It’s been 3 weeks since our favorite soap has been on screen. I am not exactly sure what to think of “Surrender”. Maybe I have been raising my expectations for too long now. Don’t get me wrong, it was good, but I wanted awesome. This episode felt more like a stall before the annoyingly awaited wedding winter finale than anything else.
Every scene between Victoria and Emily is so passive aggressive, it’s awesome. The episode started out with them finishing the seating arrangements for the wedding. Victoria would put Nolan with the rest of Emily’s friends, but, as Victoria so snakingly says, she doesn’t have any. Victoria, you’re getting low on insults. There was then, the epic reaction Victoria had after the reveal of the pregnancy. Yep, you're going to be a grandmother Victoria. Finally, a win for Victoria. Ending the episode and "destroying" what Emily has been preparing for the first half of the season, Victoria declines the wedding invitation. Emily always wins, she's always one step ahead, but this time, the simplest action destroyed everything. Shame is, Victoria has no idea how much her little stunt is actually upseting Emily.
Aiden and Amanda are engaged. It’s going to get real confusing with the names. I actually felt awkward during the proposal. They don’t do gushy romantic very well. I like them when they ninja fight/make-out on beaches. Candle-light proposals just aren’t their thing. Also, I don’t believe in a happy ending for Emily. She’s done too much wrong for me to be okay with it. Their new identities are Aiden and Amanda Ross. God, I love Nolan. But, there is no was Emily/Amanda is leaving him behind with his new hobby: spelunking. I actually had to look that up. For those like me, it's the act of exploring a cave. He's going to have to downgrade his wardrobe for that.
Margaux got Lydia back in the picture, and she delivered a “quick accouplement” line which was hilarious. I feel her storyline is over, or at least it should be. Jack is worried that Margaux snooping around the Grayson Conspiracy is going to piss Conrad off. I would actually be more afraid of what Emily will do if she finds out if I was him. It’s not going to happen though, because he asked Margaux to stop searching for answers and she did. I don’t know but Jack’s confession would have pushed me to search some more, not give up. But that’s just me.
We are back to nice Charlotte. I don’t think she was being conniving out of anything but love for her brother. It’s just the change in attitude is very sudden. “Charlie” called Emily her sister, I had thought they had put that story to rest. I really want them to explore that relationship more.
Things that will go wrong in the next episode: Victoria not wanting to attend the wedding, Lydia finding the picture.
PS. Loved Emily’s wedding dress on the swing set, she looked gorgeous, very swan lake.
How will Emily convince Victoria to come to the wedding? Or will she make Daniel do her dirty work? I would like her to invite Patrick; Victoria would surely come, but maybe it’s too last minute for that to be plausible.
Who actually shots Emily? Sarah’s too nice it’s suspect, or maybe Daniel, I’m sick of him being the “good guy”.