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Banshee - Episode 2.01 - Little Fish - Preview and Dialogue Teasers

6 Jan 2014

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The highly anticipated season two of this stylised drama returns this week and the first episode deals with the consequences of the brutal shootout between Rabbit’s Ukrainian gang and the Banshee Sheriff’s Department, Carrie, Job and Sugar. One of my favourite actors, Zeljko Ivanek (Oz, Damages, True Blood), joins the cast as chain-smoking FBI Special Agent Jim Racine who has been hot on the heels of Rabbit and his organisation for the last 15 years. He arrives in town in order to interrogate most of the people involved in the iron works skirmish; essentially to dole out punishment, but he also has a more personal agenda which he shares with one of them. Well, I say share, some might say attempted blackmail…

Considering that the above takes up a large chunk of the story it’s surprising that so much else happens in the episode too. Proctor gets busy trying to persuade Rebecca that she will be an asset to him and that returning to her old life would be a mistake. He also gets busy getting it on with another woman, though part of me thinks that in some creepy way this is also part of the same plan for keeping Rebecca under his care too. There’s something a little bit disturbing about their relationship that flared up last season, and I can see it going the same way this year maybe.

The armoured truck robbery that was staked out last year finally takes place once order is restored after the FBI investigation, and apart from some brief flashbacks from last season this is the main violence in the episode. Yep, I'm afraid that this one is rather short on the graphic violence (and sex too actually) but there are some superb high speed stunts for the adrenaline junkies and a motorbike chase/shootout which ends with a line made famous by a certain Colonel John Smith.

As for Carrie’s family, Gordon is unwilling to forgive her for deceiving him for so long so he will not let her see the children at all, and he is also becoming more suspicious of Hood thanks to Racine's interference. Deva seems to doing what comes naturally to her parents and starts shop lifting and then lying as a way to get out of a tricky situation, much to the shock of those around her. Yet for all this dysfunctionality they are able to hide this from each other when together as a family; Deva is still the caring sister who looks after her sick brother and Gordon is home every night making the family meal. This show, at its heart, is still about a small town with very big secrets!

Little Fish airs on the 10th January at 10:00-11:00 p.m. ET/PT on Cinemax, below are some teasers to see you through until then. Don’t forget to come back to vote in the poll on the site after the it airs to let us know what you thought of the episode.

“So, just to be clear, at no point in your life before the events of that month had you met, or spoken to or, had any kinds of dealings with the gangster known as Rabbit?”

“After everything I heard in there, I have no idea what you would or wouldn't do”

“First of all, fuck you! Second of all, I ain't the one shaking off 15 years of mummy rust”

“They were all using machine guns, I mean I couldn't even hear myself think”

“Even you have to concede that since you have become chief that our fortunes have suffered”

“Ana will always be a part of who I am but I stopped living for her a long time ago”

“You've taken this sheriff thing further than it ever should have gone, sooner or later someone is gonna figure out who you are, or at least, who you are not”

“We wouldn't be out here if your lazy ass had dug a deep enough hole the first time!”

“He kidnapped my son and threatened my family. My father was an evil and twisted man”

“If you choose my world then you have to know that there will be casualties, if you can’t deal with that then maybe you do belong back on the farm”

About the Author - Sandi
Sandi is part of the Senior Staff at SpoilerTV having been a contributor from back in the Lost days of DarkUFO, and who now writes previews for Banshee, The Musketeers, Atlantis, and other BBC shows. She also enjoys watching and commenting on other shows such as Sons of Anarchy, Hannibal, Game of Thrones and Elementary.
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  1. Thanks Sandi, glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the preview.

    I thought the premiere was a great setup for the next few episodes. Hopefully you'll enjoy the upcoming episodes just as much as I did.

  2. I agree, it's a fab episode, so much happened! I wrote this before watching episode 2, I want to write each preview before watching the next episode so that any twists and turns don't get spoiled along the way, lol.

  3. Cool, sounds like a great plan. Look forward to reading your future articles.

  4. Thank you Sandi, can't wait to watch this!

  5. Thanks Sandi. I am also really thrilled that Zeljko Ivanekhas joined the cast, he is an excellent actor.
    Even though the show has so much violence, I always found the relationship between Kai and Rebecca the most disturbing. I´m kind of glad that we might get more of the same it is just so creepy.
    I also love the relationship that is developing between Deva and Hood, hopefully we will get a lot more of that too.

  6. The scene that Sandi is talking about is quite disturbing lol :)

    Hope you enjoy the premiere as much as I did. And I can tell you the episodes just get better and better.

  7. Looking forward to the return but the interviews and some spoilers have me annoyed at some plot points.

  8. I'm sorry to hear that, what bits in particular? :(

  9. I am 100 % sure I´m gonna enjoy the premiere. I started to watch the show because of Ulrich Thomsen, I just love him as Kai Proctor. 5 min into the pilot I was hooked.
    Great to know that it will only get better. :-)

  10. Just became aware of this show. Watched season 1 in a day and now it my favorite new show of 2014. I'm so late to the party but I like it.

  11. Glad to have another Banshee fan on the site :)

  12. 2 main points. I thought we would kick off with Rebecca already in a groove with Proctor but it seems she is still battling the, uncle or parents thing. I thought she had accepted she was going to be a badass and make a somewhat unconventional pairing with her uncle.

    2nd point is, I hear they are going to have Hood falling in love with some other girl. Hood screwing other girls, I can deal with. It's Banshee. It's a tv show. I guess they think that keeps it interesting. However, telling me his heart gets taken with another girl? Then what is the core of this show? To me, for all it's violence and so on, at it's core it's always been an unconventional love story and are they going to just dilute that already? So, I'm a bit skeptical about this second season.

  13. Let me add that I already suspect the new girl is Siobhan and we will get her whole backstory of how she was abused and Hood will be her hero and it will be so "sweet." Hood doesn't need sweet. Just like Carrie doesn't need Mr wonderful(Gordon) They are criminals alongside Job. Daredevils. That's what the show is about. I don't want to see either making cupcakes and nice with some "good" person. I want them to be as bad as they want to be with all the 15 year angst. This is me just speculating of course :)

  14. While you're correct about getting Siobhan's backstory, I can assure you there will be no "cupcakes" ;), well certainly not in the first 5 Episodes :)

  15. LOL. Thank God for that at least but I know I'm half right at least. Right? Right? ;)

  16. Yep, we get to see a good backstory for Siobhan.

  17. Andy (DarkUFO) has seen more episodes than me so far so his answers are prob the best ones to go on with your second point. As for your first point, it's dealt with pretty quickly in this episode rather than being dragged out as far as I can tell. Being responsible for the mayors death has just made her question herself briefly I think, but we all know that she was already her uncle's niece rather than her father's daughter before the series started, and once she tastes power she's only going to want more and more of it imo.

  18. Thanks. I am happy to hear that. Andy dealt wit my second point "nicely." I wanted more information but the man seems unwilling. :( lol

  19. Ha :) Can't give too much away in case Cinemax stop sending us screeners ;)

  20. Didn't even realize its premiere was so soon but now I'm very excited and happy

  21. So excited for this, i watched it last year when it was on out of boredom and needing something new, boy am I glad I did.

  22. Richard Bartlett10 January 2014 at 06:08

    Can't wait for FRI. Enjoyed th e previews.

  23. Kristopher Catteau11 January 2014 at 01:44



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