two together.
    I agree about Caroline though! She'd be awesome on TO. Maybe then she'd have a storyline, lol.

  118. oh yeah! for sure Elena is not gone for good but for at least now she is not in the picture an im glad, untill Bonnie notice something is wrong after all she is the portal to the other side and Katherine never crossed it so she would be digging abut that!

  119. I totally agree, Bonnie and/or Jeremy should've stayed dead in the first place. I'd rather they variated the dynamics of the cast a little by introducing a couple of new characters and killing off those who've run their course, which at the moment seems to be Bonnie, Jeremy and Tyler.

  120. Shouldn't Bonnie know that Katherine isn't dead...she didn't pass through her to the other side...?

  121. ♥ Carina loves TVD ♥February 3, 2014 at 2:24 PM

    Caroline did. When they were playing the "we hate katherine"-drinking game she said that Tylers Werewolf curse got triggerd because of her.

  122. Like a few other people who have commented, I too am disturbed by the extreme reactions from Delena shippers about what happened in this episode. People have been harassing Julie Plec on Twitter, and I am proud of the woman for standing up for herself. No one knows where Elena's story will lead, and ships aren't that important. I read that Katherine is nowhere near finished making everyone miserable while she poses as Elena. I think this new "chapter," as they're calling it, is an interesting twist. Katherine is already exhibiting strange behavior, but I think it will be a long time before anyone figures out what's really happening. Elena's recent experience will probably change her character when she finally does get out of her situation. I can't see her turning into another monster like Katherine, but as the saying goes, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Katherine might not have passed through Bonnie, but Bonnie did see her ghost. I don't think Bonnie will question what happened unless someone else, possibly someone on the Other Side, gives her a reason to. I don't think it will be the traveler Katherine killed because I'm pretty sure travelers just find another body when they die, unless, like Tessa, they go to the Other Side on purpose. Katherine said herself that you need a special dagger to kill a traveler permanently, and she didn't do that with Sonia. She probably figured that Sonia would find a body somewhere far away and wouldn't be a problem.

    Aaron's death, and even his life, was tragic, but his character did have a purpose. It was to show exactly what Damon is capable of and how even his worst victim can stand up to him. Elena said herself in the beginning that being with Damon might be the biggest mistake she would ever make. She tried to change him and failed, and then she was ripped away from him. If the show is supposed to be partly about Damon's redemption, he has a long way to go and he needs to find a way to redeem himself without needing a doppelganger babysitter. Putting Stefan in a possible new love triangle is an excellent idea, but that also wouldn't work unless Elena is removed from the situation for a while. I'm not sure that she's still in Katherine's dead body. Killing Sonia might have broken the spell, setting Elena's spirit free to find another body.

  123. I so agree with your second passage. Aaron was so brave, i hope they somehow bring him back, he was such a brave and good hearted person.
    My hate for Enzo multiplied by tenfold. He started as an interesting character voluntering to take a complete stranger's place on the torture table just because he saw Damon was about to crack mentally and now he is basically lost all that made him an interesting person to be explored and is reduced to a plot device meant to prep Damon's spiralling into darkness (again).

  124. I honestly hated this episode. Body-swapping just unbearable

  125. Damon's evil and Katherine is making Elena's life miserable as she goes after Stefan.What season are we on? I mean are the writers running out of ideas? I was really loving how this season was going with the Travelers sl and Bonnie being the anchor to the other side,Delena having they're moment. I don't know about anyone else but I think TVD has "jumped the shark". I hope they don't drag this out for the rest of the season.

  126. Thanks. I didn't realize it had to be an Original.


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