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POLL : What did you think of Supernatural - Bad Boys?

20 Nov 2013

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  1. That was great!

    I loved the little backstory we got on Dean. Aww, at him protecting Timmy. That was sweet. I also loved how Sonny was a father figure to Dean.

  2. I wish they'd stop pissing on John's memory every time they mention him or want to do a flashback. The man was nowhere near as bad as the show has made him out to be. I swear, ever since season 5 or 6 it has been John bashing pretty much any time he's mentioned.

    Damn retcons.

  3. It was so good! I was kinda dreading it a little but ended up loving it. Also, the fuck, John? Why would you leave Dean there for two months and then come back out of the blue? Not here for that.

    Aww at the brother moment at the end. So cute! Dean with Timmy was also adorable.

    The guy that plays Sonny still looks like Christian Kane and Jared's son.

  4. This! I love John and they keep making him worse, which annoys me.

  5. This is the first time I've ever felt compelled to come an vote immediately. This episode will go down as one of my favorite all time Spn episodes, and definitely my favorite backstory episode. I loved it from the second the preview showed, till they drove away in the car.

    I love Cas, and side characters, but /this/ is the heart of Spn! Great story, really awesome effects, and I was thrilled to see some good, ol'fashioned ghost hunting! He even pulled out the emp detector or whatever it's called! And him tossing the toy on a stove burner was awesome and quick thinking!

    No demon or angel symbols or witchcraft or one shot guns or magic knifes. Just family, skill, and excellent story telling. I don't even care if there were any flaws in this episode, all I saw was perfection. I teared up a little at the end when dean saw Sam in the car.


  6. I found the continued John trashing to be OTT. Now, he beats up his kids. Since when? Were we really supposed to believe those bruises were from a werewolf? If so, why did Dean look all shady? Why was he so evasive and then defensive?

    Plus, John leaves Dean at a home for gambling away the food money when Dean shouldn't have been left (for weeks on end probably) w/insufficient funds. Can John get any worse? No wonder JDM has no interest in returning to the show. They trash John every chance they get!

  7. Fantastic episode, really well done.

    Super happy we went back to the COTW story from the early seasons. It felt good to see the boys take on a ghost again and go back to the good old salt and burn (and it was ineffective as usual hehe).

    Dean's past always brings a mix of emotions. I was happy that for two months he got away from the hunting life and lived an ok life. But that last scene made me shed some tears for I think only the second time this season. God do I love Dean Winchester as a character.

    Robin was a typical Dean girl honestly, but she was one he knew as a teen so she was different at the same time. Sonny was pretty cool honestly, when I first read the synopsis for this I assumed he was another of the boys but seeing him as the mentor seemed like a better fit.

    I'd say this might be my favorite episode in the past 3 or so seasons, Season 9 has been excellent so far.

  8. Dean wasn't looking dodgy, he seemed cocky to me because the guy would never believe him. I got the impression that he was telling the truth about the werewolf, and no that thy were tags no John. No one would believe that John was abusive, period. I really didn't see this episode as trashing John that much. I could fully see John leaving him her to try and teach dean a lesson about responsibility, which is ironic, since john'd the one that left them in hotels all the time (and that's not bashing him, that's just cannon, and he had his reasons).

  9. And I believe JDM *does* want to return, tbh, but it hasn't worked out.

  10. Filler. But a very nice filler. I loved everything about it. Especially the last flashback of Dean going back to Sam. I love their moments. Their brother moments always make me feel good.

  11. I don't see it that way. If Dean lost the money he left to feed the boys playing cards and stole, I could see John thinking Dean needed to be held accountable for that.

  12. I'll have to watch it again, but his reaction threw me off initially.

  13. I've always wanted him to return, but I doubt he will at this point. He's been interviewed before and has commented on the "trashing" of John.

  14. I'm pretty sure Dean told Gordon that he took out a werewolf when he was 16, so yes, I think it was a werewolf, not John beating him. I'm not sure I buy John leaving Dean where he could spill the beans about what John did for a living to anyone and I'm not sure I buy Dean telling anyone about hunting werewolves and I'm not sure I know why the head guy believed Dean, but I enjoyed the episode so I"m willing to kind of wave it all away. I liked the old fashioned ghost hunt. I liked Dean considering another life.

  15. I did not think I was going to like this Ep because it was all about Dean but man it was really good and I wanted to see Dean like that more then the Dick he is sometimes but a softer side I like and the end I really felt bad for him but when he looked at Sam and he did what he did its like we give up a lot of things to be with are family and these boys do give up a lot to be with each other and that's sad I know but all they got is each other and that is what this show is all about right? And it just sucks that in 2 weeks that bond will be trashed again god its going to be sad.

  16. But then Dean lied to Gordon (and the audience) about embracing the life, right?. He told Gordon, he had embraced the life on that hunt, but it is clear in this episode that Dean hated hunting and would have gladly abandoned it but for Sam.

  17. I found this episode depressing. Maybe that was the point.

    I guess I always believed Dean when he said he enjoyed hunting, but I guess those were all lies to appease John. Maybe he "embraced the life" as he told Gordon later? Who knows?

    The heroes of the show don't seem to like or enjoy what they do so why do they do it? It's just all very sad and somber.

  18. Do you know where I can find that interview?

  19. I hit the option of Awesome the second I got on this poll. I loved this episode! It was so great to see into Dean's past. I honestly started tearing up so much at the last flashback. When Dean doesn't really want to leave, but then he sees little Sammy hanging out the Impala's window playing with the toy airplane, and Dean just gives that little smile and knows he has to go back for Sam. It was so sweet to be shown once again how great Dean is with children and how he protected Timmy throughout the episode. :)

    I was disappointed that the Samulet didn't come back in the present, but it was still great to still see Dean had it on in the flashbacks. I hope they are planning something to bring it back with this grand gesture or something. If that does happen, I will be so emotional! It can't be gone forever. It needs to come back!

  20. That was a few years back . . . . . let me do a Google search :-)

  21. this might be a stupid question ... is it worth watching? just not ken on watching this one ...

    A want the truth,is it like so awesome ? like old supernatural? .. If not think al just wait

  22. I'm not so sure he was ever totally in.
    He told Sam that he hoped they never found the Yellow Eye-Demon if it meant keeping his family alive.
    I think he is just people before hunting.

  23. What do you mean? John was a total dickhead since the very first season. I have always hated him. He's a terrible, awful awful father. I always resented Dean's respect to such a crappy person.

  24. I really loved the kid who played young Dean, too. I thought he was spot on with Dean's snarky attitude with the cop and humor. I'd really like to see him on the show again sometime.

  25. He was an ass, but not to the extent they've been portraying him since he died. Hell, in the show the characters themselves made peace with that in season 2. Now its just crappy writers over-exaggerating shit for the sake of forced drama.

  26. Me too! I thought he was amazing, he really had Dean down, right down to his facial expressions. You could see Dean right through him.

  27. no its not like old supernatural. It violates canon and continues the trend of pissing on John's grave. That said, its hardly the worst episode of the series and is a decent break from all of the Angel bullshit.

  28. Maybe. I don't know.

    Since S1, Dean has always seemed to find purpose in hunting. It was something he seemed to enjoy. I thought he started disliking it when his dad died and learned the secret about Sam. That's when it seemed like his perspective changed.

    I know it wasn't a happy life, and I know he may have even faked liked he enjoyed it as much as John so he could bond w/John, but I always thought he liked it. But I guess he didn't. That last FB was darn depressing . . . . at least to me.

  29. Yup. He gets worse and worse each time he's mentioned on this show. It's ridiculous. Soon, he will have been beating the boys on a regular basis!

  30. You should watch it. I didn't hate. It just depressed me.

  31. John left a very young Dean all alone to take care of Sam in Something Wicked -- even though young kids were being killed! And despite Sam calling John with the news that Dean was dying in Faith, John never even bothered to respond. John was a poor excuse for a father since S1.

  32. It seems like he changed because his job had finally cost him the things he did not want it to.
    It's no secret that they guy longs for the straight life.

  33. Again, I thought that longing for Dean came in S2; I didn't realize he felt that way as a kid and teen. I honestly thought he liked the "hunting life."

  34. He wasn't great. I agree w/you, but I do feel they can take every opportunity to further trash him each time he is mentioned.

    That's JMO though. YMMV.

  35. depressed oh no am no wanna be sad lol

  36. Maybe Dean did embrace hunting more after his experience in the Boys home? Regardless, Dean at that time had his game face on firmly, and was struggling with John's death. I think he was desperately clinging to honoring his dad at the time.

    And here, Dean is just a 16 year old kid who just wanted to be an actual kid for a brief time. I don't think any 16 year old really knows what they want in life. It's just that Dean had more responsibility than most kids at that age.

  37. Good cause to be honest am definitely not a fan of the angle stuff

  38. I'll take what they said in Bloodlust as reality over this episode as it came first. Saying that, I agree with sdwhiskey on this.

  39. Yeah, they should have had Dean be younger.

  40. But then that makes Dean's entire conversation w/Gordon in S2 a lie.

    If the bruises we see are from that hunt, then that's when Dean "embraced the life." JA sold that scene, and I believe Dean was sincere. Now, we're supposed to believe that Dean didn't really embrace the life and wasn't happy. Has he ever been happy? I guess not. He's been stuck in this life out of duty and by order.

    At this point, I hope the show ends w/him out of life, being a mechanic and just being happy. Sam, I fear, will be dead at the end of the series, but he'll finally be at peace so I guess that's something.

  41. I agree it would be a bad move, but they've retconned so much, including, IMO, whether Dean liked this life so I wouldn't be surprised at what they'll do next.

  42. I believe Dean was 18 in ASS. He was also a year behind and then he dropped out completely.

  43. This episode was... incredible. It felt like the old Supernatural I used to love and would look forward to. I cannot express how much this episode meant to me in regards to this show. From the pilot I've been hooked and the past few seasons juts haven't felt the same but tonight's was extremely refreshing. This is why I started watching the show and why I continue, in hopes there are more episodes like it.

  44. I still found it close.

  45. I thought this was close to the John of season 1, the John who had little time or patience for Dean and probably would have let him stay there to learn a lesson. What took it further for me was the implication in Dark Side of the Moon that he beat Dean.

  46. Meh. As nice as it was to see them burn some bones and do some ol' ghost hunting (seriously how long has it been?), the season continues the rather meh kind of episodes. More Dean... there are 2 brothers here. There are other characters to show. Can we not have The Dean Show, with recurring character Sam? It's been like that since about Season 3.

    Ever since Season 5 ended, each season has started out with pretty good potential then just flounders for a long time. This season is no exception.

  47. I think parts of WIAWSNB are SPN's very best, but I enjoyed this episode, and it made me feel real emotions about Dean. I didn't think anything but Jensen could do that, because some of the writing is at times one-note, but they nailed it here. Wonderful work from Dylan Everett.

  48. um are we going to get any Sam episodes this season because so far all the episodes have been all about Dean and Cas and if Jared didnt have Zeke to play they'd probably be able to film Jared for 1 day an episode and let him stay at home with his family for the rest of filming.

  49. Ok so now the writers have ensured that Sam cant be mad at Dean for the whole lying thing because otherwise every Dean girl on the planet will be up in arms calling Sam a dick with no right to be pissed because poor Dean has always given up everything for his insufferable selfish burden of a brother Sammy.
    Oh and look next week its the Dean show again!

  50. Who's to say he didn't?

  51. When it comes to John I think it is open season especially when it comes to Dean not so much Sam because his relationship with John doesnt hold the same importance since season 1 but when it is Dean it is different. The episode highlighted the hypocrisy when it has come to Sam wanting normal on the show and Dean . And the fact that Dean gave up the chance of that for Sam elicting certain feelings towards Dean in the fandom was not fair right before Sam finds out about Ezekiel .

    The old fashioned ghost story was great but maybe I have too many bad feelings towards the treatment of Sam to not want to reject the rest to be honest..

  52. That was a weird episode.

    Usually I love flashback eps but this had nothing of the charm of the previous ones.
    It was written in a stodgy, plodding, uninspiring way. No true poignancy at all.

    I did like the young actor's portrayal of Dean, I actually liked him better than adult Dean in this episode, strange to say.
    I loved the glimpse of the amulet around young Dean's neck and I enjoyed the relationship he had with Sonny whom I liked.

    When I saw the 'then' teaser, it brought back so many good memories, but that just emphasised how superior those episodes were to this one.
    It wasn't bad, but as I said it was uninspiring.

    It always loops back to the writers.

    They just can't portray the brothers' relationship like the earlier writers could. The touch of magic and the loving feeling between the brothers that there used to be, just aren't there any more, no matter what words the writers have the actors say.

    There was no particular chemistry between the brothers that an episode like this should have beeen full of. Even in ASS, when teen Dean passed his little brother in the corridor of the school, you could feel the fondness between them, how Dean was proud of his little brother.

    Carver has definitely succeeded in making the brothers 'more mature'; his diplomatic way of saying that the brother bond co-dependency has to end in his vision of SPN. A pity,as it's the basis of the show and of its success.


    I also didn't like what Sam was made to say at the end of the episode; how he had to thank Dean for always being there for him. It doesn't reflect the brothers' true relationship in the least.

    Dean might always have been there for Sam; he was part of the family, the older brother who had been given the task of looking out for him, but Dean also got pleasure from having Sam as his little brother.

    It was a two-way relationship, but that ending seems to infer that if it hadn't been for Sam holding him back, Dean would have had a wonderful life, and that just isn't so.

    Sam was a a baby, a child. it was John who commanded and the brothers found solace and joy in each other.

    I gave it okay. It could have been so much more but it's as good as these mediocre writers can give.

  53. I mostly agree.

    This harping on about how Dean gives, gives, gives, and Sam takes, takes, takes, is totally unfair and it's getting boring , annoying and old.
    As I said above it's two-way bond, both brothers give and take, both have been selfish at one time or another, just as both have sacrificed and given up things for the love of the other, etc. Sam can't be blamed for being the younger brother and needing more attenrion when he was a child!

    And now we're going to have to lok forward to another big blow up quarrel between them when the Zeke affair comes to light. Good times!!!!!! :(

  54. I absolutely LOVED this episode in every single way. It was very back to basics and a reminder of just why I fell so in love with this show in the first place. Everything from the scary ghost hunt to Sam and Dean's relationship was just wonderful. Dean getting a taste of a normal childhood and then giving it up because he didn't want to abandon Sam with John and Sam realizing what Dean sacrificed for him and showing his appreciation for it was just beautiful. Jared and Jensen's performance in that final scene was so reminiscent of their bond from the early days of the show and it was just fantastic. It really showed us the heart of the show again and that was something I definitely missed lately. Adam Glass knocked it out of the park with this episode and I really hope we get more episodes like this one in the future. Dylan Everett was outstanding as Young Dean as well. Just a beautiful episode that was like a love letter to long-time Supernatural fans. Thank you, Adam Glass!

  55. Misty I couldn't agree more. They really did capture the heart of the show again and I was so happy with how it turned out. Just beautiful.

  56. Exactly. Anyone who couldn't see Sam's appreciation for Dean's sacrifice in that final scene is just completely blind. He violated Dean's no chick flick moments rule in order to tell him how much it meant to him. Dean may have tried to play it off as if it was no big deal but Sam was still able to see through his facade and thanked him anyway. It was a really nice moment between the brothers and reminded me of their relationship from the first couple of seasons. Let's just hope that he's able to forgive Dean for the whole Zeke thing when he finds out about it rather quickly, I really don't want that to drag out for too long after seeing that scene tonight.

  57. Yeah I thought Sam was a little too old to be playing with a toy airplane, so that would make sense. That scene was still lovely though, Dean being conflicted about whether or not he wanted to leave the home until he saw his little brother. I'm willing to overlook the age gaffe because of how nicely it turned out.

  58. I think Dean was just so stuck on his hero worship of John that a lot of his memories from his childhood are skewed as a result. As he's gotten older and came to terms with his unresolved anger with John for the way he was raised the hero worship died down a lot. It's a bit of character development IMO and I think some of it was tempered with John's ultimatum towards him before he died about either saving Sam or killing him. He never got over that and I think he still resents him for that.

  59. The point is that the way that scene was written, puts Sam in a bad light by emphasising that it was Sam's fault that Dean had such a miserable life, because Dean chose to go back with John and leave the better life he had found with Sonny behind, and that's not fair to Sam.


    It makes Dean out to be the one who sacrifices all the time and Sam who is the recipient never does anything for Dean, which I don't believe in the least.

    .Sam loved Dean as much as Dean loved Sam, and the writers should emphasise that more!

  60. If people are going to insist on blaming a child for why Dean had a terrible life then there's something wrong with them. As a human being who loves his brother of course he's going to choose to go back home to be there for Sam. That isn't Sam's fault and it just shows you how much Dean loves his brother. Sam loves Dean just as much and appreciates the sacrifices he's made for him because he said so in the first place. The way Jared played the scene it was evident that Sam realized the extent of Dean's love for him, he had tears in his eyes when he was thanking him. I thought it was a beautifully acted scene between Jared and Jensen and it really emphasized the brothers' love for one another. I don't think the audience needed to be beaten over the head with the message because of how well it was acted out between them. The love and appreciation was definitely there, it was written all over Jared's face. If people choose to ignore it then that's their problem.

  61. Google is amazing.

    So let’s let Jeffrey Dean Morgan put this to bed for good. “Yes, I would go back if they asked me. My stance always is I would love to come back. In fact, they have trashed John so f–king much on that show that I would like to come back just to set the record straight the real way,” he says. “I’m not that bad of a dad. I saved my kids. I went to hell to save my kids. How bad can I be, people? But there are a couple of story lines that I’d like to resolve and more importantly those people mean a lot to me. Jensen [Ackles] introduced me to [girlfriend and White Collar star Hilarie Burton] and they’re family, so it’d be fun to go back. But I don’t think it will ever happen.”
    --from Entertainment Weekly if anyone is interested

  62. That bothered me too. I felt like it harkened back to the game show in Changing Channels when Dean, unknowingly, said his life would have been better w/o Sam.

  63. Exactly! I just said the same thing above.

    That last FB was extremely depressing, and I got the sense that Sam is at fault for Dean losing yet another happy life. Yes, adult Sam saw that Dean enjoyed this place in the time he was there and recognized Dean gave it up for him, but how was that Sam's fault? As you said, he was a child.

  64. They should have kept him at 14. He could have totally passed for 14, and that better explains Sam playing w/the toy airplane. The kid looked like he was 7.

  65. Well, I never thought of him as a hunter robot who yelled at Sam constantly. I just thought he enjoyed hunting. It appears he doesn't. Neither brother does so I hope the show ends w/them doing whatever they truly want to do in life.

  66. For me, this changes the entire dynamic of the show. I watch the show b/c the boys (or at least one of them) like hunting and enjoy it. If neither boy likes it, I'm not sure why they insist on doing it.

    These boys get no true pleasure from hunting. Dean is only doing this b/c it's the only thing he's ever done, and it's the only thing he thinks he can do (remember the YCHTT speech). That's sad and depressing. Dean is what 34, 35-yrs old. He needs to take control of his life and do what he wants.

  67. I hear what you're saying. A lot changed for Dean in those two years btw this Dean and BK's Dean. They are like two totally different people.

    In fact, they could have skipped the whole Robin angle. Did he lose his virginity to her or something? It wasn't clear to me. They could have made him even younger in this episode, left him there longer (sorry, John but you were already presented as a bastard), and then it may have made more sense. Dean could have been 10. I know the other kid is too old, but oh well . . . it would have been better for the story.

  68. Thanks! I don't remember that one. There was another one I was referencing.

  69. Same here. Great eppy all around. So much negativity about this show all the time...but it continues to put out solid episodes. Pretty impressive for a 9 year old show. Last week's ep was just an OK for me, but this one was awesome! Good old fashioned ghost/possession hunt. Some wonderful supporting actors. Timmy was adorable. Young Dean was excellent, esp with the emotion of the last scene. Hard for a young actor to pull off, but he did it. This ep had a little bit of everything that I love so much about this show. Well done all around, SPN!

  70. That's what I took from it too.
    If Sam had never been born then Dean would have been free to have a great life without a demon-blood infected little brother to drag around with him; That's totally unfair, and it's not what the show or the bro-bond is about.

  71. "If people choose to ignore it then that's their problem."

    But they will.

    If Sam had been able to answer that he would have done the same thing for Dean if he had been the big brother, or if he could have repeated the words he said at Cold Oak about there being 'nothing he wouldn't do for Dean' too, it would have been different..

    That exchange at the end of AHBL 2 is a perfect example of the brothers being on the same page, and their bond being balanced, and Dean's face took on an expression of joy when Sam said them, but the end of this ep, no matter how well it was acted, it still infers that Dean had sacrificed his own life to look after Sam,

  72. Exactly! That's why it depressed me. I love broments, and there were none here.

    Dean's life sucks. Why? Because John forced upon him sole responsibility for his little brother. Dean took on that job w/a fervor, but at what cost? His own happiness? What is this show telling me?

    Sam didn't worry about Dean at all. At 8, Sam was extremely worried about John in AVSC, but at 9 (or 12), he doesn't have a care in the world about Dean. Heck, Dean wasn't all that concerned w/Sam in those two months either.

    The emotional beats and characterization were off, IMO.

  73. That's exactly what we were shown. Dean, yet again, sacrificed his own happiness for Sam. What makes it even worse is that Dean doesn't even like hunting. It's not something he actually enjoys and misses. So, he goes back to a life he cannot stand solely for his clueless brother.

    There was nothing positive or upbeat about that, IMO.

  74. Yeah, Adult Sam's lack of worry about Dean's time away back then was really out of character.

    Dean wsn't absent for a day but for 2 months. It infers that Sam wasn't even worried about his brother's absence for that timei.

    For how we've been shown the brothers to be so attached to each other even as children, it just doen't ring true.

    Then at the end of the ep,, the Sammy I know would have been outside the car, waiting for his brother to come out, not playing around with a toy plane!

  75. I always love flashbacks with the boys, this was like an old time Supernatural ghost story ep, my favorite so far this season. The actor playing Dean was excellent, my ONLY complaint was the way they treated John's memory. What is going on with that???

  76. I was thinking the same thing! I thought they should have had Sam run into that bldg to get Dean, and then we could have had a true "broment" but nope . . . . clueless 12-yr old Sam just plays w/his toy plane out the window like a small child. Okay. Haha!

  77. Agree 100%, I commented this morning it was good old time SPN ghost story and my favorite so far this year.

  78. Awesome...thanks for that and yes Google is amazing. I have always liked John and even though he would never go down as father of the year, he did his best to keep the kids safe. He knew Sam was in danger and put an awful burden on Dean, but did save his life. JDM is one of my favorite actors and I have most of his movies..and so HOT. lol Would love to see John back.

  79. For me that was the worse thing John could have done to Dean, it was awful and is the only time I really did not like John. That was a burden no one should have to carry. I understand he was trying to warn Dean what might happen, but dang, that was cold. ;)

  80. Couldn't have said it better myself. Absolutely loved this one.

  81. According to the writer, Dean is 14 in the script. Which does make more sense to me. But still, I think any teenager is going to struggle with what they want to do for the rest of their life, and Dean was no different. I still think you're not putting Dean's emotional state when he was talking to Gordon in the context of Dean just losing his father and feeling desperate to make up for it by being the best hunter he could be. Dean had his game face on "for Sammy" as he told Gordon.

  82. Why does it have to be such an either/or situation? BOTH Sam and Dean have continually struggled with the hunting lifestyle, over the entire series! And where in the world do you get that they "get NO true pleasure from hunting"? Neither Sam nor Dean EVER said this. You are putting words in their mouth.

    This was merely one brief moment in Dean's past where he experienced what his life might have been like IF he had a more normal (not like living in a reform home is all that normal...) upbringing. We already knew that Dean had other dreams for himself, from as early on as Skin. For Dean to struggle with hunting is just part of who Dean is and has always been since S1. And IMO nothing about this episode indicates that present day Dean "gets no pleasure" from hunting/saving people. I think you're being way too hard on teenage Dean for having normal, human emotions and doubts.

  83. I didn't see Young Dean getting abused. He did get in a fight with the cop who brought him to Sonny's, but that's all I saw.

  84. Yes, but don't try to cross reference between episodes, these writers are way off when it comes to continuity. After the promo people were nagging Adam Glass about Sam's lack of worry when Dean is missing, he answered no one would remember things when they are 9 years old!!!! First it's not true, and second Sam was supposed to be 4 years younger than Dean, hence 12 at that time, how could they miss it like that? Funny when people pointed that out Glass said we should wait and see, so everyone assumed there would be a time travel in this episode, lol.
    I like Adam Glass, he's a good writer and he did a good job with this episode, but you see these big and small glitches too.

    Speaking of Sam, didn't the little Sam seem too passive to you? He was like a 5 year old who really doesn't know what's going on around him and he would be content if he has his toy to play with. Well forget about 12, even 9-year-old boys don't act like that and we saw how Sam was at 8.

    About Dean, I do believe before everything started to weight on him, he liked the job. He liked the trill, he liked being like his father and more importantly he like to help people and save them. There was no lies in the famous 'Saving people, hunting things, family business', his sincerity was obvious. That's why he can't leave the job despite getting tired and worn out, because he can't ignore those in need of help. I believe WIAWSNB was his first experience in normal life and that's why it had that big impact on him.
    This episode was good, really, I like it. But I think it defied many aspect of Dean's character development.

  85. I don't like Adam Glass he's one of the worst retcon writers.

  86. I didn't see any ''John bashing''. He didn't let Dean there for getting caught or stealing but for losing the money for him and Sammy. he just let him take responsability for his actions

  87. Apparently Sam was supposed to be 10 and Dean 14, and they changed it after filming because they didn't think the actor looked young enough for 14.

    Sam's reaction didn't bother me. He was very sheltered, and most likely, they didn't even really tell him Dean was "lost" until close to the time they came to get him.

  88. The message I took from ASS was that everything Dean believed in was a big lie, and that only Sam, who hated his life, was aware of reality.

    At least in this episode, Dean clearly cared about Sam, and Sam in adulthood realized Dean's sacrifice and thanked him. That's more than I got out of ASS.

  89. I don't think it showed Sam in a bad light. Sam had no say in the matter. It would be one thing if Sam had walked into the house and begged Dean to go with him. It was Dean's choice, and John's.

  90. Still he hadn't seen his brother for 2 months, it's a long time for a kid who always had his brother by his side. Worrying aside, he should have been missing him so much.

  91. I don't think there should be anything positive or upbeat about their life at this time. I've never felt comfortable with the idea that they were happy because they had each other and a cool car. Sam clearly was not happy for much of this time, even though he loved Dean. Dean loved Sam, but he hated what John and what their mother's death forced them to live out.

    It's tragic that he had to give up happiness. It's not tragic that he gave this up for Sam, but that he and Sam never had a chance for a real home and a real future. That isn't Sam's fault. I felt like the episode made that clear.

  92. He probably was. We just saw a quick glimpse, from Dean's POV. I'm sure John was barking at him to keep quiet and not embarrass them, be a man, etc.

  93. Totally with you. Why always come to the worse conclusions? Sometime I feel the fans are searching really really hard to find reasons everywhere to scream. Like, John beating Dean? It's not like it's unlikely in their line of work to get hurt everywhere and a normal person would ask questions about parents about it, didn't see the red flag.

  94. I don't think he lost his virginity to her. It was puppy love, probably the first time he allowed himself to care about a girl instead of just seeing them as parts.

  95. The way the scene was filmed, with Dean looking out the window and Sam being the focus of Dean's attention, clearly shows us that he went back because of Sam,for Sonny offered to keep him on if he didn't want to go back.

    Then as we're also surprisingly told that Dean never liked the hunting life, it only adds to the fact that he went back for Sam.

    Sam by acknowledging that in the final scene confirms it even more.

  96. Sam certainly hated the life, but Dean seemed to be happy with hunting in that episode.

    Then, the brothers were very close here, with Dean watching over Sam like a mother hen, so I find it very difficult to believe that Sam was so cool and collected when Dean went missing for an entire two months ,especially when Sam didn't get on well with John.

  97. But that's not Sam's fault.

  98. he got in a fight with the cop with brought him to Sonny and WON! :D

  99. I think back to season 1 where Dean told Sam about how John would come check up on Sam when he went to college. I think John probably did that with Dean too. I mean even if those worst conclusions were true John did give up his life in season 2 and saved their lives at the end of season 2. Of course, I don't believe the worst conclusions are true. But even if they were he definitely got better and atoned for it.

  100. If they aged Dean, they should have aged Sam as well and rewritten the last FB. I don't think any 12-yr old would play w/a plane out of a car window. That is something a small child (7-10) might do. I think the actor who played Dean could have passed for 14 just fine.

    But even if Sam was 9/10, at that age, he KNEW about the supernatural. He was scared in AVSC at the age of 8 when he read the journal and learned what John was really doing. There is no way he WOULDN'T be scared for Dean if they told him Dean was "lost" or "missing" on a hunt. It simply doesn't make sense.

  101. Well, I think the show made it pretty clear over the years that Dean enjoyed this life. Was it always fun? No. But did he get some enjoyment out of it? I believe he did. And not just his time w/Sam. Dean liked hunted.

    Now, magically, he doesn't and never did. To me, that's altering Dean's character for no reason, not expanding on what we've been shown. If Dean had told Sonny or Robin that he loved his life but sometimes felt burdened by it or loved his dad's work but isn't sure if he wants to go into that business full time, I could understand that. That wouldn't have messed w/what I feel is established canon at this point,

    But that is JMO. YMMV.

  102. Back In Black Tricksteress 9521 November 2013 at 02:14

    Awesome and beautiful too actually :)

  103. Back In Black Tricksteress 9521 November 2013 at 02:15

    At least you didn't give it a awful vote :)

  104. What really annoys me is Adam Glass clearly never watched an episode of Supernatural that he didn't pen. If he had, he would have know that a 9-year old Sam would have NEVER behaved the way that kid behaved last night. We saw Sam at 8 in AVSC, and he was much more mature than the 12-yr old we saw last night.

    I also agree that the actor playing Sam could have been 5-yrs old. He just seemed really young.

  105. Absolutely fabulous. As much as I love Cas and what he brings to the table, and I truly do, an episode like this felt good. It was just like the good old days, with a bit of flashback insight to make it that much sweeter. I love how the boys have grown in their relationships over the years, allowing themselves to have friends, but like I said, this just felt good. It made me nostalgic for simpler times.

  106. yes but Dean girls are mostly happy when Sam is being made to apologise/ bow down/made to look like the lesser brother arent they?

  107. Every time they show us yet another moment where Dean chose Sam over anything else I remember Sam not getting him out of Purgatory over a girl, and I hate him all over again. Erin Karpluk was amazing in this episode, hope Robin comes back, I'd like her to have a chance with Dean. This episode was really good.

  108. I am a huge Sam fan and last season is one I just want to forget ever made me want to not even look at Sam and I hated that. Sam would never have not looked.

  109. Best episode of this season so far.

  110. I agree. I would love to forget it but I can't.

  111. Yeah I wish I could forget it too.

  112. I really expected to have a luke warm reaction, at best, to this season and I keep finding myself really enjoying episodes. Really liked seeing Dean in a happy time. Love watching him with kids.

    I am almost at a point where I want them to recast John. I get his leaving Dean to suffer the consequences of stealing (and the gambling that led to it) but when he refused to come back in the morning (or even a couple hours later) my first thought was what a prick. Then I realized...that's not necessarily the case. If we had SEEN John. Perhaps he regretted depriving his son of the pleasure of the dance. We don't know because without having the character on screen we're left to go by their interpretations which may or may not be the full story. It's finally been long enough for me to accept the fact that Jeffrey Dean Morgan isn't coming back to Supernatural. I'm ready to accept John played by another actor. :-)

    That said. I just really really liked this episode.

  113. The best episode so far this season!


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