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POLL : What did you think of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - The Well?

20 Nov 2013

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  1. Aw, poor Ward. So he blames himself for his brother dying? And whoa at Melinda/Ward. Didn't expect it and my OTP is Skye/Ward, but I am here for this in the meantime.

    And wow at Coulson at the end. Great episode! Definitely didn't have to watch Thor 2 to understand it (still can't wait to see the movie).

  2. If this show sees another drop, I'm going to lose it. I'm enjoying this show way too much to watch it get canceled and replaced by some dime a dozen cop drama because people don't like taking risks on anything else.

  3. disqus_BLvd5NQY3F20 November 2013 at 02:15

    I think worst rated show been renewed and AOS is fighting against NCIS=bad idea

  4. I was happy with the Skyeward moment at the end...

    And then, WHAT?

    I might be overreacting but still...

  5. Tonight episode was really good. U really dont need to see Thor 2 to understand the episode. Now I didnt see Ward and May ever doing the deed. I feel sorry for Phil man I hope he unlocks the truth about what happen after he was "killed". I think he's a clone. They need to have Peter MacNicol show up every 3 or 4 episodes.

  6. Yeah I'm for Skye/Ward and was like Yay! And was also shocked but I'm not that worried about Ward and Melinda. They are two people who have seen and been through damaging and
    traumatizing experiences, just looking to forget and find some comfort. I don't see any romantic feelings between them. I wouldn't be too worried. Though who knows what the show will turn it into.

  7. very good ep that nicely tied to the Thor movie without actually having to see it (but I'm glad that I did)... nice little build on the Coulson mystery and a little bit on Ward's backstory... but I certainly wasn't expecting the Ward/May ending (perhaps a side effect of holding the staff creates a support group - lol) Interesting take with the professor being Asgardian - I still kept seeing the Ally McBeal character that Peter McNichol played in this ep.... lol

  8. Absolutely hated the ending of this episode! What is this show? Gossip Girl? UGH. Do not want.

  9. Yeah. I don't understand why everyone has to hook up with everyone? I mean what about the group dynamic. Is it just going to be one big orgy instead?

  10. Uhhh...are we watching the same show? Because no one has hooked up with anyone until now.

  11. okay this show has finally grown on me, Coulson and his Tahiti dream at the end was i've been waiting for. I'd like to think that they're are going to shed some light on May's past soon from the very first episode apart Fitz& Simmons I really liked her but now I just wanna know what she's been through. I kinda saw the Ward/May thing coming, they have a little rapport now 'we both hurt so much' kinda thing but they've obviously set up a Skye/Ward impending romantic arc and I'm not crazy about either of those characters so Ward with May is probably the best thing that could happen to make me like him. Good episode I liked how they showcased Coulson intelligence and experience when he caught on about the asgardian

  12. I liked the episode a lot. Definitely will be upset if the ratings continue to drop and this show gets replaced. I loved the scene at the end with Skye telling Ward that she'd be there for him. They have some great scenes together and I hope that their relationship can be explored a little more. The scene with Ward going into May's room was definitely not expected. There's a part of me that hopes that all they did was talk but, knowing TV shows, that likely wasn't the case.

  13. "Did I fall asleep?" brilliant Dollhouse reference at the end! As for Melinda/Ward I don't know if they actually had sex I saw it as getting drunk and drowning their sorrows but hey I'm up for it I ship everyone in this show!

    Anyway really loved the episode, didn't see the twist with the professor being Asgardian, which was fun.

  14. I thought it was terrible the last 2 weeks ep were soo much better

  15. InvestedInYourFuture20 November 2013 at 10:37

    "Did I fall asleep?"
    "For a little while?"

    This was seriously brilliant and unexpected. I loved the fact that we got to see Ward out of his comfort zone, as well as more BACKSTORY of his and also we got some insight into May AND even Coulson.

    I find myself surprised to say it - but I am actually interested in Ward's backstory now.

    Coulson is such an interesting character right now and its interesting to see his doubts and his problems slowly surface more and more and that's true for ALL the characters - all of coulson's team has huge secrets and mysteries about themselves and its very interesting to see how those secrets and mysteries affect each other.

    A lot of things I did not expect from this show, this episode - like the professor being an asgardian(also loved the fact that they were mostly VERY accurate with norse mythology in this one) or the whole May thing.

    VERY strong episode.


  16. InvestedInYourFuture20 November 2013 at 10:38

    It won't be cancelled. Its still the STRONGEST Abc has ever done in that time slot for quite a while, it still relatively holds up against NCIS and its live+7 ratings are consistent.

  17. That's what I see Melinda/Ward too. It really caught me by surprise, but I guess since they both experienced something they can relate and talk about it, which neither of them can talk about or feel they can talk about with the rest of the (younger and more inexperienced) group - except Coulson.

  18. Skye: "I wouldn't mind getting my human hands on Thor. He's so dreamy."
    Coulson: "Sure, he's handsome, but..."
    May: "No. He's dreamy."
    Hahaha, gotta love May. :D

    Another awesome episode, the mythology and the story were great, and the screentime was finely balanced between the team. :)
    I love the May/Ward dynamic! I'm not sure that was intended to come off as a romantic relationship, maybe more like a mentor/protege relationship (he looks up to her & she's protective of him, he certainly seemed to relate to her more than to Skye). In any case, I'd love to see them interact more. :)
    And I'm guessing the Tahiti mystery reveal will be just before the holiday hiatus? I hope they won't put it off until the season finale.

  19. Ummmm, let's see. First there's Fitzsimmons and Skye/Ward and now Ward/May? Also, Fitz's crush on Skye. That's four pairings in a group of only 6 people. Top that off with shippers of May/Coulson and Ward/Simmons and that's 6 romantic pairings with only 6 characters. Yup. Sounds like Gossip Girl to me.

  20. Yeah, if you completely ignore the part where none of the characters have ever had sex with each other so far (that we know of), the show doesn't have even the slightest amount of Gossip Girl stupidity, and there has been absolutely zero relationship drama of any kind among the characters.

    If you completely and utterly ignore every single little thing that is different from Gossip Girl, which is pretty much everything, then yes you are absolutely correct. They have a lot in common.

    Saying that a show is like Gossip Girl because it's characters are attracted to other stupidly attractive characters makes zero sense. Hey, you know what else is like Gossip Girl using your logic? Arrow! Everyone on that show is attracted to everyone else, it has SO MUCH in common with Gossip Girl.

    Wow, so is Chicago Fire! Oh, here's the best comparison! Lost Girl and Gossip Girl. They even have "Girl" in the name! That solidifies the comparison even more!

  21. Entertaining episode! I liked how this episode had good scenes for each of the characters. I don't hate Ward as much as I did. The previous episode, as well as this one, has helped given him much needed character development and deepening. I like his interactions with May, but I did not see that ending coming. I figured Ward was going to confide in May, as opposed to Skye, but joining Melinda in her room with the alcohol, implying a possible hookup? I'm not sure I like that.

    Also surprising was that the prof was an Asgardian. He's not at all like the royals and warriors we've seen from the Thor movies. But, I see future story potential there. The show now has an Asgardian to ask their "alien tech" questions to, since Thor won't likely be available for a recurring role.

    I've been enjoying this show so far, even if it didn't live up to the
    initial expectations I had for it. The interactions between the team has
    been better. I can understand Fitz-Simmons slightly better. With the added story and character developments for Fitz-Simmons, from previous episodes, I've come to like them more. I'm okay with Skye too. Her character has been more relatable, and her team interactions are developing at a good pace. I still think the Skye and Ward interactions are forced, with a total lack of chemistry, but they're getting slightly better too. May and Coulson are still my favorites. I'm still waiting, rather impatiently now, for more (good) character development for May, and actual, not tidbits of, details regarding Coulson's death story. Like, is he a clone or not? If I have to wait all season, just to find out he's a clone, I'm not going to be happy. If it's a better, or at least well written, story than that, then I guess it'll be worth it when it's finally revealed. Good job with these past few episodes! I'm looking forward to the upcoming ones.

  22. If you think of ships as official pairings, I feel sorry for you because every show must feel like Gossip Girl to you then.

  23. I thought it was a solid episode. I liked that we got a little more ackground on Ward and I think his memories were well done. I initially thought it was him in the well but then it turns out it was his brother, I didn't expect the professor to be an Asgardian either but Ward/May completely caught me by surprise. I didn't think the show would go that direction but I'm curious if this will be more than just a one time thing.

  24. Was it just me or did the Chemistry explode at the tree bit with Gemma & Ward... Then again with Skye at the bar and that weird bottle bit with May at the end.?.. WTH is this man on? I kinda like the geek and the grunt personally... Simmons all the way - she is too frickin' kewt!

  25. I loved this episode! Ward seemed more human somehow and LOVED the references to Thor and the fact that he's dreamy... They could do a lot more stories from the fall out in Thor 2


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