Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon American Horror Story Coven - 3.10 - The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks - Papa's Comin' - Review

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American Horror Story Coven - 3.10 - The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks - Papa's Comin' - Review

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Coven is back and better than ever, witches! 'The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks' has given me hope in the series again and I couldn't be happier! I loved pretty much everything about this entire episode. The episode starts off with Marie and Fiona talking to each other about the shooting and deaths. Fiona tells Marie to get some rest and we are then introduced to the amazing Papa Legba. He comes to Marie in her sleep and demands his yearly payment from her. The innocent soul taking, coke snorting spirit is just what Coven needed, in my opinion. He's utterly creepy, yet completely interesting and appears to have a pretty good sense of humor. Marie goes to a local hospital and magically makes the nurse open the door to the nursery so that she can steal a baby. Confronted by security as she's leaving with said baby, Marie warns them to not mess with her. Marie's eyes roll up into the back of her head as she lets out a high pitched tongue flicking war cry which incites the two guards to turn their guns on each other and shoot. With the baby crying, Marie curtly tells it to shut up and walks past the dead guards before telling the newborn that she'll give it something to cry about.

One of my favorite parts of this episode, and there were many, is Fiona bringing Misty downstairs to meet Stevie Nicks. Misty fainting when Stevie introduces herself is probably one of the most hilarious moments of Coven. I had been waiting on the edge of my seat since the moment we heard Stevie was going to be a guest on the show and she does not disappoint. Stevie doesn't have a big part, but what we do see of her, she's stunning, from the double high five with Fiona to giving her shawl to Misty after twirling together. The best, for me, was of course when Stevie played a soft piano version of "Rhiannon" that literally gave me goosebumps and brought tears to my eyes.

The battle to be the next Supreme rages on. Nan shows the girls that her powers are growing by ordering Madison to put out her cigarette and then to put it into her vagina, while Madison has Nan prove that her heart murmur was cured after she was killed and brought back to life. Madison tells the girls that she wants to have a 'witch-off.' Misty versus herself in completing the Seven Wonders. With Cordelia's research, the three older witches put together who the witch hunters exactly are. Does anyone else think it's a bit suspicious that Harrison's company is called Delphi Trust? I wouldn't be surprised one bit if somehow that goes back to Delphine, but I'm getting ahead of myself here.

This episode is very heavy in the ritual department, and that is one of the many things I simply loved about this episode. The spell cast by Fiona and Marie was very intriguing. I loved the way the scene was shot, seeing the mice in the maze then the men of Harrison's company in their office building.

Fiona questions Marie as to how she's become immortal and after a moment of hesitation, she finally comes clean and tells Fiona that she had sold her soul to Papa Legba. Marie tells Fiona that she was quick and happy to take the deal with Papa. Marie had thought that the payment he was requesting was of the sexual persuasion, however that was not what Papa was interested in. The tricky spirit asked for her child as his first payment.

I loved seeing Misty stand up for herself against Madison while they were behind the funeral procession. I typically enjoy Madison's bitchiness, but after her shenanigans tonight, I'm done with her. I liked her reference to Fleetwood Mac by telling Misty that "Players only love you when they're playing." I do, however, feel like her little graveyard stunt was staged. Obviously, we know she wanted to get rid of Misty, so that the path is clear for her to be the next Supreme...but how can she suddenly resurrect people? It all seemed a bit too easy to be for real. Kyle, Myrtle and Madison herself, all went through hell to be brought back, but this man just flicks his eyes open and hops up out of the coffin like it's nothing? I think there's a bit of mind control of course, but I seriously doubt Madison is witch enough to have the power of resurgence. So of course Madison somehow manages to convince Misty to drop her shawl from Stevie herself, into the coffin that the man just got out of. Misty begins to do so and holds the shawl above the open casket and the whole time I'm screaming, "NO MISTY DON'T DO IT" and before I can finish that sentence, Madison delivers a blow to Misty's head with a brick that sends her right into the awaiting casket. Madison of course adds insult to injury by stealing the shawl before ordering the grave diggers to resume their work and the coffin holding the unconsious Misty is placed into the mausoleum.

Nan and Zoe discover that Luke has passed on and they're determined to find his body so that they can bring him back. They pay Joan a visit and it does not turn out as expected. Joan has had Luke's body cremated which means the girls can't bring Luke back, which immediately enrages Nan. In a shocking and stunning display of power, Nan reveals that Joan smothered her own son and then Nan forces Joan down onto her knees. The young witch takes a bottle of bleach in her hands and Zoe attempts to stop her, but is pushed to the floor and sent flying back against a wall. Nan insists that Joan has to be cleansed and then makes Joan start pouring the bleach into her own mouth.

Another interesting ritual seen in last night's episode, is when Fiona calls for Papa Legba. The bargaining between these two is priceless. Papa is not so easily bought, even though Fiona called him to here with a fat pile of her finest cocaine. Papa Legba questions Fiona as to if she would be willing to pay his price, even cripple her own daughter. To no one's surprise, I'm sure, she quickly says she would. Just as the two are sealing the deal, Papa Legba pulls back and informs Fiona that the deal is off because she has no soul and promptly disappears. The Axeman then appears and tells Fiona they just have to take care of the girl who is coming for Fiona's title. Fiona points out that she has no soul and intends to simply kill them all.

Fiona and Marie working together finally, is probably also one of the best things to happen to Coven. They are powerful, smart, and as Papa says, big trouble together. The two go ahead and drown Nan in an attempt to persuade Papa Legba to grant Fiona the immortality she craves so desperately. He appears and tells the witches that there are no substitutions and Nan was not an innocent soul and does not give her immortality. Nan's spirit says that anywhere is better than here and goes with Papa to the dark side. The episode ends with Stevie performing "Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You" for Fiona as she curls up and lets the tears fall.

I absolutely loved this episode for so many reasons. The episode as a whole seemed more focused on the important story lines and left the others out completely. Now I love Delphine, Queenie, and Kyle, but it was good that they weren't in this episode. With bringing in Stevie and Papa, it was a good decision to not focus on those characters on this chapter of Coven. I think Stevie did great and I'm thoroughly impressed with Papa Legba so far. I also did really like the scene between Cordelia and Myrtle. I felt bad for Cordelia in her meltdown but thought Myrtle with her theremin playing was hilarious, especially when she told Cordelia not to be a hater. I'm delighted that Nan killed Joan, but sad that Nan was killed off too. With all that said, I can't wait for next week. A huge congratulations to Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuck and the entire cast and crew of American Horror Story on their People's Choice win last night for Favorite TV Movie/Mini Series. Until next week, pets!

About the Author - Kelly Ann
Kelly is a reviewer for SpoilerTV, reviewing True Blood and American Horror Story. She also enjoys Grey's Anatomy and reading. Kelly also runs and or contributes to several True Blood accounts across Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr.

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