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Latest from TVLine - Various Shows - 26th November 2013

27 Nov 2013

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Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on Good Wife, Scandal, HIMYM, Sleepy Hollow, Following, Once and More

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  1. OUAT: "But what you may find surprising is who almost adopted wee Henry instead."

    Aw, crap. The one episode that's supposed to be about Regina adopting Henry, and they've decided to steal focus away from that, and why? For the sake of a "plot twist" or another parallel?! Leave it to Horowitz and Kitsis to muck up the writing.

    The Regina/Henry relationship has been one of the driving forces of the show from the start, and it deserved to have its own adoption-centric episode. And that episode was supposed to rely on the emotional impact of the performances, not on some contrived plot twist.

    The Good Wife: "suspenseful, heartbreaking, and hilarious" 100th episode - oh, that definitely sounds like TGW and that sounds amazing! I wish there were 100 episodes more... But I guess I can wait. ;)

    Anyway, I mentioned the lack of Kalinda a week ago, and sure enough, there'll be more Kalinda in the next episode... Oh why can't all TV creators/writers be like the Kings? :)

  2. I used to like the Olicity thing on arrow but the fans have really turned me off it,why can't people ask decent questions about the actual story points e.g. the Island,Brother Blood, Isabel, the league of assasins etc.

  3. Grimm - The whole wedding ring thing. Well, I wish they'd come up with a good explanation for it already. But I hope it comes out of nowhere instead of in a spoiler warning. ;)

  4. What actually annoys me most about the Arrow-questions is that we got no new scoop whatsoever. It's like for various spoiler-articles, the authors just re-phrase some of the texts for the next 2 episodes.
    And though I absolutely love Felicity, I agree ... there are way more interesting questions that could be asked right now.
    (Then again it's most likely not the fans submitting the wrong questions, but the authors having to pick a question they can write a couple of sweet sentences about ... vs. questions they have no answers to)

  5. I'm kind of afraid of episode 2x01 for The Following.
    Also, I have to say that I absolutely loved season 1 and all the choices they made with the scipt, yet again I'm still sad that so many interesting and intriguing characters were killed off ...Let's see if the last of those people will die (soon after?) episode 1 of the new season.


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