Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Beauty and the Beast - Episode 2.10 - Ancestors - Sneak Peek

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Beauty and the Beast - Episode 2.10 - Ancestors - Sneak Peek

18 Jan 2014

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Thanks to WriterFreak001 for the heads up.


  1. I've watched this scene about three times now and cannot stop laughing! Cat only kissed V to get him jealous! XD It was so obvious! And guess what?! It worked! Bahahahahaha!

  2. First smile on my face since such a long time. This episode seems awesome. Can't wait.

  3. Looks like a very cool fun episode! Love my VinCat ~ the sparks will fly even though they are broken up ~ let the games begin ~ Hurry Monday!!! :D

  4. she may have kissed him to not blow her cover. either way, it REALLY did work lol

  5. finally a sneak peak, love it ;)

  6. Another explosive episode! !!! That's #BatB S2 for fantastic episode after the other. Cannot wait! !!!

  7. What's the name of the song in the backgrund?

  8. This is a new Twist. How are they working on the same case. Who does Vincent work for.
    Vincent wondering "why is Catherine kissing this guy",, "that should be me". you better pick up your speed Vincent and find out who you are because Cat sure has figured out how to play the game.

  9. Ooooo somebody's jealous!!

  10. j'adore mais la chaine arrête c'est un

  11. Since season 2 started I think this is the episode Im so looking forward....loving this kind of angst ;) No feelings attached just jelousity and stares that kill :)

  12. facher contre le directeur de la chaîne CW

  13. longue vie a the beast hue hue hue a la chaîne CW de nous lever la série

  14. Isabelle G. Goodrick19 January 2014 at 00:46

    Can't wait!!! *-*

  15. This preview looks great!Cat did this just to make Vincent jealous and it worked.Now maybe he sees how she felt in the past.

  16. Now, this has been the episode I've been waiting for, sparks are flying all over the place, it's just a matter of time before they're making the magic again!!!

  17. I want 1 question answered on Ep10,,, no 2 questions.. 1st Who does Vincent work for? 2nd Why is Tori following him every where he goes. Poor thing. She doesn't have anybody except Vincent. I guess it's ok because V is kind like that.. Can't she go shopping, buy a new Condo,,,or whatever it is folks do when they have a lot of money.... just sayin...

  18. How is this a good thing? It's petty. Sometimes I forget this is a CW show and is written by a bunch of people who almost never give the audience what they want. I wouldn't be surprised if this show got cancelled. Obviously some drama is okay but in order to stay on the air you have to give the viewers what they want. I've watched this season in its entirety and I'm not happy with it. As far as I can tell, neither are most of the fans of this show.


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