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Banshee - Episode 2.03 - The Warrior Class - Preview and Dialogue Teasers

20 Jan 2014

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It’s all about families and failing communication this week. Among the many stories on this theme are Carrie being scared for her children because she’s convinced her father is still out there planning to take them away from her for good, Proctor and Rebecca attempting to reconnect with their Amish roots after a shocking crime takes place near the farm, Sugar demonstrates just how close a friend he considers Lucas to be, and a violent gang that the Littlestone brothers belong to making life difficult for the sheriff’s department.

There’s also some pretty obvious symbolic imagery towards the start of the episode during two intercut scenes in which we hear Genesis being read and see the proffering of an apple between two adolescents meeting in secret; a Kinaho girl and Amish boy. It isn’t long before things take a turn for the worse and the young Indian is found horrifically murdered, the lad is missing and the town is turning in on itself with everyone blaming the other side.

As you may have seen in the promo we finally get to meet Chayton Littlestone (Geno Segers; Pair of Kings) this week, who is cast in the recurring role of leader of a gang on the reservation in Banshee. He’s perfectly cast as a dedicated to his cause, crazy megalomaniac who hates white Americans for taking away his heritage and dictating how he and his people should live. He looks far taller than his already impressive 6 foot 4 inches and makes for a formidable foe in a one on one fight, let alone the four on one brawl that breaks out here. Hood also quickly learns that taking a weapon into battle with him will only mean that the weapon will be taken off you with ease and turned against you!

The Warrior Class airs Friday January 24th at 10pm on Cinemax, below are some teasers to see you through until then. Don’t forget to come back and vote in our poll after the episode and let us know your thoughts.

“Gonna bleed with me cop, just like your ancestors bled with mine”

“Do you really think it’s a smart idea to sit there and threaten me?”

“This is about the life of your grandchild, if Kai can help I will not be the one to stop him”

“He’s alive! I put my kids in harm’s way, I have to get them out of it”

“If you didn't kill her, then you got anything to worry about”

“This is a lie, this is a damn lie, my son had no dealings with Indian girls”

“Have a seat Smith, I’ll let the sheriff know that you’re here”

“We don’t have jurisdiction here alright, some of these kids are minors, we pull our guns we could go down for it”

“He did some time a while back, beat the living shit out of a bus load of tourists because some of them they were dressed like Indians”

“I don’t wanna be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life”

About the Author - Sandi
Sandi is part of the Senior Staff at SpoilerTV having been a contributor from back in the Lost days of DarkUFO, and who now writes previews for Banshee, The Musketeers, Atlantis, and other BBC shows. She also enjoys watching and commenting on other shows such as Sons of Anarchy, Hannibal, Game of Thrones and Elementary.
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  1. Sounds like another great episode. Its good to watch on lazy Saturday mornings.

  2. It's probably my favourite of the three so far, there's lots of layers going on in it, like you can see Hood being slightly freaked over the murder and disappearance. Maybe he's just shocked over the loss of such a young life, or is he subconsciously comparing the fate of the two teenagers to his own daughter and her brothers possible fates if Rabbit gets his hands on them, there's many ways it could be read really.

  3. How far in advance do you get to watch, have you seen episode 4? I'm extra excited now, thanks!

  4. Nice review, Sandi - Thanks! Can´t wait! I feel like seaon 2 is keeping the standard from last year.

  5. I haven't seen episode 4 yet, but I plan to this week. I like to write my preview without having seen the next episode so that I don't let too much out, lol.

  6. Cheers :) I's great to see that the show can not only keep up but build on what it managed to achieve in it's first year. This episode really does start a couple of story lines off that I can't wait to see play out, one has been brewing for a while now..

  7. Yes I agree, Though the show has a fast pace, lots of sex and violence, I like that it doesn´t rush it´s storylines. I really really want some scenes between Deva and Hood, but I´m glad that they are not rushing their story. The same goes for Proctor, I feel like we have only seen the top of the iceberg.

  8. This show has the best fights on television and this season has established the theme and conflicts so this episode should be great

  9. and its much appreciated, I hate waiting for episodes so I look forward to previews like this. Great work!

  10. The stunts are just fabulous aren't they!

  11. Natalie Powell8 April 2014 at 01:53

    and its much appreciated, I hate waiting for episodes so I look forward to previews like this. Great work!

  12. Cheers :) I's great to see that the show can not only keep up but build on what it managed to achieve in it's first year. This episode really does start a couple of story lines off that I can't wait to see play out, one has been brewing for a while now..

  13. I haven't seen episode 4 yet, but I plan to this week. I like to write my preview without having seen the next episode so that I don't let too much out, lol.

  14. Nice review, Sandi - Thanks! Can´t wait! I feel like seaon 2 is keeping the standard from last year.

  15. Natalie Powell8 April 2014 at 01:56

    How far in advance do you get to watch, have you seen episode 4? I'm extra excited now, thanks!

  16. It's probably my favourite of the three so far, there's lots of layers going on in it, like you can see Hood being slightly freaked over the murder and disappearance. Maybe he's just shocked over the loss of such a young life, or is he subconsciously comparing the fate of the two teenagers to his own daughter and her brothers possible fates if Rabbit gets his hands on them, there's many ways it could be read really.


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