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Grimm - 3.04 - One Night Stand - Best Scene Poll

17 Nov 2013

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  1. Grimm is on a roll this season. Liked the strong mermaid family ties and Rosalee and Monroe dealing with space issues. Plus we get yet another side effect from Zombie Nick.

  2. I picked Nick's underwater escapade and Hank getting a little freaked out about it afterward.

    It would seem that Grimm is going full steam ahead with the whole "whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger" thing. Every time a wesen does something bad to Nick his body adapts to it and he gets a new ability out of it. I want to know if other Grimms have experienced the same thing or if this is something especially weird happening to Nick. Maybe that's why they're bringing another Grimm to the show?

  3. Nick underwater, with Hank worrying about him. I also was surprised by the e-mail, until I read from one of you that M was for Nick's mother. Loved the whole episode. As to Renard discussing Adalind's pregnancy and her possible motive, did he seem to look a little perturbed? As though remembering that day and thinking, "Oh, crap!"?

  4. I really liked the strong family, the dad willing to take his daughters' place in jail.

  5. I think he just now realized that the royal baby could be his. Being tied to Adalind for a lifetime would elicit that response in anyone. :-P

  6. I am hoping that Mama Grimm can shed some light on the situation. Of course when Nick got super hearing for awhile last season, it quickly became a dropped plot point so it is always possible that these new special powers will stop as quickly as they come.

  7. Me too. Sometimes the Wesen are underdeveloped on Grimm, so it was nice to see such strong family dynamics here. A father willing to die to save his children is universal and made me root that much harder for the family to beat the rednecks. This is a family that I wouldn't mind seeing again sometime.

  8. Nick still has his super hearing. He used it to hear the deaf girl last night as well.

  9. I figured that too was a symptom of Zombie Nick since he didn't have it in episodes before that.

  10. I'd have to comb through previous episodes but I could swear he's used this ability across multiple episodes.

  11. I'm trying to think of an appropriate bribe to get you to do a checkbox best scene poll. :-)

    I had topic the interrogation scene. Loved watching Nick and Hank go at him.

  12. In season 2 he only used it 1 or 2 times after he was cured but this season he definitely used it more. When he was a zombie he was using it all the time. And maybe his zombie-period powered it up: he could hear Juliette and the detectives talking in PTZD like he was standing next to them but he stood in the kitchen, he heard Elly running like you said so I think we'll be seeing it more this season (I hope) :)

  13. Didn't he also used it in Volcanalis to hear that Taureus-Armenta (I don't remember his name) ? It couldn't be a side effect either because he was using his super-hearing all the time when he was a zombie. I guess he just starts to use it more now because it can come in handy.

  14. Other: Ellie jumping in the pool. The scene is sooooo cute.

  15. It would be cool to see them again. Maybe become Nick's friends, the way Bud did.

  16. I voted other--the little bit where Elly swims for Jake and shows him her true self, and he is fascinated rather than frightened. It was a sweet scene, ruined by the mermen, but still sweet.

  17. Grimm tends to be subtle with this kind of stuff. Like Nick's training for troll fighting...this have come up multiple times already, too.

  18. There have been a lot of side characters in Grimm I wouldn't mind seeing again, especially in the first season, and an astonishing number of teenager or young adult characters (normally the most annoying characters in most TV shows) ...Roddy Geiger, Gracie, Carly and now Ellie.

  19. I, I really liked the design of this Wesen. It had something mesmerizing.


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