Michael Graziadei (American Horror Story), Lesley-Ann Brandt (Spartacus) and Louise Lombard (CSI) have been cast in Lifetime’s dystopian future drama pilot The Lottery, written by Timothy J. Sexton and directed by Danny Cannon. The conspiracy thriller is set in a world where women have stopped having children, with the human race facing impending extinction. When remarkably 100 embryos are successfully fertilized, a national lottery is held to decide the surrogates. Graziadei will play Kyle, a recovering alcoholic and single father of one of the last children born in the country. Lesley-Ann Brandt will play Casey, a U.S. soldier longing for a child who jumps at the shot at being a surrogate by participating in the lottery. Lombard plays Tori, a formerly free-spirited artist who is now a member of the Washington power elite, an accomplished writer and spinmeister who has the ear of the president.
Source: deadline
Source: deadline
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