Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon The SpoilerTV 2013 Reader Survey - The RESULTS Posted

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The SpoilerTV 2013 Reader Survey - The RESULTS Posted

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Hey all,

Recently we asked our readers to complete a simple survey to help us better understand our readers and what features we could look to improve. We have received over 700+ replies which is a) awesome and b) breaks last year record of 600 entries, thank you!.

These annual surveys REALLY DO help us here are SpoilerTV to improve the site and focus on the features that people want.


We'll start off by giving ourselves a "pat on the back" with some of the very kind feedback.

"perfect as it is!"

"You've added so many new features these last few weeks already, it's hard to think of something more! Maybe some more contests. Captions contests are always fun! CSI fan wiki used to hold them every week. Like the first 25 submitted were placed in a poll and people voted. I really enjoyed them :)"

"Nothing, the site is enjoyable to read. Much appreciation from the Netherlands!"

"everything is perfect!"

"Can't think of anything, it's got everything I need."

"Can't think of anything..."

"You are just fantastic as you are..Why fix something that is not broken.."

"Not sure-love coming to this site & reading about what's going on. Also like that you recognize when someone has voted and not allow multi votesto skew results"

"Nothing that i can think of at the moment, SpoilerTV is a great site :) Thanks for all the awesome things you post :)"

Ok, enough of that self-congratulatory stuff :)

In terms of New Features feedback we had a lot of great feedback. One thing we noticed was that people were asking for features that we already have in some respects.

Here are the most common requests that already exist today.

"Not sure if it's needed, but it would be cool to have a section for just promos of episodes of all shows airing that week (Sunday through Friday). Keep up the good work."
- You can see all videoes that we have either via the Episode Database or the Episode Database Calendar, also all the videos are viewable in our Video Portal.

"Play video on mobile"
- All of our videos should work on all Android and iOS devices. If you're having trouble just drop us an email that you can find in the Help menu above and Contact Us.

"Let's do another "introduce yourself" feature. It's been a couple of years."
- That feature is available here as well as from the "Features" menu at the top.

"Update new pilots, shows more frequently with the air date"
- Pilot's don't have air dates. As soon as a show is ordered we post in the site and as soon as an air date is known it's added to the Episode Database.

"I wish you could post the promo photos and episode photos in a higher quality."
- We can only post what the networks send us :)

"A Discussion Forum, with general thread, show specific threads and an off topic thread."
- We already have one here but no one really uses it as they prefer to discuss things on the main site comments.

"A way to filter informations depending on shows, types of spoilers, and things already seen or read."
- That is what the SpoilerTV Dashboard is for :)

"recaps of shows - I don't have time or interest to watch a whole episode, but I like to know what happened in a short article."
- A lot of our reviewers already do provide recaps within their reviews.

"TV Schedule calendar in the main page."
- Would take up too much space and cause the page to take longer to load. A link to the What's on Tonight is available in the menu above and the Episode Database Calendar has all upcoming episodes.

"Cable ratings particularly white collar."
All Ratings for all shows both Cable/Broadcast are already stored in the Ratings Database.

"Possibility of searching all videos for a specific show without having to see all the titles related to other stuff of the show (casting, spoilers, etc) or browse through other contentes on the video page. Na ""advanced search"" option should solve this issue."
- This is what the Video Portal is for :)

"Twitter account for Teen Wolf"
- As shows end or are cancelled this makes room for other shows to get their own Twitter Account. We run polls when a slot is available for users to vote on. So keep an eye out for future polls.

We also received some ideas/suggestions that unfortunately due to either technical/manpower or financial constraints that we simply cannot do. Some of these are listed below.

"Having a music database of the songs heard on our favorite shows "
- I'm afraid this would simply be too much work.

"Easier to use ratings database featuring DVR+7."
- Simply too much work involved to input all these into the database.

"Identify the down voter, the way the up voter is identified. If the down vote can't be eliminated, at least the sender won't be anonymous."
- Out of our control. You should send your feedback to Disqus.

"Nothing! I love the site very much. Maybe an android app."
- Unfortunately the company who did our Android App closed. Currently it would cost far too much money to make a bespoke Android or iOS app in terms of functionality that is already in the Mobile Version of the site.

As for all the other suggestions, we're currently looking through those to see which, if any, are still viable. So stay tuned to see if any of your features get to make it onto the site.

Detailed Breakdown

Here is a detailed breakdown of the results from the various questions.

Most Popular New Shows
1) Sleepy Hollow
2) The Originals
3) The Blacklist
4) The Tomorrow People
5) Agents of SHIELD

If you have any questions please don't hesitate in asking in the comments below.

And thank you once again to everyone who took part in this years survey, it's really really appreciated.
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