Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Revolution - Episode 2.07 - Title Revealed + Synopsis

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Revolution - Episode 2.07 - Title Revealed + Synopsis

15 Oct 2013

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The Patriot Act
Rachel is faced with unsettling truths; Miles tries to overcome obstacles; Charlie and her mother share a moment.

Source: SpoilerTV


  1. Charlie is Miles' daughter? Still convinced of this.

  2. I agree but i don't know why they are dragging it out for so long.

  3. I'm thinking they might "dubble wammy" us with the reveal of Monroe's son @ the same time...

    But I do wish we could just have a confirmation soon!

  4. i hope not we are no where near finding monroe's son.

  5. Some people think Monroe's son is the bounty hunter sent to find him.

  6. i'd like that is the actor listed as recurring?

  7. My Heart's Mirror15 October 2013 at 19:11

    While I love your theory, and I think it makes a lot of sense, there's one thing that makes me wonder.
    "Yes. The son will be in this season. It’s happening. We don’t have him cast yet. But he will be a character and a recurring one."

    But I think he might have been lying. We don't know how this whole thing went, it's very much possible that one of the reporters out right asked him if they'd found someone for this role (those parts tend to be edited out). If he'd said "yes", then it'd have been clear who he meant. Some of the writers lie, if it means protecting the story from getting out.

    And it'd make more sense if Adam was Monroe's son.
    1) He's already connected to more than one character (Charlie, and, through Charlie, her mom and Miles), so, as a recurring character, he has a chance to appear in more scenes.
    2) What would they do with another young guy when they're clearly struggling with Jason?
    3) If he wasn't Charlie's love interest, then they'd have to connect him to the Patriots in order to make him relevant for the story. Again, that's Jason's role now.
    4) Monroe already tried to kill him. Awkward enough to make the whole thing interesting.

  8. My Heart's Mirror15 October 2013 at 21:06

    I have no idea how Revolution operates behind the scenes (when it comes to this show, I'm a casual viewer), but it's been 4 months since they released the casting call, and, as far as I know (:P), we're yet to hear someone got this role. And if Jesse = Monroe's son, then we know for sure that the actor's identity is not hidden, they simply haven't found anyone yet. Usually, the casting process doesn't take *that* long. I wouldn't be surprised if they were looking for someone to play Jesse, but then, during the re-writes, they abandoned this idea and went in a different direction (in that case, they may introduce him in the second half of the season). Or he's someone else with a clever nickname, and we've already met him.
    Unless this show is known for doing things well in advance.
    This thing is way too confusing.

    When it comes to Jason, I agree with you, I would be surprised if he survived.

  9. Ya. I have noticed some re-writes already with Cynthia not being a mother anymore and really "Adam" wasn't mentioned until right before the season started, and Titus was originally meant to be a professor,and we still haven't met Annabelle and/or she has been yet to be cast as well...So it could be Jesse has been dismissed! I guess only time will tell :)

  10. I think Adam very well could be...

    "If You Kill Monroe, You Kill My Father" (Could be catch 22 if Monroe would turn out to be his biological father)

    There is only one other upcoming character that I know of who could also fit the bill, but I see plots that resemble the death of Emma with Jessica and Julia at the "same time" as we have Charlie with both Adam and Monroe.

    We are suppose to learn who Monroe's son is before the season ends, but it is suppose to be a "slow burn", but a slow burn for who, us or the characters? They could reveal Charlie is Miles in episode 7 and turn around and reveal Adam is Monroe's in the first part of second half of the season and then have it that Adam and/or Monroe do not know until episode 15...

  11. Thanks! Ah, I surely missed that interview! I guess unless he's lying, then it might be Jesse...

    as to #2: I have a bad feeling they may kill him off, since Neville is letting the Patriots do whatever they want to with him...

    But other than that I agree.


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