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The Originals - Review of Episode 1.08 - The River in Reverse

As the war between Klaus and Marcel comes to a head, Klaus wins the first battle. Rebekah and Marcel’s plan to take him down goes horribly wrong, leading Marcel to surrender to Klaus. We get a glimpse at a past romance of Elijah, as he’s forced to endure the hallucinations thanks to the werewolf bite his brother gave him. Hayley helps him through it and meets a member of her family. Elijah and Hayley continue to grow closer, which has not gone unnoticed by Klaus. After a confrontation between Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah, Klaus leaves the house and moves back into their old home. He takes Hayley with him, who I assumed complied to keep Elijah and Rebekah out of harm’s way. Elsewhere in New Orleans, Cami has found a way around Klaus’ compulsion by sending herself an encrypted message. At the end of the episode a non-compelled Cami finds out that Klaus and Marcel are vampires. No Davina an Sophie this week. It’s been two episodes since we’ve seen Sophie. I do hope they continue the witch storyline soon.

Best badass moment: Tyler’s appearance was very this week was very brief, which I have a feeling most of you didn’t mind. I loved the scene where Rebekah snaps his neck. She wants to put a stop to Klaus but will not let anyone use the baby to do that. I wonder what she’ll do now that Hayley is all alone with Klaus. As for Tyler, I guess he’ll be spending some time in the garden until the writers find a way for him to be useful. Maybe he can start and ‘I hate Klaus’ club with Thierry.
Best ‘Oh no she didn’t’ moment: As much as I don’t want a romantic relationship between Klaus and Cami, I do have to admit that there’s something there. Might have something to do with her psychology degree, but she’s one of the few people (not related to him) who’s not a afraid to tell him off. Klaus must feel something for her because I doubt he’d let her live otherwise. I am curious what Cami will do with her new found information. For the past few weeks I’ve been thinking she’d end up a vampire, but now I think she might find another way to get rid of the compulsion. She’s certainly dedicated.

Most tragic moment: The flashbacks of Elijah and Celeste broke my heart. It seems Rebekah wasn’t the only one whose relationships got ruined by Klaus. I’m not sure why it is that Klaus refuses to let his siblings be happy and in love, but I do hope they clarify because it is not helping my opinion of Klaus. It’s obvious that Elijah doesn’t want to get to close to Hayley because he doesn’t want her to suffer the same fate. Celeste was probably not the first love he lost. We never did find out what happened with Tatia.

Best fight scene: Probably the best fight scene of the season so far. Klaus vs. Marcel’s army. Klaus seemed to be losing the battle at some point, until his werewolf strength kicked in. After that bodies just started flying. Rebekah convince Marcel to take the coin to save his life. By taking it he surrendered to Klaus. There were a lot more dead bodies than I thought there would be. Later Marcel points out that he’ll never have their loyalty, because it’s something that can’t be forced.
Best confrontation moment: The final confrontation between the Original siblings had me rooting for pretty much all of them. I can see where they’re coming from. Rebekah and Elijah are right that Klaus has always been the one to push them away, by daggering them or killing their loved ones. It’s completely understandable that they have given up on him. And Klaus has been messing up repeatedly. But I get that when his intentions are pure for once, and they don’t believe him, it must have hurt. He probably didn’t see the point in being good if they’re just going to accuse him otherwise anyway. Like I said, I get where both parties are coming from. However I don’t think Klaus leaving was the best solution. If he wants to be accepted by his family he’ll have to slowly gain back their trust. He can’t expect to get in back in one day after screwing up for the past 1000 years.

Favorite moment: It’s not as much a favorite scene this week. More like several moments, all of which including Josh. He’s fast becoming one of my favorite characters. Most vampires on this show have been around for at least a century, so I like his fresh take on things. It’s nice to have a newbie vampire who’s not overcome with hunger and completely freaking out. He’s also great comedic relief.
Favorite quotesHayley: “So you’re having weird retro sex dreams. Get over it.”
Marcel: “Relax, if he knew, he would’ve ripped your spine out through your nose by now.” Josh: “Oh, great. Now I feel totally at ease.”

Next week will be the mid-season finale. I predict a cliffhanger that will leave us at the edge of our seats. Tune in next week for a new review and let me know what you thought of 'The River in Reverse' in the comments.

Jamie Coudeville (aka Belle333Black)
19 years old from Belgium. Favorite shows are Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Teen Wolf, Castle, Revenge and Nikita.

POLL : What did you think of Atlantis - Pandora's Box?

Supernatural – Episode 9.08 – The Gripe Review

7 Word Review - 24 Nov - 30 Nov - Review your shows in 7 words or less

Ratings News - 30th November 2013

True Blood - Season 7 - Various Articles/News and Spoilers

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The Mentalist - Season 6 - Latest from TVLine - 30th November 2013

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Grimm - Episode 3.13 - Title Revealed

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Chicago PD - New Key Art

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The Walking Dead - Season 4 - Latest from THR - November 29, 2013

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Two and a Half Men - Episode 11.09 - Numero Uno Accidente Lawyer - Promo

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The Millers - Episode 1.09 - You're in Trouble - Promo

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USD POLL : What is your favorite SPN m/m ship?

The Big Bang Theory - Episode 7.10 - The Discovery Dissipation - Promo

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Dracula - Episode 1.06 - Of Monsters and Men - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of Dracula - The Devil's Waltz?

Grimm - Episode 3.06 - Stories We Tell Our Young - Promo

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Nikita - Episode 4.03 - Set-Up - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of Nikita - Dead or Alive?

POLL : What did you think of Grimm - El Cucuy?

The Mentalist - Episode 6.09 - My Blue Heaven - CTV Promo

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American Horror Story - 3.07 - The Dead - Review

Person of Interest - Carter's Best Bits

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American Dad - Episode 9.06 - Independent Movie - Sneak Peeks

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Glee - Episode 5.08 - Previously Unaired Christmas - Sneak Peek

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Parenthood - Episode 5.09- Election Day - Review

Hi, everyone. I know this is late in the game (76 episodes to be exact), but I'm really happy to be here review all of the Braverman clan chaos that goes down on our small screens each week. The Bravermans are sort of an extended family to me and I am a bit over-attached to them, So I'm really anxious to share my thoughts as well as hear yours.

So without further introduction, lets dive into "Election Day", shall we?

I'm going to break things down by couple, since that's how I feel this week's episode was presented and recap and review what I saw and felt. This weeks episode featured a conclusion to Kristina's campaign story, Joel and Julia's marriage woes came to another head, Hank found himself surrogate fathering Max with the help of Sarah, Ryan and Amber had some issues(Gee, ya think) and Crosby...well, was Crosby.

Adam, Kristina and 2 1/2 points.
I will say that in the beginning I was not fan of Kristina's mayoral race. I understood that Kristina faced cancer and I got that she wanted to cherish every moment, but always felt the race was a long shot. Yet, I still couldn't help but root for her, because to me, she's the character with the most perspective and I think Monica Potter's portrayal is spot on. (Shame on you Emmy's for snubbing her!)
So this week when we first see our candidate out on the campaign trail, making nice with the people of Berkley for votes I can't help but hope this works out for her. There's a cute little montage here, where Kristina, does indeed kiss a baby (I mean, Really?). Of course Heather is along for the ride and at the end of montage after Kristina serves a full diner breakfast, Heather has some great news, they are only behind 2 1/2 points in the polls. They may actually win!

The only real time we had with Adam this week was when he was supporting Kristina (As he should be!). But this did give way to Adam telling Kristina "Win or lose, I'm still proud of you" followed by a scene of them both at the voting polls, placing their votes. Call me sentimental but this scene did cause me to swell with pride, it's little scenes like this, just seeing Kristina cast her vote for herself and feeling her anxiety, her triumph and excitement that get to me. It's scenes like this that keep me coming back every week.

And then came another subtle gut punch in the form of Kristina's friend with cancer. I hate that she's always used as plot device to show how much Kristina has to be thankful for, but it's so subtle that I love it at the same time. Anyway, her friend had come out to make sure that she supported Kristina on her journey and we got a really sweet moment where she tells her that she's already won before heading in to vote, joking she's voting for Bob Little. I should have seen the foreshadowing on the wall, but I was really swept up in the moment that what came next for Kristina was even more disheartening. After a quick scene of awaiting the count and of Heather muttering about trusting her gut. We were left gutted.

Kristina walks out on stage, triumphant music is playing and everyone is smiling and waving. And then she reveals that she has conceded the election to Bob Little. She goes on to mention how a year ago with her cancer she never expected to be here, that it was a close race and thanks for support and she descends into the crowd. Where we meet Emma, a special needs child and daughter of someone Kristina met on the trail. She wants to thank Kristina and I had to blot my eyes as her mom spoke what Emma signed to Kristina. Emma has moved to better school, thanks to Kristina and she thanked Kristina for changing her life. Kristina hugs her and then balloons fall from the ceiling closing the chapter on her mayoral race. It was all so fast, I couldn't really feel for Kristina's loss, maybe it was intended that way.

So what is next for her? Does she abandon her education dreams entirely? As bittersweet as the moment was, I can't help but want to know what's next for her now? Maybe school district superintendent?

Win or lose Kristina Braverman, We're proud of you.

Sarah, Hank and Max and the labors of love
Hank and Max, to me, are one of the brighter pairings on this show. I think their relationship feels most organic to me, because deep down they understand each other, and Hank is a good, positive role model for Max to have. I mean, it does not hurt to have Adam as your dad, but Hank, he just flows with Max.

This week Hank's daughter Ruby was back, and she of course was not having what Max was selling. I applaud Parenthood for never missing a beat when it comes to Max's diagnosis, his rant about his chair and things is a nice subtle remind of what Max is all about. Of course Ruby was dismissive of Max, so Hank sent her to go get some ice cream, for everyone including Max. Later when Max and Hank are in the dark room, Max just flat out says, he is going to ask Ruby to be his girlfriend. As always Max states facts on why statistically, they should date. The hesitance Hank feels is clear and on his face and I couldn't tell if he was worried for Ruby or for Max, but I knew that Hank wanted to figure out what to do. (Ray Romano has really grown on me in this role, and I don't even miss Mark Cyr, probably because Hank has something to do outside of pine for Sarah). Hank then talks to Ruby and tells her that when Max asks, she should just say yes and pretend to be his girlfriend. Hank, never pimp out your teenage daughter, ever, and if you do, don't be surprised if she storms out on you. The big revelation this gave me was that Hank was trying to protect Max from being hurt. So Hank uses this as an excuse to go see Sarah for some advice. While I appreciate the writers trying not to focus so much on Sarah's love life, do they really expect us to believe it won't circle back to Hank and Sarah before season's end?

So, Hank barges into Sarah's apartment after assuming when she yelled "Who's there?" it was "Come in". Side note: Sarah lock your doors. It's not safe, even in cushy-cushy Berkley. Hank then tells her he needs a woman now(I bet you do, hank) for advice about how to tell Max about girls. That he can not just think a girl will date him because they are the same age and have a common interest. He explains what he told Ruby to do and Sarah, always the mature one in the room, tells him, he did try to sell her into prostitution. She tells Hank to let Max know it is a two way street, she's gotta like him, he's gotta like her. Hank departs with some sage advice of his own, telling Sarah to lock her doors(word!). Later Hank departs some wisdom on Max,telling him to take his time and there's no need to rush. That it's all about feeling stuff on the inside, making each other laugh, conversations. He assures him that it will happen but that it doesn't come easy. Max thanks him and Hank smiles, and I, for the life of me can't fathom why Sarah and Hank just can't be together.
It was really nice seeing this side of Hank. Normally a plot like this would fall in the hands of Adam but he was busy with Kristina, so watching Hank act as a surrogate father to make in this situation was rather enjoyable. I like that Hank, unlike Mark has been integrated into the show outside of being Sarah's love interest and it's what makes him and Mark so different, who was Mark outside of Sarah after a certain point? Here, we are seeing layers of Hank and it's nice.

Joel and Julia.....the picture of dysfunction.
Joel and Julia. Where did we go wrong? Sure they have had their tiffs, but the roundabout these two are on currently on just makes my head spin. The episode opens with Joel and Julia walking the recently held back Victor into school. Of course there are children laughing and pointing, and in turn makes Victor upset(They really need to get him some anger management programs STAT). Victor runs into the restroom and Joel follows him. Leaving Julia alone in the hallway, when conveniently her new fried Ed shows up to be a beam of support for her in this time. Joel emerges with Victor, there is an icy interaction between them and the story moves on. Until later when Julia receives a text from Ed really late, and Joel sees it, mentions it and she brushes it off. Like really? C'mon for two people so smart, who used to really be there for each other, these displays of ignorance are wearing on me. Later when Julia and the kids arrive home from school Victor is visually upset and he of course takes out his anger on poor Julia. She bears the blunt of the blows from Victor all the time, and I can see why she is stressed, she feels alone with how to handle this. Did anyone catch that he reverted back to calling her Julia? Later on we see Julia calling Joel for the 5th(!!!) time. What if one of your children was dying or something, is it so hard to answer the phone? Here is where I am, Julia is used to being the best and I really thinking failing with Victor and not having the support from Joel is driving her to Ed. And on the other hand I feel Joel is used to never having his needs come first, to being the team player, the second to Julia, so now that he has this chance to be number one, he's letting it go to his head. What about you?

Later Julia shows up at at Joel's work "Meeting", which to me, looks like he's just eating Sushi with his boss.Of course Julia makes a scene because right now she needs him, and he's here chumming it up. She goes as far as to yell at Pete, and Joel comes to Pete's defense and once again dismisses Julia. We really use to root for Joel, thought he was the best guy, but he is letting Julia down so much, and the writers have made it hard to root for him.
It's not until later at Kristina's election party these two let things off their chests and it really doesn't change too much of anything. Julia lets Joel knows that she was drowning and he keeps repeating he championed her for years, asking her how could she do that to him, that he would never marched into her law firm and talked to her boss that way. He brings up that he championed her for 9 years and she couldn't give him 3 months. This conversation was particularly hard to watch because both actors gave it their all, and you could see the marriage falling apart at the seams. The conversation didn't change much and Joel walking away from her is definitely a low point for them. But it was superbly done on all parts. And from what I see of the next episode this is just the calm before the storm. I know that Julia is coming off needy, but she needs her Husband and Joel should be there for her, he should never feel like it's a choice and I feel like his character has done a complete 180 and needs to be rehabbed quick, is there something else he really just isn't saying?

Ryan and Amber
I hate to say, I don't feel anything for these two, but it could be because I feel like the couple is just a victim of rushed development given last seasons short episode order.
So this week we saw Ryan becoming unhinged and Amber acting surprised, though when her mother brought up Ryan's anger issues previously, Amber tried to brush them off, so don't act so surprised now. So what led up to this?
Well Keep in my mind that last week Amber asked Ryan to return that super blingin' ring, and that was an extra layer added to what has been perceived as an already shaky engagement. Amber was rummaging through drawers and finds Ryan's pills, early on in the episode, and we can be sure this was weighing on her while she was working at the Luncheonette. But Uncle Crosby came to the rescue and asked Amber to perform a scratch track for the background vocalists coming in to sing for the Ashes of Rome track he was mixing. Amber starts singing and it really wasn't bad at all and I'm sure it takes her mind off of all of what has been going on. Of course then came the googly eyes from Dreamy Band Guy.
It just feels like there is too much going on with this particular relationship, like can't wedding decisions and jitters be enough? So of course Amber comes home really excited and there is Ryan, with her favorite Chinese food, raining on her parade, he doesn't seem to happy for her, because she didn't come home for his romantic takeout dinner for two. She asks if he's mad, of course he says he isn't. He goes in for a kiss and she starts asking about the pills.

That's a sure fire way to kill the mood, ask your fiancee if he is sneaking pills behind your back. Ryan acts dodgy, and tells her the pills are two weeks old and he's not taking them. She doesn't believe him and tells him that if he is taking them it'd be okay, and he seems to brush it off. I applaud Matt Lauria and Mae Whitman on their individual portrayals of their characters, but I felt more spark between Zeek and Ryan than I do Amber and Ryan. I just feel if we flash forward to their future it will play out like Blue Valentine. Later DBG, lets Amber and the lead singer, Oliver, hear the final cut of the song in which he kept Amber's vocals.They both approve and to celebrate they all go out drinking, and Amber has ended up missing several calls from Ryan while flirting with DBG, so She finally calls him back and of course Ryan feels like he has to come rescue Amber. Ryan arrives and he picks a fight with DBG, and he just wouldn't stop beating him.

At this point I can't help but question Amber and this storyline, how long until you see you aren't ready for this, either of you? I was hoping that when we saw Amber crying at the police station and grandpa Zeek coming to the rescue, we'd hear some sage advice from him. We didn't, which was a moment wasted. Nonetheless it was a powerful moment, and you could feel the bond between those two. Reminded me of when Amber was in the car accident, and he set her straight. Now I wonder what will Amber do and how will Sarah react when she finds out, after just finally coming around to the idea of Sarah and Ryan getting married? Amber needs to be in a relationship where she is more someone's equal and less like their mother and that's what I feel here. Amber was not wrong for recording the song, nor was she wrong for celebrating, Ryan harbors some deeper issues he should work out before they work on getting married.

Crosby, Jasmine and President Obama
Oh Crosby, now that you and Jasmine are married, the best you can hope for is silly D-plots for comedic relief. Good thing you delivered though. This is definitely one of the bright spots of the episode that was so bogged down with tense moments.
Does anybody else feel like that Crosby needs to learn the art of tact? He and Jasmine are campaigning for votes for Kristina and Crosby asks if she's upset or uncomfortable that Kristina asked her, the only black member of the family, to campaign in the hood? They banter about how white Crosby is, and newsflash everyone, he's not as white as Adam. Anyway, Jasmine says that she's really passionate about politics, and that when she voted for President Obama in 2008, it was experience she will never forget and how she still has her sticker, and then Crosby says me too, I still have my sticker too! So later, while heading to the polls with Jabbar to show him how a democracy works, the truth comes out. Crosby is not registered to vote, never has been and can't register the day of, so in order to save face, he cast his vote publicly, which of course will backfire. Again, because I found this plot generally amusing amongst the other tense moments it didn't bother as much as it normally would, Crosby being the perennial screw-up. How did Crosby think this was going turn out, though? Your son, will obviously be so excited to have been a part of this process he was bound to tell his mom and then the truth will come out! Which, of course it did.
Jasmine finds out from Jabbar about the public voting shenanigans, and she becomes upset, he has never registered to vote and didn't even vote in 2008. Later she lectures him on the 15th amendment and civil rights and she tells him he better hope Kristina doesn't lose by one vote. So what does Crosby do? He waits around a street corners a guy headed in to vote. The guy is voting for Bob Little because Kristina is always hugging people because she is lonely and has a violent husband. Crosby then offers to buy his vote for $20. The guy counters and says $40 since it's really two votes he's paying for. (For him not to vote for Bob and then vote for Kristina for Crosby) Crosby later at the election party tells Julia and Jasmine he bought a vote, and they both point out how would he know if the guy actually voted for Kristina? Crosby said he looked trustworthy, to which the retort was "So trustworthy he sold a vote?". Again, this storyline was a bit on the ridiculous side but it felt needed in order to counteract the heavy drama in the episode. I do hope Crosby gets something meaty to do soon though. I get how important it is to vote, and it was much needed, but if Kristina did not win the blame would not rest on Crosby alone.

Drew was at the election party with his lady friend, Sarah made it awkward, the end.

All in all it was a solid episode, with a lot of story line progression that for the most part felt natural. I just hope that if this season is Parenthood's swan song we are building towards a conclusion that feels natural and not forced like last season that left us with "Ryber". Thus far, I'm really enjoying this season, and look forward to reviewing future episodes.

This is my first review, so feel free to tell me what you thought below. I know it's a bit lengthy but I wanted to make sure I didn't leave anything out. Anything I could change? Feedback is welcome.

So what did you think of the episode? What do you think is next for Kristina? Do you feel the election results were realistic? How do you feel about Hank and his relationship with Max? Are you ready to see Max deal with challenges of dating? Whose side are you on in the Joel and Julia argument? What should Amber do next? Should she marry Ryan? and Finally are you ready for Crosby to do something more than be comedic relief? Sound off in the comments below, and don't forget to tune in when Parenthood returns December 12th, it looks to be a good one!

Doctor Who - 50th Anniversary Review - The Day of the Doctor

Supernatural – Episode 9.08 – Rock and a Hard Place – Review

White Collar - Episode 5.09-5.13 - Synopsis

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Ratings News - 29th November 2013

How I Met Your Mother - Episode 9.12 - The Rehearsal Dinner - Extended Promo

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MOVIES: The Boxtrolls - Second teaser trailer

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Supernatural 9.08 "Between a Rock and a Hard Place" Review: Have a Little Faith

    This week’s episode of Supernatural “Rock and a Hard Place” was written by Jenny Klein and directed by Johnny MacCarthy who also directed “The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo” and who is the first assistant director of even-numbered episodes of the show. Like Kevin Parks, the other first ad on the show, he brings a wealth of knowledge to his directing duties. Klein has also written a number of other episodes, including one of my favorites, “The Curious Case of Dean Winchester.” My first reaction to the episode is that it was another solid monster-of-the-week episode and that Carver is really getting the hang of these after a somewhat uneven start last season. Also – I was SO happy to see the wonderful and super talented Kim Rhodes back on the show! Yes! And more please, show! On reflection, the episode is actually delightfully crafted and carries a number of themes throughout. The title itself is a fun pun on reclaiming one’s virginity, but is also a reflection of where Dean is: trapped between keeping his brother alive and lying to him.

    The major theme in the episode is one of faith. Vesta is the virginal, Roman goddess of hearth, home and family. This certainly resonates with the central theme of the show and in particular the episode subtly focuses on the bond between Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Sam (Jared Padalecki). According to mythology, the sacred fire of Vesta could only be lit by the friction between two pieces of wood – or perhaps two brothers? The fire is also a symbol of home and links earth to Heaven.

    Vesta or Bonnie (Lindy Booth) presides over the Good Faith Church. Jody (Kim Rhodes) tells the brothers that her church group in Sioux Falls has been in a tizzy over this new group. At which Dean says “I didn’t peg you as the churchy-type.” Sam follows this up when he asks Jody if she’s “born again.” She says no, but her brushes with Crowley and Bobby’s death left her needing something to believe in and to draw comfort from. She says she understands that he might not get it because of the special bond he shares with Dean. Sam looks puzzled but she says it’s something special. Sam’s reaction is interesting as he looks a little troubled. I wonder if this is an indication that he knows something is up and he’s having trouble putting faith in his brother because he suspects Dean is keeping something from him. Perhaps he’s not drawing the comfort from the relationship that she thinks he is. In fact, it’s clear that Dean has always found his comfort in home and hearth – which is Sam for him – while Sam has struggled on a more independent path. As we know, this has lead to Dean making questionable calls – at least to Sam – in the past.

    Susie (Susie Ambromeit) also relies on her faith to help bring her comfort. She asks Dean to pray with her for the missing people and she suggests that they end up in the pit because God is punishing them for failing their vows. Honor reminds her that she needs to have faith that God will help them.

    The final scene has Dean appealing to Sam to have faith that they will be able to solve whatever it is that’s wrong with him. It’s interesting that it is Vesta that points out that Sam is virtually dead inside and this reminded me strongly of the scene in “You Can’t Handle the Truth,” in which the goddess Veritas reveals that Sam is soulless. Zeke makes an appearance to stop Dean from telling Sam the truth. Dean is clearly at the breaking point. He’s being tortured by having to lie to Sam, and he is quickly losing faith that Zeke is telling him the truth. I suspect that Dean realizes that the longer he lies to Sam the more he is endangering his relationship with his brother and Sam being able to have faith in him in the future. Dean is also being tortured by what this is doing to Sam. Sam is losing faith in himself. He clearly believes that he may never get better and possible even deserves not to. We definitely seem to be coming to a turning point in this storyline – especially if you’ve seen the scenes for next week!

    Aside from the serious story threads, there were a lot of great lighter moments in the episode too. Ackles, as always, nails the comedy when he agrees to become a born again virgin and then in oversharing his thoughts on sex in the group meeting. Padalecki completes the scenes as the consummate straight man. Anybody else love Dean calling Sam, Kato – the Green Hornet’s right hand man (valet)? Anybody else surprised when they signed the purity pledge with their own names?

    Dean is sure that he recognizes Susie, which Sam thinks is a line. True to the way their love lives run and that they’ve just revealed in the session, Dean goes home with Susie while Sam is stuck with the poetry writing Tammy. Of course, Dean realizes that he’s recognized Susie from Casa Erotica, the porn series that has appeared countless other times on the show. The role-play between Susie and Dean is hysterical – and did anyone else flash to the tacos in “Mystery Spot” when Dean mentioned that scene with the tacos? Loved that the scene ended with an Ole! On a more serious note, however, the scene is juxtaposed with Sam and Jody’s discussion of where she finds comfort, and I think that is a telling gloss on Dean’s attitude toward sex: he finds comfort in the physical – whether it is sex, food, or the feel of the Impala roaring down the highway.

    Finally, a few words about Kim Rhodes. Did I mention the show needs to have her on a lot more – and soon?! Jody Mills is a terrific character and Rhodes plays her quiet courage perfectly. When Dean asks if she’d ready to get back in the fray after she almost died, she responds that these wackadoos just keep on coming – so she’s just going to learn as much as she can to fight them. It’s clear that she’s bonded a little more with Sam – her hug with him is just a little longer. No doubt this is because she and Sam keep having to work together to save Dean and they’ve spent more time alone together. I love the way she just pragmatically wades in and does what needs doing – from punching the virgin in the nose to get her blood to pulling the stake out of her own chest and killing Vesta. Vesta calls Jody a hunter, so I think that is a good indication that we will – and should! – see more of her. I adored her smart-mouthing the goddess. Rhodes also always nails the comedy – “Dragons are a thing?” So, Powers That Be? Let’s have Jody move to Chicago and star in that spin-off you’ve promised us, ok?

    Lindy Booth did a wonderful job as Vesta and Bonnie – Bonnie was creepily naive and Vesta her complete opposite – I loved the look on Bonnie’s face when Dean says you can’t unring the virginity bell! Did anybody else think ET when she held her glowing finger up to Jody?

    A very enjoyable and generally well-written episode. I had a few quibbles. I didn’t feel the action in the pit was as harrowing as it might have been if we’d been able to bond with the captives a little more – an hour show just isn’t long enough! Having Barb drag her fingers down the wall until they bled seemed a bit gratuitous, until you realize that Neil’s reaction to just turn away from her is a stepping stone to his wanting to offer Honor as a sacrifice. And where did that first aid kit come from? And why is there some sort of tunnel system beneath a barn? Why was Crowley and his blood addiction in the preview? Am I thinking too hard about this stuff?

    What did you think of the episode? Have you changed your thoughts on Zeke? How happy were you to see Kim Rhodes back? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

The Vampire Diaries - Episode 5.09 - The Cell - Sneak Peek

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USD POLL : Who is your favourite Wolf?

Sherlock - Season 3 - Premiere Date Announced

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White Collar - Episode 5.08 - Digging Deeper - Synopsis

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Glee - Episode 5.08 - Previously Unaired Christmas (Fall Finale) - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of Glee - Puppet Master?

Dracula - Episode 1.05 - The Devil's Waltz - Sneak Peek

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The Blacklist - Episode 1.09 - Anslo Garrick - Beyond the Blacklist

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Raising Hope - Episode 4.08 - Dysfunction Function - Promotional Pictures

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Raising Hope - Episode 4.07 - Murder, She Hoped - Promotional Picture

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Ratings News - 28th November 2013

Misfits - Episode 5.07 - Promo

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Episode 1.10 - Thanksgiving - Review

Happy American Thanksgiving and Hannakuh everyone!

Here is the story of Thanksgiving for the Nine-Niners:

The hotshot man-boy detective doesn’t like Thanksgiving, because it reminds him of being alone at home after his dad left when his mom was out working. He invented things like “mayo nut smoothie” (which is revolting, but his sad backstory trumps the insult), and watched football by himself. After getting some more of Jake’s backstory in this episode, the light sprinkling of backstory in the previous episode (with Sal’s Pizza) makes a lot more sense as set-up. This way viewers can understand Jake’s situation, without having to take in his history at the same time. Luckily, Jake once again learns a lesson from Holt (although this lesson was less didactic and more integrated into the “spirit of holidays” as it were), and in the end Jake dresses up and is thankful for his co-workers/family. And probably thankful that he didn’t have to eat Amy’s food…

Captain Holt
While Holt was all on board with Amy’s Thanksgiving celebration, as his husband was out of town, he got called back to the precinct after money was stolen from the evidence room. With Jake by his side, the two became the crime-solving duo of Barley and Jimes - an identity Holt fully embraced in order to get a fighting family to shut up, which was certainly one of the laugh out loud moments of the episode. The two solve the case, and Jimes (Holt) reminds Barley (Jake) that the “beauty of being an adult is that you can make a new family, with a new tradition.” Holt, you may seem like an unfeeling robot, but you’re a pretty cool guy.

All Amy ever wants is for the Captain to notice her. She even plans a whole Thanksgiving at her (old lady) house in order to give a speech (8 pages, single-spaced, double-sided) to impress him. But when that Thanksgiving falls apart, between the crime at the precinct and the awful food, Thanksgiving moves to the bar. But Amy’s desire to “be bad” like Jake to someday get the Captain to notice her end up breaking a shelf of glasses and alcohol, and getting everyone kicked out. In the end, Holt reads her toast and marks it up where he felt the word choice could have used some work - “I marked them “awk” for awkward.” Which is all she ever wanted. Amy’s brown-nosing can be a bit grating sometimes, but her understandable jealousy of her partner (since Jake is called before Holt much more, whether for good or bad), was resolved in a way that made sense for both Holt and Amy. He can critique her in his robot way, and she’ll be glad for anything that borders on mentorship.

Boyle saved Thanksgiving! Or at the very least saved Sergeant Jeffords from eating all the packing supplies in the precinct. Although everyone mocked Boyle’s general enthusiastic, and somewhat predictable, behavior in their game of “Boyle Bingo”, he’s the guy that would be the best to have around when things go wrong. He’s got a can-do spirit, and always tries to help people out. Boyle’s dopiness can be used to great comedic effect in the show, but it’s nice to have a reminder that in reality, he’s probably one of the best guys in the Nine-Nine.

Sergeant Jeffords
He just wanted food, after his (ginormous) lunch was spoiled when the fridge door was left open. Unfortunately for the Sergeant, food wasn’t really in the cards this Thanksgiving. The food at Amy’s was inedible, as she felt baking soda and salt were comparable, the cook had gone home from the bar, and Scully’s ceiling stash was found first by the rats. Along the way he ate some pretzels, and eventually moved onto packing peanuts, the sign of a truly desperate man. Luckily when Boyle got take-out for the precinct, Jeffords didn’t wait for toasts before digging in.

Rosa & Gina
These girls were rooting for failure on Thanksgiving, watching the holiday like it was a bad reality show. Dull and happy is not their thing. Rosa watched with slightly psychotic glee as disaster struck again and again, and Gina tried to help things along by giving Amy’s toast to the Captain to read - granted it worked out and that was cool, but she would have been happy if it didn’t. While both of these characters are a lot of fun, they sometimes come across a little similarly sadistic, as they did in this episode. It would be great to see the difference between the two to get a little variety between the precinct’s three female characters.

Scully & Hitchcock
Scully hid food in the ceiling and sang opera. Hitchcock took his shirt off, because you can’t stain a shirt if you’re not wearing one. Oh these two.

All the characters were used to effectively in this episode, each with their own agendas within the Thanksgiving celebration, and it was fun to see all the characters in the same story. And congrats to Jake for winning this Thanksgiving game of “Boyle Bingo”!

Was the chaos of the Nine-Nine’s Thanksgiving anything like yours? What was your favorite part of the holiday episode?

Bits from the Police Scanner
- “My super weird family with two black dads, two latino daughters, two white sons, Gina, and I don’t know what you are, a giant baby?” - Jake, on the precinct family
- Jake trying to take down bad guys without catching the score of the game.
- “My wife was murdered by a man in a yellow sweater, it was the one case I can’t solve!” - Holt, as Jimes
- “I’m a textbook people pleaser, it’s a problem.” - Boyle
- Holt pointing out that Amy’s turkey is wearing a top hat, not a pilgrim hat - “Where’s the buckle Santiago?”
- “Happy Thanksgiving, your apartment was very easy to locate.” “Thank you, you look beautiful.” - Holt/Amy, awkward as always.

POLL: What was the best scene in New Girl - Thanksgiving III?

The Mentalist - Episode 6.12 - Title Revealed

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Sleepy Hollow - Episode 1.12 - Title Revealed

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Final Adjusted TV Ratings for Tuesday 26th November 2013

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The Originals - Episode 1.09 - Reigning Pain in New Orleans (Mid-Season Finale) - Sneak Peek

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12 Monkeys - Kirk Acevedo joins cast

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Once Upon A Time - Season 3 - Latest from TVLine - November 27, 2013

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Once Upon a Time in Wonderland - Barbara Hershey to Guest

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CSI: Las Vegas - Episode 14.10 - Girls Gone Wild - Sneak Peek 2

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Arrow - Bose Blood Rush Episode 4

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Nikita - Episode 4.05 - Bubble - Press Release

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The Carrie Diaries - Episode 2.08 - The Second Time Around - Press Release

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Latest from E!Online - Various Shows - 27th November 2013

Hart of Dixie - Episode 3.08 - Miracles - Review

Major Crimes - Episode 2.18 - 2.19 - Synopsis

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Beauty and the Beast - Episode 2.11 - Title Revealed

Beauty and the Beast's episode 2x11 has been revealed and it is entitled 'Held Hostage'.

Source: Twitter
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Ratings News - 27th November 2013

Killer Women - Casting News - Kate del Castillo and Melinda Page Hamilton guest starring

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Sleepy Hollow - 1.09 - Sanctuary - Best Scene Poll

Glee - Fans to Choose Songs for 100th Episode

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Almost Human - 1.03 "Are You Receiving?" - Review & Speculation

Major Crimes - Episode 2.15 - 2.17 - Synopsis

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Chicago Fire - Episode 2.08 - Rhymes With Shout - Review

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USD POLL : Which gay/bisexual character had the best coming out storyline?

Grimm - Episode 3.05 - EL CUCUY - Sneak Peek 2 (US Only)

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Poll: What Was Your Favorite Scene in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "Repairs"?

The New Girl - Season 3 - Adam Brody Cast

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Mom - Episode 1.11 - Cotton Candy and Blended Fish - Sneak Peek

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CSI: Las Vegas - Episode 14.10 - Girls Gone Wild - Sneak Peek

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The Originals - Episode 1.09 - Reigning Pain in New Orleans (Mid-Season Finale) - Extended Promo

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Mike and Molly - Episode 4.07 - They Shoot Asses, Don’t They? - Press Release

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Parks and Recreation - Episode 6.08 & 6.09 - Fluoride & The Cones of Dunshire - Review

In a surprise turn of events, I’m going to make this a short review. Don’t think I can? Well, neither do I, but if there’s anything I learned from these last two episodes of Parks and Recreation, it’s that the Ledgerman gets to wear the cool hat. (Off to a solid start I’d say).

Coming off of the idea of failure in the last batch of episodes, this batch showed characters moving beyond it, and finding ways to make their current situations into as much as they can. Instead of accepting her role as lame duck, Leslie transformed herself into a flame duck, because “this duck is on fire!” (I’m thinking someone should rewrite that Alicia Keys song as the theme for Leslie’s last month in office.) Tom moved on from Rent-a-Swag by helping Leslie to rebrand fluoride, first as #TDAZZLE, then as H2Flow (which Leslie is like 95% sure is fluoride…). Not only that, but he put his swag abilities to good use to help Donna (Regal Meagle Realty - “Find Your Castle”) get Ron some good offers on his cabin. Ben rebuilds his self-esteem as the King of Accountants, and then accepts the position of City Manager, beginning after Chris leaves.  Lesson here folks, just because you think you’ve peaked, doesn’t mean you should give up.  You never know what you can do unless you keep trying.  (These are the kind of cheesy aphorisms you spout when you watch Leslie Knope take on the world.)

Noticeably absent in both episodes was Leslie’s favorite smoky-eyed friend, Ann - if she’s going to be gone so soon, why send her on exploratory trips to Ann Arbor while we’ve still got her? Had I my druthers (and I rarely do), I’d choose more pre-Michigan Ann than Chris. I’m sure it was a scheduling/money thing, but Leslie without her ethnically ambiguous sounding board and all around supporter is going to be pretty sad, and I’d personally love to see more of their interactions before the big separation. That is of course, unless Leslie gets that Pawnee/Ann Arbor bullet train set up.

There may have been an April/Donna storyline in the past, though I certainly can’t think of anything at the moment beyond Donna restoring the computers after April deletes everything in the department. It was not only a unique character pairing, but a very grounded story. Donna knows all about April and how she operates in her dark, twisty world, and yet April only knows that Donna’s pretty and likes make-up. Donna actually called April out on her lack of knowledge about Donna - one of the few instances where the negative aspects of April’s closed-off, antisocial behavior actually come to light on the show, as opposed to just being used for laughs. April puts in the work to try and figure out what dog Donna would be, and eventually realizes she’s not a dog at all - she’s a cat. The past few episodes have featured some interesting character mixes, and whether that’s just because of cast availability, or to open new storylines, I’m all for exploring the less-seen relationships.

Crazy Craig is back! It’s a good thing he’s only used in small doses, because otherwise I’D have to go rest for a FULL HOUR. But like many of the crazy Pawneeans (in this case, former Eagletonian), Craig is alright in bite-sized pieces. But a full entrée of Crazy Craig would undoubtedly be a bit much.

Jamm, Jamm, Jamm. What is your deal buddy? You’ve got a burning desire to vanquish Leslie, you have a strange and extremely uninformed infatuation with Asian culture, and you’re a lonely, lonely guy. I’ve got to say, it’s been hard to see why Jamm has always had it out for Leslie on principle, and these episodes didn’t really get to the bottom of that. But they did touch on how lonely he is - the poor guy even thinks Leslie’s his best friend, which was a truly heartbreaking moment. Even though, as Chris says, he’s “a big mean dope.”

Ben so often plays the straight man in group situations in Parks, giving the Jim Halpert looks to the camera. However, when he’s in his own storylines, his true nerdiness gets to SHINE through. After getting fired due to Leslie’s public denouncement of his employer Sweetums (and unfortunately not through his own embezzlement), Ben once again returned to the accounting firm where they appreciate his corny accounting humor, and basically idealize him overall. His accounting genius wins over even the affections of stone-faced Frank, and they all throw him a pizza party, except WAIT, it’s not pizza, IT’S CALZONES. Fortunately for Ben’s future, and unfortunately for his accountant disciples, Chris informs Ben that he could have the job of City Manager - “100% certified for realskies.” This leaves Ben to then once again turn away from the firm that loves him so much, particularly Barney. Luckily he gives them a consolation prize in The Cones of Dunshire, which was great, because A) He clearly didn’t want to throw it out, and B) All of the accounts shouting “I call Ledgerman!”

Alright, this may not have been short, but it was certainly short-er than others. If I missed something in my (relative) brevity, talk about it in the comments below!

Waffle Toppings
- Chris’ celebrity parenting books, including “Are You Going to Crawl My Way” (Lenny Kravitz) and “ I’d Like To Solve The Puzzle, Of Parenting” (Vanna White)
- Ron liking Moby Dick for its lack of symbolism. It’s just a man that hates an animal.
- Chris definitively standing up and unexpectedly saying “No.”
- “I’m not singing “Beauty School Drop-out,” it’s sexist, and I don’t do slow-jams.” - Leslie
- Donna’s favorite color? Gold for cars, red for shoes.
- Leslie’s horror at Ben’s unemployment project, The Cones of Dunshire.
- “We can watch the shadows get longer.” - Ron
- Leslie rocking a lime green pantsuit even though she’s an Autumn. (I wish I could rock a lime green pantsuit. That’s a skill.)

CSI: Las Vegas - Episode 4.11 - The Lost Reindeer - Press Release

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Blue Bloods - Episode 4.11 - Ties That Bind - Press Release

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Chicago Fire - Episode 2.09 - You Will Hurt Him - Promo

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Mike and Molly - Episode 4.06 - Shoeless Molly Flynn - Press Release

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POLL : What did you think of Person of Interest - The Devil's Share?

POLL : What did you think of Chicago Fire - Rhymes With Shout?

The Following - Season 2 - Casting News - Sprague Grayden to Recur, Gregg Henry to Guest

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Supernatural - Episode 9.09 - Holy Terror (Mid-Season Finale) - Promo

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Parenthood - Season 5 - John Corbett to Return

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POLL : What did you think of Supernatural - Rock and a Hard Place?

POLL : What did you think of NCIS: Los Angeles - The Frozen Lake?

The Mentalist - Episode 6.09 - My Blue Heaven - Sneak Peek

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How I Met Your Mother - Episode 9.12 - The Rehearsal Dinner - Sneak Peek

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Mob City - New Promo - Sleeping City

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The Mentalist - Episode 6.10 - Green Thumb - Press Release

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POLL : What did you think of New Girl - Thanksgiving III?

Latest from TVLine - Various Shows - 26th November 2013

Marvel's Agents of SHIELD - Episode 1.10 - The Bridge - Promo

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The Originals - Episode 1.09 - Reigning Pain in New Orleans (Mid-Season Finale) - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of The Originals - The River in Reverse?

POLL : What did you think of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Repairs?

How I Met Your Mother- Episode 9.11 "Bedtime Stories" Review- An episode solely on rhyme requires a review on rhyme

Lost Girl - Episode 4.04 - Turn to Stone - Promo

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Final Adjusted TV Ratings for Monday 25th November 2013

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1.08 "The Well" Review: Just Jump In

     Last week’s episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., “The Well,” was written by Monica Owusu-Breen and directed by Jonathan Frakes. Owusu-Breen’s credits include Fringe, Lost, Alias, and Charmed. She comes to S.H.I.E.L.D. directly from Revolution, and I quite enjoyed her work on that. Frakes, of course, is now possibly more well-known for his directing prowess than his stint as Ryker on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Both deliver a solid episode.

     We finally get a Ward-centered episode (Brett Dalton) and a direct tie-in to Thor: The Dark World. If you haven’t seen the movie, it didn’t affect your ability to understand the episode. I really liked how the opening sequence really felt like the opening to a movie with the voice over from Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge). We learn that the Norse gods were really Asgardians. I have seen the movie, so I can tell you that the shots were from the movie and the movie does end in Greenwich, causing a great deal of mess. I actually thought while I was watching it that there would be a lot to clean up afterwards!

     It was good story-telling to see some of the results from a number of previous episodes in the series too. Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) is no longer happy doing things a monkey could do after his time in the field in the last episode. We find that Simmons hasn’t talked to her parents since her first brush with death, and that she’s now nervous of heights.  Ward explains to them that “It’s why we’re here. Keep everything under control.” And this sums up how Ward handles his life and his past – he keeps it locked up and under control. So the very worst thing for Ward is the loss of control he experiences. Even his flashback to the death of his brother, revolves around a loss of control. He clearly wants to throw the rope to his brother but the other boy won’t let him. Ward finally takes control back, but is apparently too late as his brother slips under the water. This also goes a long way to explaining his protective streak for the “junior” members of the team.

     It seemed pretty clear to me that Skye (Choe Bennet) is now being more aligned with Fitz and Simmons than Ward, May (Ming-Na Wen), and Coulson (Clark Gregg). I think this sets up a great dynamic as we have the experienced agents and the newbies, so we get to see how the newbies learn to be agents. I’m also relieved that Skye isn’t being portrayed as able to come in and simply master being an experienced agent – which I think was a concern for some viewers early on. It’s nice to see how their relationships have already grown and changed. May agreeing with Skye that Thor is dreamy was a nice indication of how even May is slowly coming out of her shell. The scene in which Simmons is checking Ward over and he loses it, attacking them all on their weakest fronts, was a good indication of how well he’s come to know them. Their reaction, hurt, but trying to excuse the behavior by saying it was a chemical reaction was a nice indication of how much they all now value his opinion.

     Being a big fan of Peter MacNicol from way back, I was thrilled to see him on the show, and he certainly delivered as the former berserker from Asgard, now somewhat lecherous university professor. I loved the way he and Coulson bonded; both actors have such a subtle delivery and dry humor that they play off of each other brilliantly. I also thought it was a nice touch that it’s Randolph who commented on Coulson’s exceptional powers of observation. I certainly had no idea until the reveal that he was Asgardian. In re-watching the episode, Gregg’s reaction to Randolph’s Waterford 44 pen is very subtly suspicious – you can see the penny starting to drop for him when you know what’s coming – have I mentioned that Gregg’s acting is superlative? Another actor might have punched the line too heavily – Gregg’s reaction is all on his face. I also loved the scene in which Coulson urges Randolph to re-locate to the mid-west, and then offers to bring Thor by to introduce him – classic.

     The final fight scene was fantastic and brought out two more important characterization points. Coulson helps Simmons and Fitz save Randolph by sticking his hand inside his chest and keeping Randolph’s heart beating until Randolph can heal himself – as Asgardians have super healing powers too, apparently. I wonder if that could be some kind of a clue to Coulson’s own recovery? However, what he says to Simmons is even more telling: “Sometimes you just have to jump in and figure things out.” This seems like Coulson all over – his very understated courage. This also seems like this is how he’s coped with his brush with death. He doesn’t know how he came back, but he’s jumped back into his life and he’s just figuring it out as he goes – much as he did with the Avengers. Simmons then takes her cue from him and jumps in to tell her parents what’s been happening to her.

     Perhaps the biggest revelation in the final fight scene was May’s conquering the berserker staff. I loved the scene earlier in the episode when she goes to Ward who is trying to dispel the adrenaline flooding his system by hitting the heavy bag. She tells him she can help and he brushes her off. We’ve already seen lots of examples of her using other methods – like tai chi to ground herself. He brushes her off, and then we see that she is able to master so much more anger and even put the staff back together. She tells him she lives with the anger every day, so the staff really didn’t make a big difference to her. The title of the episode refers not only to the well in Ward's past but also the well of rage that May, Ward, and even Skye carry within them. I loved the final shot of May holding the staff – she certainly looked like an Avenger to me! Anyone else?

     The episode ends with three important scenes. Skye comes to Ward in the bar. He asks her how she lets everything roll of her back. She tells him that if she thought it would help, she’d rage all the time, but it doesn’t help. She offers to talk, and he brushes her off – at least more nicely this time. He then goes to his room just as May goes to hers. She has a bottle of alcohol and makes a clear invitation for Ward to join her, which he does. Were they simply talking? Was she giving him advice on how to control the rage? Were they getting drunk and getting naked? What do you think?

     The final scene is Coulson in Tahiti – or so we think until he wakes as if from a nightmare. Are his memories starting to come back now that he may be ready for them? Or is he simply unsettled by more evidence that he really doesn’t know what happened to him? I love the way they are teasing this story out. I’m sure we’ll get an answer to what happened, but I hope they make us wait until the end of the season – maybe this answer will play out in the next Captain America movie. I missed Gregg in Thor, and while I’m happy to have him on my tv every week, I’m greedy enough to want him in the movies too!

     I thought this was another strong episode, and I’m really liking the way the characters are building slowly. Can’t wait to find out more about May! Frakes did his always fantastic job directing, capturing those subtle reactions and terrific fight sequences. What did you think of the episode? Any more theories on what happened to Coulson? Are you a Ward/Skye or Ward/May? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

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