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Arrow 2.06 "Keep Your Enemies Closer" Review: Love is in the Air - Or is It?

14 Nov 2013

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     This week’s episode of Arrow, “Keep Your Enemies Closer,” was written by Ben Sokolowski and Beth Schwartz and was directed by Guy Bee. This is the second episode Sokolowski and Schwartz this season and the first for Bee this season. As we’ve simply come to expect the episode was beautifully shot with great fight scenes and all the reaction shots that we needed to see in this episode. I think that’s Bee’s strongest asset as a director – I never feel like I’ve missed a second of both the verbal and non-verbal action.

    We’ve waited a long time for a Diggle-centric episode, and David Ramsey did not disappoint. The episode also sets up some long term story lines. Given the careful story telling we’ve come to expect from the show, I’m really excited to see where we’re going. We start the episode with a flashback to last season when Oliver first had to go to the Russians for help. We see that his ability to call on them back then was in saving Anatoli’s (David Nykl) life. And in this episode, we find out that that link goes all the way back to the Island.

    First, a word about the storylines that are going to spread out from this episode – at least according to the breadcrumbs I’ve gathered. Diggle is captured and taken to Amanda Waller (Cynthia Addai-Robinson) who is with A.R.G.U.S., who we already know Lyla (Audrey Marie Anderson) works for. But we learn in this episode, that A.R.G.U.S. is well aware of what Diggle and Oliver (Stephen Amell) are doing at night. Waller comes to Diggle when her superiors are willing to write off Lyla. A.R.G.U.S. in the comics is the US Government agency that supports the Justice League, so this is really one more step toward seeing the Justice League start to show up on the show – and hopefully another link to the projected movie.

    One of the other clues that gets dropped in the episode is Diggle learning that H.I.V.E. ordered the death of Diggle’s brother. We don't see Diggle tell the team about this, but I'm hoping that happened off camera. Again, turning to the comics, H.I.V.E. was a mysterious organization of high level assassins that Slade Wilson (Manu Bennett) was also associated with. We see that Slade and Shado (Celina Jade) are still alive on the Island, but Slade is grievously burnt. It seems like the perfect reason for him to assume the mask – especially since the side of his face that is burnt is the side of the mask that is black. According to the comics, Slade volunteers to try a new serum that will turn him into a super-soldier. We learn in flashbacks that Professor Ivo (Dylan Neal) is looking for a serum that the Japanese had developed during WWII that would turn their soldiers into super soldiers. So, I’m anticipating that somehow or another Slade is going to end up taking this serum – maybe to relieve the excruciating pain he’s in or as an attempt to heal him?

    Turning to the episode itself, it was great to watch Oliver have Diggle’s back. I'm really hoping that Diggle isn't going to go off on his own now to track down H.I.V.E. We learn that Diggle was actually married to Lyla, and it looks like she may be back as a love interest for him. I really like Anderson, so I’m happy to have more of her going forward – she also provides a great contact for the team with A.R.G.U.S. The prisoner that Diggle is paired with in jail was played by Michael Kopsa – who also guest starred on Supernatural this week – and who played Captain Windmark on Fringe, if you were thinking he looked familiar.

    Naturally, the extraction doesn’t go as planned, and Diggle ends up having to rescue Deadshot (Michael Rowe) too. I have to say I haven’t been that impressed by Rowe, so I’ll be happy when Diggle can finally kill him. Even if someone else ordered the hit on his brother, Deadshot is still the one who killed him. Of course, this season is about Oliver moving away from revenge as a motivating force, so it may be that Diggle will move away from it too – but Deadshot is still a gun for hire and that in itself should make him a target to be stopped.

    In flashbacks, we see that Sara (Caity Lotz) is in fact a trusted member of Ivo’s team. The Captain (Jimmy Jean-Louis) actually implies that she’s actually calling the shot, not Ivo. I couldn’t tell if she really does still have feelings for Oliver or if she was playing him the whole time – certainly Lotz is doing a great job keeping me guessing. She does save Oliver’s life at the end though even while it’s clear she’s told Ivo that he’s actually Oliver Queen. We also see that Shado and Slade may be growing closer as she cares for him, so I wonder if that will create a rift between Slade and Oliver, building on the tension we’ve already seen with Slade warning Oliver not to get romantically involved with Shado.

    It was nice to see Oliver try to protect Roy (Colton Haynes). And it was really interesting to see Quentin (Paul Blackthorne) give Roy a get-out-of-jail-free card because he’s working with Arrow. I thought the plot of having Thea (Willa Holland) break up with Roy on the say so of Moira’s lawyer (Teryl Rothery) was pretty pointless. Why wouldn’t she just tell him what the lawyer had said and asked to take a break or be more careful? We do get to see Moira bring them back together and put her stamp of approval on the relationship, though.

    In other romantic news, we see a triangle potentially forming between Oliver, Isabel (Summer Glau) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards). It was great to finally get to see Glau peel back some of the layers on Isabel. We learn that she actually identifies closely with Oliver as intelligent, driven, and lonely and that she is an astute judge of character. I loved Glau’s delivery of “Do I look like someone who needs to cuddle?” Isabel seems to indicate that she’s fine with having a one night stand, but why then does she rub it in Felicity’s face as she leaves Oliver’s hotel room. And the “I’ll see you in the office tomorrow” was delivered in a very coy way, so I’m not sure it really meant nothing to her. Juxtaposed as it is with Sara’s betrayal of Oliver in the past, I have to wonder if Isabel doesn’t also have a hidden agenda. We learn that she’s an orphan from Russia which could be important moving forward – after all, it’s interesting that she tags along with them to Russia. In the comics, Rochev is inspired as a child by Robert Queen and dedicates herself to becoming an equally talented business person. She comes to the rescue of Queen Industries to honor him – so this may be the real answer to Oliver’s question about why she’s so interested in saving his family’s company. In the comics, she also considers herself the true love of Robert Queen, so I wonder if she’s also going to be a problem for Moira (Susanna Thompson). She was obviously jealous of Felicity, commenting on him taking her off for a tryst in Tahiti for instance and commenting on his promoting Felicity because of their “relationship.”

    I can’t say enough about the amazing work Rickards does in this episode. She brings so much non-verbal language to the part. I loved her little “claws out” to describe Oliver and Isabel’s conversation at the beginning of the episode. It’s great to see how far Felicity has come – she’s not happy about being sidelined in Russia. She obviously doesn’t like Isabel any more than Isabel likes her, and I have to wonder if that is going to be a real problem for Felicity going forward at work. The look on Felicity’s face when Isabel comes out of Oliver’s room is heartbreaking – and only gets worse as she tries to put a brave spin on it. I loved that she couldn’t just let it go and points out to Oliver just what a bad idea it was – which it was! This woman just tried to take his family’s company away from them. The final scene between Oliver and Felicity is perhaps my favorite of the entire episode. Both Amell and Rickards knock it out of the park.

    Oliver is completely clueless when it comes to women! Telling Felicity that Isabel didn’t mean anything really doesn’t help. The look on Felicity’s face I think finally drove home for Oliver how deeply her feelings for him actually run. I think he is just beginning to realize that he just may have feelings for her too. He tells Felicity that it’s his life preventing him from really being with someone he could care about. Felicity then gathers herself and simply tells him that he deserves better. Rickards so clearly adds an unspoken ‘even if it’s not me.’ I think that Felicity still feels that Oliver is out of her league and that she would never have a chance with him. Isabel clearly sees Felicity as a rival, however – proving yet again, that she is an astute judge of character. I wouldn’t wonder if she didn’t play off of Felicity’s insecurities going forward.

    What did you think of the episode? Are you excited about the new elements they’re introducing? Do you think Oliver can trust Sara in the past or Isabel in the present? Are you pulling for Felicity? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!


  1. I loved everything about this episode especially the Olicity moments, they were fantastic.

  2. I have SUCH a girl-crush on Felicity! I want her to have everything... And I hope they wanted us to hate Isabel... (actually, I don't - Glau was great in this episode too).

  3. The episode was great. So happy Emily is on the show and I loved the scenes between Oliver/Felicity.

  4. I REALLY liked this episode and funny it wasn't even because of the Olicity stuff. I'm uually not that drawn to the "cases" of the week, but lately they' have been really engaging to me. There was so much subtext in those Olicity scenes that just ugh my heart!

  5. I know - on both counts! So many little details in this episode and it just sets up such a great dynamic going forward. I realize that they have the whole DC universe to fall back on, but they've just done such a great job of building this universe layer by layer and slowly. Can't say enough about the great writing on this show!

  6. OMG - they are just so amazing on screen together. I really think that Amell and Rickards bring out the best in each other. But I think that Amell is really shining this season because he's actually able to now show Oliver's more tender side.

  7. This was such a great episode, really enjoyed everything about it, even the needless angst of Roy/Thea breakup. I'm glad that was resolved real quickly. I thought EBR did a great job in just about every scene she had but one of her really nice touches was the look of joy/excitement on her face as they walked towards the Jet (to go to Russia) and going through immigration. Without dialogue you got the sense that Felicity doesn't have the worldly experience that Oliver and Diggle have. It was a really nice character touch.

  8. I loved this episode. Tbh i really can't wait til Diggs kills Deadshot. That has been a long time coming. As far as Oliver trusting Sara in the past, i think it's pretty safe to say yes, considering that he is alive today. Maybe it wasn't easy w/e he had to go through with her, but he survived it. As for trusting Isabel. HELL NO!! Can we pleaseee kill this bitch off the show?? Seriously, I guess i'm the minority here, but i can't stress enough how much i can't stand this woman! And Even though I loved the tension between Oliver and Felicity, b/c of his GOD AWFUL mistake. I really find it hard to believe that this Isabel would serve as a catalyst for Olicity noticing their feelings for one another. I mean seriously, couldn't they have gotten someone else?? Man i can't wait for Barry to come on the scene b/c seeing that extremely hurtful look on Felicity's face was just heartbreaking.

  9. I think the "cases" of the week are better now because they are more personal. Last season it was more crossing somebody's name from the list, becoming familiar with that somebody in that episode and not seeing them again afterwards, but this year is different. We will see Sara, Lyla, Deadshot, and the league of assassins again. I personally prefer this more serialized tone.

  10. Loved this episode!!! And i must be honest with all you guys, I liked it more because Laurel wasn't in it..

  11. Rickards impresses me each and every week. Her characterization relies so much on the little things she does. It's one of the marks of a really good actor that they do things to flesh out their character even in scenes where they don't have lines.

  12. Is it Isabel or Glau that you dislike? I have to admit that I wasn't very interested in Glau being on the show - but I've been really impressed with her so far. I'm interested in where they go with the character. Totally agree about Deadshot. Let's kill him already and get on with it...

  13. I'm sad that I didn't miss her. Truly, Laurel is for me the only misstep the show has made so far.

  14. Good review, as usual. This episode . . . I thought it got off to a great start, but it hit some roadbumps, for me. You tagged one of them: the whole break-up/reunion with Roy just seemed pointless. The explanation for it made little sense, Thea not simply being upfront with Roy about it was needless, and the mummy-organized reconciliation at the end rendered it all moot anyway, not to mention giving my diabetes a bit of a sugar shock.
    I agree about how great Emily Bett Rickards is--not just with dialogue but with body language and facial expressions--but I confess I found the whiole love (well, sex) triangle angle here a bit soapy. I just didn't buy the one night stand with Isabel--foolish of Oliver, not really based in anything we know about Isabel so far. Could have done without that element. These two aspects of the episode felt filler-ish.
    But yes, getting some Diggle was nice, and I actually was kind of interested in the tense truce (temporary no doubt) with Deadshot.

  15. I certainly hope that Felicity doesn't believe that Oliver is out of her league...if she has feelings for him and this is more than the concern of a friend about him sleeping with a dangerous woman, I hope her only thought is "what an idiot".

  16. Just speaking for me...I have no opinion on the actress, but the character leaves me cold on so many levels.

  17. It's the first time I thought that at least Deadshot was somewhat interesting...though, I confess, Diggle works for me the best in the far, far background. Perhaps the Hive angle works better than his love life.

  18. That's so true!! Everybody is likeable except for her.

  19. BOTH! I hate Summer Glau. And her playing as Isabel, when she first came on i thought oh ok, she's gonna be a bitch, feisty, and a challenge for Oliver in the company dept. But the more i look at her face, the more ANNOYED i get, Glau has no range as an actress and everything she's in the show gets cancelled! She's one of THOSE actresses that just blah. I don't see the big deal about her at all. Also she (Isabel) has like one facial expression for everything!! Like geez, lay off the botox Summer. And the fact that she slept with Oliver, just made me loathe her more. I don't trust her, and i feel like she'll use their sexual encounter as a ploy to bring Oliver down. So she can have the upper hand, b/c we all know she didn't want to be partners with him to begin with. I feel like she'll back stab him. And the fact that she rubbed it in Felicity's face, b/c she thinks she's hot shit or w/e and Felicity is no match for her, when it comes to Oliver, really irked me!! I wanted Felicity to tell her off! And Isabel was all "Do i look like someone who needs cuddling?" Umm but it seems like she's going to keep sleeping with Oliver or try to, and i HOPE to TPTB, that he says NO!!

  20. I thought it could not possibly be more impressed with the top quality work done by Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards, but they floored me again with this episode. Wow. I have not seen such impressively layered, intriguing, and emotional scenes on TV in a long time. The CW has accidentally struck gold with this pairing, and I really hope they run with it.

  21. It's very impressive what she does, and that's even without taking into account how young she is.

    I had a slightly different take on the last Oliver/Felicity scene than you did. I think Felicity, while crushing on Oliver, is still in the "He's out of my league" mode. She was disappointed in him for sleeping with Isabel not because he's into casual sex but because she doesn't think Isabel is a trustworthy person, and that the need to be alone is what is keeping Oliver from Laurel, not from her (Felicity). Whereas I thought Oliver finally figured out that Felicity is someone he could have a good relationship with, if only he didn't have to do the 'ride off into the sunset' thing because of being The Arrow, and it bothered him to hurt her like that.

    Thanks for the review, it was fun to read.

  22. I wasn't expecting Oliver and Felicity and the secondary story of this episode to kind of steal the thunder from the Diggle story with Lyla (who I'm enjoying), but they did and so much of it was packed into the last few minutes of the show with Oliver and Felicity having that talk. I can totally see Isabel using insecurities, office rumors, humiliation, misunderstandings, etc., to try to pry Oliver and Felicity apart. I'm really hoping Felicity catches on and will play a part in exposing/thrawting any plans. I do think Felicity thinks Oliver if "beyond her" and that she isn't good enough for him, just as I think Oliver really thinks he isn't good enough for Felicity. So all last night achieved was making me want them to find a way to be together even more. They're just such likeable characters and together they're even better. Who doesn't root for that to succeed?

  23. Thanks - I'm glad you liked it! I think we have exactly the same take on that scene though! I even say that she thinks he's "out of her league"!

  24. On the other hand, aren't you looking forward to the time when Felicity tells HER off? I know I am!

  25. I get why he slept with Isabel - they'd had too much vodka and shared a moment - but maybe not quite in character for the usually circumspect and careful Oliver... but then he slept with the Huntress after one date too... Seriously, he's just stupid about women...

  26. I really think that Felicity has self confidence issues - which likely means she doesn't own a mirror because she's gorgeous... but hey. Remember she started out as the geeky nerdy tech in the basement...

  27. I could not agree more! I wish I could upvote you times 10!

  28. I am just dying for Felicity to get the upper hand with Isabel! You will hear me hooting at my tv and cheering when it happens! Also? I'm betting we'll get that secret little smile of pride from Oliver too.

  29. Lol good point. Either that or slap whichever comes first. Hahahaha (please let it be the slap)

  30. Love this episode, but I can see why Isabel thinks that Felicity has been promoted because Oliver want to sleep with her. Just looking at that episode while to us as an audience we see felicity being her awkward self, to an outside observer she looks a little incompetent and not all that professional. I hope Felicity gets a chance to showcase her intelligence to Isabel and think if that happened they might even have a little more respect for each other.

  31. I hope not...I really hope not. It is such a cliché. Just because she is an IT girl, I don't see why she should have confidence issues. Yes, she acted cagey around Walter and Oliver, but that's because they were her bosses.

  32. I agree! It is "curious" as to why he'd promote her and Isabel isn't stupid. Of course, once she realizes Felicity isn't either, she's going to wonder even more why she's being tasked with making coffee and appointments when she's brilliant at IT...

  33. Well, that's been her characterization since the beginning. She has questionable social skills - think how many times she puts her foot in her mouth.

  34. OMG - How awesome would it be if she got to full on punch her! She is training after all! LOL! I never want there to be a "cat fight" on the show - just outright fighting!

  35. Having questionable social skills is not the same as having issues with a way, it is the opposite, because someone without confidence would not dare to say anything at all. I think Felicity is highly intelligent and usually has to keep herself from telling everyone around her that they are first grade idiots.

  36. the episode was amazing!! had a lot of fun seeing this episode. the felicity and oliver parts was just awesome. oliver really needs to hear out felicity and start acknowledging what she is doing for him. c'mon she practically doesn't even have a social life because of oliver. and she is DEFINETLY in oliver's leaugue. she gives oliver a run for his money. hope the dynamic changes between olicity and they get together soon.

  37. your not a minority. i agree too. isabel should leave. she is causing problems between oliver and felicity and its not going well with us. we'll call some people with a sledge hammer and kill her. hope barry brings some happiness to felicity. and oliver gets jealous or something. it could be fun!

  38. laurel is boring and i dont like her face at all. Really dont know what oliver sees in her.and she doesn't even act well drunk.

  39. who doesn't oliver sleep with??

  40. lisa great review! forgot to mention it in my previous post!

  41. WE all know that but they both need to acknowledge it. I like how they're teasing it out - half the fun is the anticipation I think...

  42. It will be ironic if Summer's character fills the place occupied by Riley in TSCC. I'm a John/Cameron shipper and I hated Riley because she between John and Cameron.

    Which means I understand perfectly Olicity die-hard fan's hate for Isabel Rochev. And while I think Isabel doesn't deserve this, I'm very glad that Isabel generates that kind of reactions. It's better to have fans hating a character than don't bothering at all.

  43. I'm not sure the writers wanted us to hate Isabel but it was a side effect of Isabel hooking up with Oliver while the poor Felicity didn't even get a kiss (After all even Diggle got one!).

    The scenes of Isabel and Oliver relating to each other at the bar made her seem more three dimensional as a character and puts her in a somewhat sympathetic light imo.

  44. Olicity shippers should be grateful to Isabel Rochev. Until now, Felicity unspoken feelings for Oliver didn't seem to have much echo.
    But thanks to Isabel, Oliver and Felicity revealed their true feelings for each other. Some may even say it was a bit forced.

  45. //I think that’s Bee’s strongest asset as a director – I never feel like I’ve missed a second of both the verbal and non-verbal action.//

    I love the scene near the end when they all walk down over the stairs from the plane. I think it was beautifully, the lights and the accompagnying music were great. Not much was spoken but I enjoyed that final moment.

  46. //I think that’s Bee’s strongest asset as a director – I never feel like I’ve missed a second of both the verbal and non-verbal action.//

    I love the scene near the end when they all walk down over the stairs from the plane. I think it was beautifully, the lights and the accompagnying music were great. Not much was spoken but I enjoyed that final moment :-)

  47. Well, I've clearly tipped my hand as an Olicity shipper - though mostly I just adore Felicity - but I also really appreciate Isabel's character! I think Glau is doing an amazing job peeling off her layers. I'm very much excited to see what Isabel is really up to!

  48. No - I agree with you! I loved the scene in the bar - I'm looking forward to more from Glau - I'm pretty sure Amell said in an interview that it would be a slow reveal for her. I'm just hoping we get to see some of her fight moves at some point - we _know_ Glau has them!

  49. Yes! I think becoming a great villainess also takes a lot of talent. Though I don't think it's clear yet that she is a villainess. I'm actually a bit surprised that she's not getting any sympathy for being an orphan. But then, she was pretty subtly nasty to Felicity - in a way only girls would really pick up on. Just great acting by both Glau and Rickards and great direction from Bee!

  50. I love how Summer Glau can play a bitch one moment:

    Oliver: Are we going to discuss what happened last night?
    Isabel: "Why would we?"

    And be charming and coy the minute after:

    Isabel: "I'll see you at the office tomorrow".

    Plays that kind of ambiguity is Summer Glau's trademark, she nailed it :-)

  51. Yes! And to go from "Do I look like I want to cuddle?" to rubbing Felicity's nose in it - totally conflicting signals! LOVED it! I am _so_ off balance with this character!!! It's great!

  52. And you know, they would have filmed this scene, the leaving scene, and the arriving in Russia scene all on the same day - so how many different emotions, etc would they have had to hit back to back...

  53. Excerpt from an interview with Summer Glau:

    TVF: What are you hearing from fans since you started appearing on the show?

    Summer Glau: "I don’t go on because I’m afraid that all the loyal fans of Felicity are just going to be ready to attack Isabel in the street."

    Summer is smart :-)
    Bring on the hate die-hard Olicity fans!! The more you hate Isabel/Summer, the more the writers will want to play with your feelings and add scnes with her :-)

  54. your right. if they rush into it its going to be disaster. it's really cute now that they have their moments and we fans can keep rewindding and see those parts and i guess just anticipate more.

  55. I didn't watch TSCC so I don't have many feelings about Summer Glau (other that I loved the balletic fighting scenes in Serenity), but I think they're doing a bad job of writing Isabel as a character rather than a plot contrivance. She comes on as a tough corporate raider but when Oliver blocks her, she sticks around to help him run the company? Why wouldn't she put someone in whose job it actually is to manage ailing companies (which makes her jabs at Felicity rather hypocritical) and move on to her next target? Why is she suddenly friendly with Oliver, and why would she care if he takes the jet for a rendezvous with his EA? That should come up at board level if he's squandering money like that, and if he is, it's more fodder for her to get him ousted from running the company.

    Why would Isabel care if Oliver is sleeping with his EA? Isabel's a supremely confident woman and appears to regard Felicity as scum beneath her shoe (rather a stupid move given Felicity's access to Oliver much less what she's doing workwise which Isabel hasn't even bothered to find out), so why would she care, unless she wants Oliver herself? But we've been given no hint that she's personally interested in Oliver except as a boytoy (with reason, given Amell's looks) so why bother to keep putting Felicity down?

    Why has no one remembered that Isabel Rochev is one of the names on The List?

    I think it will all be explained very well by the end when we find out who Isabel really is and why she's in Starling City, but I wish they would give us more right now.

  56. I think it's safe to say Arrow will have at least four seasons, possibly more, and I don't want to see Oliver and Felicity getting together too soon because that would mean more drama added to their relationship afterwards.

  57. Whatever Isabel's story is, I think it might be related to the secrets Moira is still trying to hide. Moira warned Oliver too about Isabel at the season premiere, and I think this and her name being part of the List are all related.

  58. the wait will be worth it. whether they get together or not we will always like them together. the laurel,isabel angle is a lot. i think the fizzle ran out in new girl cause things happened way to fast with jess and nick. hopefully arrow writers dont do the same to olicity. it's a lot of fun just rooting for tv couples. something to keep youtube-ing.

  59. isabel seems dangerous. all the girls who say they are lonely to oliver end up being bad people and he just ends up getting hurt in the end. hope oliver learns from his mistakes.

  60. i kind of like isabel in a way she is really rough and wants to be known in such a man dominated world. she is kind of inspiring the way she changes the way she behaves for every situation. she acts really well.

  61. welcome! i'm in India and i'm not really sure if people here watch arrow. my friends haven't mentioned that they do as yet. i'm glad i get to say my comments here. i can't even go on and on to my frnds that i love olicity. so thanks for the opportunity!

  62. LOL! Who wouldn't sleep with Oliver???

  63. Any time! Obviously lots of people talking Olicity here!

  64. ha ha! your funny! everyone here is ready for sure. :P it would be cool if he showed his skills doing that rod climbing thing. not sure what it's called. it would be an added bonus!

  65. The salmon run? Where he jumps the bar up the ladder? OMG - I love that! Seriously though, the stunts and action on this show are stunning!

  66. Excuse me, I don't hate Summer Glau b/c i'm an Olicity fan, I hate Summer Glau b/c SHE SUCKS!! I've always disliked her. And i hate that she's on one of my favorite shows. So you posting this interview is pointless. Don't assume I dislike her just b/c I ship Olicity, there's a lot more to it than that. Please.

  67. Out of this whole thing (i like your post) the ONLY thing I wanna see is Barry. LOL I really do, whoever they get to play him, i hope he brings it! Goes all out with the character. The Flash is my absolute favorite. (and i'm not going by all the different ones just saying in general) He's going to be so fun to watch!!

  68. Omg that would be awesome!! Speaking of training, I would really liked to see Felicity sparring more with Diggs and Ollie, she can be a real badass, more than she is now.

  69. Great review, well done.

    first of all I have to say Emily Bett Rickards was shining in this episode.I love Diggle a lot so it was great to have a Diggle centric episode. I am a hardcore Olicity shipper and I love Oliver so much and I wanted them to get together so badly but after seeing how hurt Felicity looked (and how much I cried) I now think she is too good for him, she deserves someone who appreciates how amazing she is although I may cut Oliver some slack because he looked genuinely sorry that he hurt Felicity's feelings when she saw Isabel coming out of his room and I think at that moment he realized that he cares for Felicity more than he thinks but that final scene felt like he was saying "it's not you it's me, you deserve someone better", anyway it should be interesting to see how he reacts when he sees her with Grant Gustin.

  70. // I hate Summer Glau b/c SHE SUCKS!! I've always disliked her.//

    Are you Dahne?

    I suggest you read this site's comment policy.

  71. You're right, we do agree on that scene (sorry for missing it before) although I think Felicity isn't aware of what her feelings for Oliver are, she's still crushing on him like one would crush on a movie star. It would be ironic if the self-contained Oliver realized her true feelings as well as his own before she did.

  72. Interesting idea.... I wonder what Moira's secret is.

  73. *raises hand*

  74. "Arrow" was very good in the first season--and I'm beyond amazed that the second year is so, so much better. Since I'm a huge Summer Glau fan, I want to attribute the success of Season Two to her addition to the cast. But, all of this is Prelude: the "Keep your Enemies..." episode may be the best single episode of the "Arrow". As well as the best single episode of any TV show so far this season. It clearly shows what can be achieved with comic-book characters & mythology (which I usually don't like) when you have real creative people writing and directing and guiding a young (but very talented) group of actors. Speaking of which I, too, have to single out Emily Bett Rickards. This girl is playing Felicity to the max. She never hits a wrong note. My guess is everyone connected with this show will, in the future, realize how "special" and once-in-a-lifetime their "Arrow" experience has been. .

  75. No I am not. And i've been on this site for years. My opinions are passable. Thank you very much.

  76. i cried, i was so sad for felicity! why did oliver have to do that? i don't like that woman

  77. yea! ok now that's what it's called. I was so into looking at stephen's chisilled abs i didnt know the name! he should do it more often. it makes my day!! he should post videos of him doing the salmon run! us girls will have a party for sure!! the stunts are superb. they don't seem that fake. and the arrow shooting is superb.

  78. James Bamford is the stunt coordinator and choreographer - and the stunts are amazing... Here's the salmon run for you!

  79. In the comics, Isabel is linked to Robert and becomes obsessed with him... thus making her Moira's rival even though he's dead...

  80. Thanks! I really think that Oliver just wasn't interested in the "brainy" girl to begin with and that he's slowly grown to care for her more than he realizes as you say. I think it's going to be really interesting to see what he thinks when someone else is interested in her! I can't wait! And let's face it, Felicity deserves some lovin'! At this point, Oliver needs to be punished a bit for being so thick!

  81. I've been saying this all along! Really the most talented writers' room on television right now. They have to juggle a lot of balls and story threads and bring it all together in a somewhat new way. The fact that Guggenheim, Berlanti, and Kreisberg are all still very much involved is the key - plus as you point out, an amazingly talented cast. And, not only do they have to be able to act, they also have to be able to do stunts and fights convincingly. They also have a great pool of directors - which they've wisely kept small. Fewer directors and writers makes it so much easier to keep everyone on the same page.

  82. thaaaaaaaaaaaankss! i just died and came back to the world, i could just stare at this picture the whole time! *brain clogging* *can't breathe* did u see the video then send the link??

  83. Great review Lisa i like your reviews very on point and positive

  84. YESSS, I want to see him sooo jealous that he starts fighting for her attention figuratively and literately :) maybe does A LOT of pull ups to impress her (hopefully shirtless ;) I know that's so far fetched but a girl can dream :)

  85. Back In Black Tricksteress 9516 November 2013 at 10:20

    So did they keep their enemies closer!.
    I don't know whether I was surprised for or at Felicity. I obviously didn't pick up Felix had feelings for Oliver, it was such a awkward moment for her but she got it together. I think the romance on this show is getting slightly weird for me. I get with the whole Sarah and Laurel thing. But then it was a exception with Shadow, the whole isolation could get you feeling all kinds of feelings?!. I think Oliver is always going to be that playboy, at least for now it seems.
    Digg really showed some POV!. I do hope his former wife connects back because he deserves some-one (same goes with Felix!). I am glad to see more of this storyline and who this H.I.V.E. is.
    I wonder what's next for the Queen family overall. Thea holding up and Moira looks she getting out.
    Its great to see Oliver's team is starting to meet up, hopefully they start working together the former criminal and the detective would make a great team :)
    I've always wondered if Oliver been genetically manufactured sometimes, it wouldn't surprise if they did the experiment on him and Sarah to be these soldiers.
    Its always intruging to see those flashbacks back on the island, but I wonder why its always haveto be so little. Good way to make me wait more.
    I'm thinking we're never gonna know what Oliver feeling are we?!. He needs to let out some kind of human emotion. He kinda did actually when he smiled so that's a good start.
    So much more to see this season can't wait :)

  86. Good point Lisa didn't think about that it makes a lot of sense though it keeps the tone and look of the show more consistent to i guess

  87. Well said

  88. I agree Summer played a great antagonist in this ep and played it up nicely

  89. My username might being show massive bias but if Amy Acker got a role on this show i think i might do a special kind of dance and then i will probably faint.

  90. YES! We need to see everyone training more!

  91. Of course! I've watched it many, many times! LOL!

  92. I think you should write for the show.... or at least block the scenes!

  93. Thanks so much! I try not to review shows I don't like. For one thing, that would mean that I would have to watch shows I don't like! That said, I do like an awful lot of television - But Arrow is right at the top of my list!

  94. Sadly, I think that Joss Whedon will claim her for the Marvel universe....

  95. OF COURSE I'M PULLING FOR FELICITY. She's my girl! I couldn't even get over how blown away I was by their scenes. I literally was holding my breath because they were being so OPEN both Oliver and Felicity - in what they said and the looks in their eyes.

    I just can't even! Amell and Rickards are killing me. The writers are killing me! I just can't get enough of Arrow!

  96. I'm thinking it'll happen more in the second half of the season. = )

  97. True I've always dreamed kind of sad i know lol, that she would play Talia or even Harley Quinn she could nail either role in my opinion

  98. Harley Quinn would be amazing!

  99. Saw this interview of Stephen Amell and they were asking him about salmon run and he apparently loves doing it on tv. So we might see more of it and thats a goood thing. There is this picture of him in a towel and my god was it awesome.

  100. Does this mean the olicity idiots will stop hating Isabel/Summer then.

    Of course it was forced lol though I dont think they said I love yous, and I dont see any romantic chemistry between Amell and Rickards.

  101. Felicity is a very confident woman, if anything too confident. Not all geek/nerdy types are shy and have self esteem issues.

    She is socially inappropriate at times which is not the same thing as being socially awkward and lacking confidence. In fact she is very confident to say thing 95% of people would be shy and unconfident to say. She has challenged many people in authority and stood up for herself lots of times in this show.

  102. Thank god. I was beginning to freak out! as long as isabel likes robert and even gets into a cat fight with moira and isn't making any problems with oliver and felicity all is well!

  103. I LOVE so much Summer glau she is amazing !!! I do not understand the world who hate the actor/actress when they only play a role. I'm OLICITY shipper hardcore, but I like isabel too heyhey.

  104. //My opinions are passable. //
    It looks like your previous comment was deleted, Shannon.

  105. I saw, and that would be the first EVER. SO I will continue to put my opinions on here and if u don't like them Or agree. Then ignore them.

  106. Sweet jesus I am so grateful to the Arrow team for adding Felicity and seeing the value in keeping her. I love Stephen, but the Cassidy chick increasingly caused me to lose interest in the show. Thanks to Stephen's rockin abs, I couldn't leave. Now I'm so damn happy I stayed. Hate the name Olicity, but ADORE the chemistry this pairing brings! I'm hooked.

  107. Why would people who want to see Ollie and Felicity get together be "idiots"? Or are you limiting the "idiot" designation only to ones who hate on Isabel/Summer? And if so, how does liking or not liking certain characters/actors make you an "idiot" anyway?


NOTE: Name-calling, personal attacks, spamming, excessive self-promotion, condescending pomposity, general assiness, racism, sexism, any-other-ism, homophobia, acrophobia, and destructive (versus constructive) criticism will get you BANNED from the party.